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blood pressure

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Many women I have known have low pressures like yours. Bend over for a

minute & rise rapidly. If you don't get real dizzy or black out, then

your low pressure is probably not a problem. If you get dizzy when you

rise fast, then the low pressure is a problem.

We are all snowflakes, no two alike. A norm is only the midpoint between

both extremes of readings people had.

jim :)

Tim & /or Peggy Walters wrote:


> I took my blood pressure while at the grocery store today. It was 96/56. I'm

not knowledgeable about blood pressure, but I think that's pretty low, isn't it?

I've been on a pretty intense Hulda parasite cleanse for the past 6 weeks

plus. I'm sure that's affecting my whole system. I've been on medication in

the past for low blood pressure as the doctor said it was a problem in cases of

cfs, but I really don't want to go that route again. My blood pressure rose

while on it but I didn't feel any better. And I just don't like prescription

drugs (try reading the package inserts on the so-called " side effects " --they're

effects, aren't they? Why minimize them by calling them side effects?) Does

anyone know if there's anything natural I can do that will have a positive

effect on my blood pressure? And whether the fairly intense parasite

elimination would be affecting it?


> Thanks.


> Peggy



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Dear Peggy,

Take flax oil to level out your blood pressure.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

blood pressure

> I took my blood pressure while at the grocery store today. It was 96/56.

I'm not knowledgeable about blood pressure, but I think that's pretty low,

isn't it? I've been on a pretty intense Hulda parasite cleanse for

the past 6 weeks plus. I'm sure that's affecting my whole system. I've

been on medication in the past for low blood pressure as the doctor said it

was a problem in cases of cfs, but I really don't want to go that route

again. My blood pressure rose while on it but I didn't feel any better.

And I just don't like prescription drugs (try reading the package inserts on

the so-called " side effects " --they're effects, aren't they? Why minimize

them by calling them side effects?) Does anyone know if there's anything

natural I can do that will have a positive effect on my blood pressure? And

whether the fairly intense parasite elimination would be affecting it?


> Thanks.


> Peggy




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Hi Peggy

I've only just joined this group, as well as a few others, mainly the

Beck-n-Stuff group, but I saw your post and felt that I should offer my

experiences here in case they're of any use to you.

Yes, 96/56 is low despite my agreeance with Jim's reply about everyone being

snowflakes! (nicely put Jim) :-)

I think it is a problem in CFS because both are symptoms of adrenal dysfunction.

I have these problems myself and have seen one of the UK's leading endocrine

specialists about it - mainly as I needed prescriptions for the solutions - I'd

already worked the problem out myself! I highly recommend you check out this

document on his website www.foxleylaneclinic.co.uk/ME_4.htm that will tell you

more. You can test your adrenal functioning by taking your BP whilst sitting.

Then, after letting the blood flow return to normal in your arm, stand up and

immediately take your BP again. The BP should obviously rise but in cases of

adrenal insufficiency it will drop. Hence, the dizzy reaction mentioned by Jim!

Looking at your pressure I would guess that you were standing when you had it

taken in the store ?

I'm not sure the parasite cleanse is related, especially as you've recognised

the problem previously. Having said that - if it is an adrenal problem then the

parasite cleanse, with it's additional stress on your body, would obviously

worsen matters.

