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a very blocked pathway

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The original reason I found out I was hypothyroid was because I went to a

natural/alt MD about bowel immotility. For several years he has treated my

thyroid, along with hormonal things. I feel great now. EXCEPT my bowels are no

better. Sometimes there's slight improvement but only briefly.

Since this is a detox pathway & we're told to work on it, my primary question

is: how can iodine help if my silly guts will not really open up? How can I work

on it if the iodine can't help me get better?

Believe me, there is nothing anyone can Eat or Not Eat that I haven't tried.

Only when I first started water kefir did I get better for a period of about 5

months. I still drink the kefir but the improvement never returned.

Friends and family are in awe of my healthy nutritional habits so it isn't like

I'm not treating my organs well. I love local vegetables. I never eat fast food,

no sodas, very very little white flour & sugar. I use coconut oil and locally

raised grass fed everything and raw milk for kefir. I go hiking, I speed walk, I

am young looking (at age 50). But my guts don't work.

Now I may have developed diverticulitis from years of inadequate daily

cleansing. My natural/alt MD wants me to go to a gastroenterologist. I am afraid


The antibiotics conventional MDs want to use on diverticulitis!

Other drugs they will prescribe for WHATEVER it is I have!

The uncertainty of spending how many hundreds on CT scans and specialists who

may only tell me to do things I've come to believe are harmful. (Isn't the CT

scan itself harmful??)

We just ordered the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle and are thinking of trying

the Specific Carbs Diet. But with blood showing up now, I'm thinking I have to

decide about this gastroenterologist path.

Thanks for any help

stephanie mcguirk

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