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Can you absorb Iodine without a thyroid

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I have a good friend who suffered with a Hyperthyroid and underwent radiation to

have her thyroid basically killed. It was a drastic decision she made in the

1970's with very little information. Nonetheless she no longer has her thyroid

and has been on Armor for years. I am certain that she has iodine deficiencies.

Can her body absorb it properly without a functioning thyroid?

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Yes, absolutely! Iodine is utilized and needed by every part of the body! I am thyroidless and take 100 mg daily. With the companion nutrients , of course!




Can you absorb Iodine without a thyroid

I have a good friend who suffered with a Hyperthyroid and underwent radiation to have her thyroid basically killed. It was a drastic decision she made in the 1970's with very little information. Nonetheless she no longer has her thyroid and has been on Armor for years. I am certain that she has iodine deficiencies. Can her body absorb it properly without a functioning thyroid?

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My 8 year old grandson has congenital hypothyroidism and is taking

125mg Thyroxine daily, should he be taking iodine and if so how much? Has

anyone else any experience of this please?


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My children were dx'd with hypothyroidism at ages 4 & 7 yrs. They both started on 6.25 mgs of Iodoral at that time. They were started on 1 /4 gr Armour (15 mgs). They are now 9 & 12 and are on 2 gr & 2 1/4 gr respectively. They also now take 25 mgs each of Iodoral. Iodine is very important to children as it assists in brain development among other things. My children also take selenium, fish oils, multivitamin, Vit D3, and B12. We also watch their iron levels as this can affect thyroid hormone and iron drops during times of growth.

Your grandson may do better on a desiccated thyroid product that offers the full spectrum of hormones - T1, T2, T3, T4 and Calcitonen. Synthroid is T4 only and requires the body to convert a synthetic hormone to a usable T3 (metabolic hormone - very important for proper development). www.naturalthyroidchoices.com is my thyroid website.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Can you absorb Iodine without a thyroid

My 8 year old grandson has congenital hypothyroidism and is taking 125mg Thyroxine daily, should he be taking iodine and if so how much? Has anyone else any experience of this please?


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