If it is an adrenal problem then there are all manner of things you could do for

it depending on your own views and wishes. The problem is that the adrenal

gland is not producing corticosteroids. One solution is to take supposedly safe

LOW DOSE hydrocortisone. Also, maybe natural thyroid medication is needed as

it's often related. Personally, i started on these despite my own views against

any kind of medications. They did start to get my BP back to normal and many

symptoms were improving but I decided to try to get more to the route of the

problem myself. Firstly, i've taken a look at diet (very important) and

removed, totally, any stimulators including caffeine, alcohol and most

importantly SUGAR. I mean ALL FORMS of man-made sugar too! I'd recommend you

read SUGAR BLUES by Duffy. Obviously, make sure your diet is providing

all of the necessary macro and micro nutrients your body needs to function

properly too. My own views on diet, and believe me over the years I've read,

studied, practiced and experienced them all, but my own views are now based on

the workings of Weston A. Price. Check out the website of the Weston A. Price

Foundation for more information at www.westonaprice.org. I'm working on getting

my liver and kidneys working properly at the moment by following the Hulda

cleanses. Cleansing the kidney's in particular could well get the adrenals

(which sit on top of the kidney's) working again. So far I've removed 700

bile-green gallstones from my liver!!! When you understand the importance of

appropriate bile release for proper absorption of fatty acids, minerals and

fat-soluable vitamins like A, this takes on great significance!! There is also

plenty of information around on different types of herbs and similar that

provide useful adrenal support. Personally, I think it's more important to get

the aspects I've already mentioned dealt with though instead of just relying on

support programmes. I appreciate their support attributes may be of use

meanwhile, however. I'm then going to be looking at the Rife/Beck type machines

and protocols that I've been reading about.

Anyway, hope some of that is of use to you. Good luck and best wishes

blood pressure

I took my blood pressure while at the grocery store today. It was 96/56. I'm

not knowledgeable about blood pressure, but I think that's pretty low, isn't it?

I've been on a pretty intense Hulda parasite cleanse for the past 6 weeks

plus. I'm sure that's affecting my whole system. I've been on medication in

the past for low blood pressure as the doctor said it was a problem in cases of

cfs, but I really don't want to go that route again. My blood pressure rose

while on it but I didn't feel any better. And I just don't like prescription

drugs (try reading the package inserts on the so-called " side effects " --they're

effects, aren't they? Why minimize them by calling them side effects?) Does

anyone know if there's anything natural I can do that will have a positive

effect on my blood pressure? And whether the fairly intense parasite

elimination would be affecting it?



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Gail;

I've got several clients off their blood pressure and cholesterol

drugs. Here are three really good nutritional supplements that

reduce blood pressure.

Blood pressure can be reduced through vasodilation. This is of

particular interest to diabetics, and to people with

atherosclerosis and such. Rather than using a vasodilating drug,

you can use Noni. It has hundreds of other attributes due to

increased nitric oxide it produces. Powdered leaves are about five

times more potent than powdered juice, and Noni extract is of

course many times more potent than that.


Here's the science:


Reducing blood glucose tends to reduce blood pressure. Besides carb

restriction, inulin, a prebiotic does that. Here's the science:


Look into the comprehensive review for that information and more


Using amino acids (Somalife, which I sell) and taking an

antioxidant program. The blood pressure is reduced in this case by

restoring resilience to the artery walls, and also by repairing

organs like the kidney, which can request more blood pressure due

to accumulated damage.


Here's the science:


Duncan Crow

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  • 5 months later...
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Mine is usually 110/70


sonya wilkinson wrote:

> Does any one know what there blood pressure is?



> Ian's is 132 over 98, does this seem right for others with sma? Ian and I

where worried about his blood pressure as we know this is high, but wondered if

people with sma had above average blood pressure

> Thanks


> Ian and Sonya

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My BP is very low 95/50 and is very hard to hear. My Dr. told me it was

probably due to my SMA. But hearing how high all of you are I now think

he is wrong.


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  • 3 months later...
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Hi - yes I had extreme high blood pressure - I went into surgery with a BP of 280 /230 !! The anaestheologist hoped it was just fear !!! It stayed high throughout the first week because I was not allowed to take my blood pressure pills and only after that was I able to have the smallest of the three. After 2 weeks I was able to have all of them. I survived and am grateful, but it is not something I would like to do again with out some guidance from a physician.


Johannesburg South Africajpearse@...

blood pressure

would like to know if after anyone in the group has had an Heller mynotery open operation, have you had a problem with extreme high blood pressure? would like some help,,,,,,please

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 10/17/05 10:27:43 AM, viumber@... writes:

In Conn's syndrome is blood pressure elevated all the time or does it

go up and down. I am still trying to figure out if I have Conn's,

Cushings or both. My blood pressure was up really high. Did 2

Aldo/Renin tests The first one the ratio was very high but mostly cause

renin was so low. Second one better but still low renin and higher

Aldosterone. So after each of those Dr told me I was on medication that

could affect test. I am finally off most of my medication. My blood

pressure is high sometimes (mostly late nights) which would be

consistant with Cushing's.

Both can have labile BP esp if diet salt varies a lot.

Sounds to me like you have PA.

