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bromide detox symptom duration

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I was wondering about how long it typically takes for bromide detox symptoms to abate, once a person reaches a dose of, say, 50 mg iodine/day. My breasts are more sore than usual for this point in the month (sorry if TMI), this being the first month I've begun supplementing Lugol's. I'm only taking 3 drops of 2% per day so far, so I've a ways to go. I'd expect bromide detox symptoms to continue until a short while after hitting the 50 mg/day mark, and then to steadily decrease from that point on. I realize everyone will be different because we all have different levels of bromide in our systems, and we all detox at different rates, I'm just wondering if Brownstein or anyone else has put forth an average time frame, or can estimate one based on their own observations of people's experiences. 


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