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long term effects of food poisoning

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I am hoping someone may have had a similar experience to mine and would share

thier story. My story started about 15 yrs ago after food poisoning. Prior to

the food poison, I was very fit and healthy. Shortly after the food poisoning, I

went from a size 9 to a size 22 in a few months. After about 2 yrs my body

slowly went back down to size 14. I dealt with the fact that something else

controled my body because all the doctors said they didn't have a clue. Over the

next few years I would swell in my abdomen like a pregnant woman but eventually

it would go away. In 2007 I started having kidney stones one after the other

then the swelling started again and hasn't stopped. I swell up in my abdominal

area like a 9 month pregnant woman. Overall I have been to over 30

doctors/specialists and had a gazillion test and so many abdominal scans that my

insurance refuses to pay for anymore. I am tired all the time and about 2 months

ago my eyes started turning bloodshot then goes away after a day or two. I have

the appt with the eye doc but thats a few days away. Anyway I gave up hope this

past summer after a 36 day round of swelling followed by a 9 day break only to

have the swelling again for 32 days. I am determined to find the answer and

live again so I am desperately hoping someone here may have some advice. My

bottle of Lugol's Iodine 2.2 came today so I am hopeful i am on the right road.

One other thing, my feet and hands freeze in the winter and in the summer I

sweat like no one else. If anyone can help then I sure would appreciate it...


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