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Re: (Fwd) Inexpensive source example for companions + Lugol's source

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the " right " , or a good selenium -

and very inexpensive.


SeMSC selenium on sale (BOGO) now.



> Danalee-- Here is the email about one approach to affordable iodine protocol.




> Source links affordable companions and Lugol's. My email program doesn't

handle links

> well, so if these don't work, just got to www.vitacost.com and plug in the

relevant search

> terms and you'll find the products. You don't have to buy from vitacost, this

is just an

> example of how one can do the iodine protocol inexpensively.



> You need the companion nutrients to help the iodine be used properly

> in your body and to assist with detox. Below is a post I wrote up

> that gives sources for things that I buy:


> Vit C, Ester C: $18.85 for 90 days at 2000mg/day (minimum

> requirement)

> Magnesium glycinate: $16.40 for 90 days worth at

> 400mg/day

> Selenium l-selenomethionine: $9.00 for 100 days worth at

> 100mcg/day (min.)

> Real Salt unrefined salt: $5.69 for 26 ounces, 6

> months worth


> That totals out to be $49.94 for 3 months worth of the companion

> nutrients, plus the unrefined salt will last for 6 months. That is

> not expensive, although I understand that it can be hard to come up with the

money to start

> with.


> Vitacost, the supplier with these prices/products, has a flat

> shipping fee of $4.99 for any amount. But if you buy over $49 worth,

> shipping is free. So the above order (links below) would get free

> shipping. I would suggest adding perhaps the liquid Vit D3 drops ($10), which

is 900 doses

> of 2000IU D3, because it's such a great deal on D3. Anyway, just a

> suggestion. I am big on finding the best deals.


> --------------LIST-----------

> Ester C is one of the best, most bioavailable Vit C to buy. It stays

> in circulation in the body for 24 hours. It's $18.85 for 180 tablets

> of 1000mg, which you'd take 2 a day for the minimum dose, so that's

> 90 days worth.




> Vegetarian-Tablets


> Here is the magnesium I am using right now-- mag glycinate does not

> have the laxative effect that other forms of mag have. Two tablets

> makes 400mg magnesium, which means the bottle is a 90-day supply.

> http://www.vitacost.com/Kal-Magnesium-Glycinate-400


> You also need selenium and the methyl form is best. Here is an good

> deal, it's 50 to 100 days' worth, depending on whether you take 1 or 2 caps a


> http://www.vitacost.com/Life-Extension-Se-Methyl-Selenocysteine



> You also need unrefined salt, and the

> brand Real Salt is the least expensive in the USA. You can order that

> at Vitacost:

> http://www.vitacost.com/Redmond-RealSalt-Natures-First-Sea-Salt-Fine-S




> You can also buy Celtic Sea Salt from Vitacost, just search for it.

> In addition to taking a certain amount each day, you and all your

> family will use only unrefined salt in all your cooking. Also, if you

> have detox symptoms, you will do what is called " salt loading " which

> helps the body wash out the toxins that are causing the symptoms (can

> be headaches, sleepiness, irritability, many things).



> This is the best D3 that I have found-- cheapest by far and easiest

> to take. It is simply D3 and olive oil, and 1 drop is 2000iu D3.

> There are 900 drops in the bottle, for $10. Very easy for anyone to

> take.

> http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-Liquid-Vitamin-D-Drops-2000-IU-900-serving


> There is also a lower-dose drop for children, 900 servings of 400iu

> for $9.00:

> http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-Baby-Ds-Liquid-Vitamin-D-Drops


> So you need unrefined salt, magnesium, selenium, and Vitamin C, plus

> the iodine source. Vit D3 is excellent to add because it's so

> important for healing and health.


> The least expensive source of Lugol's (by far) is on ebay. Lugol's is almost

impossible to

> find at regular stores or pharmacies, and it's usually a lot more expensive.

This seller is

> trustworthy, I have bought from him. Seller name is The_Full_Orchestra.

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lugols-solution-4-fl-oz-2-2-iodine-

> /320674963885?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 & hash=item4aa9b7a1ad


> Another trustworthy ebay seller of Lugol's is, seller name NassauConnection:

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/4-oz-Lugol-s-Solution-Lugols-2-2-Iodine-Soluti

> That link is probably broken too.


> hope this helps,

> --


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