Google Cushing's Syndrome images and see if you look like any of them.

I guess my question is does blood pressure

go up and down with Conn's too. Could cortisol and aldosterone work

together since they are both produced by the adrenal glands? This is

all so confusing!  Violet

No one ever said medicne was easy.

Where do you live? Who and where are the Drs you are seeing? Are they Board certified in HTN?

I might know someone to refer you to.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS (Chem/Math), MS (Biochem), MD, FACP, FACC, FAHS

Clinical Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

Director, Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment Center

Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Hypertension

Published over 220 scientific papers, book chapters and 220 abstracts in the area of high blood pressure epidemiology, physiology, endocrinology measurement, treatment and how to detect curable causes.

Listed in Best Doctors in America

Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure and the History and Physiology of High Blood pressure in the African Diaspora

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  • 7 months later...
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In a message dated 5/19/2006 7:00:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, maryannanderic@... writes:

Your bp is perfect. When the bottom number hits 90 you should worry. Ideally the bottom number should be in the 70s.

OK, cool .... so it isn't the top number at all ;0)


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----- Original Message -----

From: ABrite@...

> OK, cool .... so it isn't the top number at all ;0)

The top number is when your heart is pushing the blood. The bottom number

is between beats. I guess there could be a problem where the top number is

abnormally high but in general you just have to keep the bottom number from

getting too close to 90. Below 80 is much better though.

I've been sanding varnish off the wainscotting and door frames in the

breakfast room. What a horrid job that is! I'll try to finish it in the

morning so I can start painting some pretty yellow on the walls. That is

much more rewarding than sanding! Time for a shower and then bed.


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In a message dated 5/20/06 12:14:04 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ABrite@... writes:

OK, cool .... so it isn't the top number at all ;0)


NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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  • 1 month later...
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On Jul 11, 2006, at 9:34 AM, Adrienne G. wrote:

> Was it here I saw, in the last few days, a post that mentioned

> something good ( " natural, " ) for lowering blood pressure? (Co Q 10?)

> Please advise- a friend being treated at FFC experiencing a sudden

> rise in pressure.

Low BP is a characteristic scourge of CFS, and probably related to

low blood volume and other outfalls of the common diastolic heart

disorders. Mine has been historically so low I've had nurses ask me

if I HAD one. (90/60 was typical for most of my adulthood.) Just

standing up from a chair could bring me close to blacking out.

That all changed when I got on thyroid meds, which, over time,

elevated my BP back into the normal ranges. Now, I'm pretty

consistently 115/75 or so.

You don't mention what treatment your friend is getting -- but if she

had normal BP beforehand, that's pretty atypical of CFS. And if her

BP is elevating now -- and she does have CFS -- that should be a good

sign that her heart function is improving, either due to increased

blood volume, better thyroid performance, or some other related change.

If it's elevating beyond the high end of the normal range, she should

contact her FFC doctor straightaway.


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Adrienne, this is a long shot, but I find that I have extremely high blood

pressure only in certain doctors' buildings. It seems that some buildings

with toxic mold contamination will cause my bp to go very high. In other

offices, the drug store and at home it is completely normal.

She might want to get a cuff and test herself in different situations to try

to get an accurate picture of what is going on.


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  • 10 months later...
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I hear ads on the radio for a product called " Zona " for blood pressure.

Anybody know anything about it?

They have a site at http://www.zona.com


        Posted by: " Ruby " ruby@...

rubysemporium   Date: Thu Jun 7, 2007 6:53 am ((PDT))


As I have become dizzy when standing, I decided to take my blood

pressure. I'm confused as to why my lower number goes up and upper

number goes WAY down, when standing up. Anyone know?

Lying Down 178/78

Standing     119/80

I don't understand the ins and outs of heart blood pressure. I've tried

to look it up, but it still doesn't make it clear to me....

Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.





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  • 4 years later...

why does taking iodine raise my blood pressure? my blood pressure is normally

125 over 72. i am only taking 1/2 a mg of iodine plus all the companion

nutrients and blood pressure is up to 140 over 88 and i feel miserable. why can

i not tolerate iodine? i must admit i felt more energy on it earlier today and

my mind was sharper, but by around 3 pm i started to go downhill and i have

miserable ever since. this is only my second day on it. barry

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