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Will Continue Iodine

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I have been on iodine since August. I had to start really slow due to detox

symptoms. I had to quit and ramp up on the companion supplements for 1 month

and then started again. I am now on 75 mg daily. Taking naturethroid 3/4

grain 2 times daily for 2 months now. Since upping my naturethroid, I have not

had any big 'attacks " where I go Hyper for 2 months now. However, this Sunday

night I did. Called by doc and he took me of of NT for 2 days. Had me try it

again at 1/2 grain. Took 1 dose Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday Night? Another

" attack " of the hyper's. Doc took me off NT again and had me come in to the

office on Friday. After examining me, he felt that my Thyroid has decided to

start working better. He feels it is due to feeding it with the IODINE and

taking the NT, giving it a rest per say. So I am off of the NT for 1 month (or

unless I really feel symptoms of going to low). I will continue to take my

IODINE though, to keep my thyroid as healthy as it can be for someone with


Same day I got this positive news.. Got some negative news. My initial blood

work (done by my new doctor after being mis-diagnosed for 2 months by my 20 year

family physician) was all denied as not medically necessary. I guess the

" reviewer " felt that since my TSH is NORMAL.. It did not justify doing ANY of

the other bloodwork. $4900.00 in labs billed and they only paid the Thyroid

tests. Refused the celiac's, female hormones, vitamin d, Iron.. etc... NEEDLESS

TO SAY, I AM APPEALING IT! Wish me luck.. I really cant afford to pay the

$4000 balance left!

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