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Re: Re: Taking spironolactone (diuretic) & Iodoral --> is this dangerous??

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I would agree. Taking a drug like that, with that type of action, is going to

upset your mineral

balance and then you'll have a whole nother set of problems to deal with. It

would be better

to find a Integrated Medicine doctor, preferably one who is a Functional

Medicine MD, who

will test these propositions out and actually work to balance your hormones.

I know that the product called Iosol doesn't have potassium iodide but another

form of iodide,

alumina I think. It's more expensive to use at milligram doses, but if you

really feel you have

no other choice. But to me the idea of getting on a Western drug that messes

with your

mineral balance is a questionable approach if you care about your health.

Also, have you considered the possibility that the acne could be bromide detox




On 19 Jan 2012 at 17:26, Linn wrote:

> If it were me, instead of relying on a drug like this that has

> numerous side effects, I would instead find a doc who works with

> balancing hormones, do testing to find out if the acme is actually due

> to hormonal flare ups, and can add in bio-identical hormones if

> needed.


> Linn

> Moderator



> > > Wondering if anyone is taking these medications together or can

> advise on > whether I have to choose one or the other. > > I've been

> taking Iodoral for a few years now - worked my way up to 200 mg which

> > is quite high, but I've had no symptoms. > > However, I've been

> suffering from persistent hormonal acne flare-ups that come > in the

> week before my menstrual cycle. I was at the end of my rope so my >

> dermatologist prescribed spironolactone (100 mg daily) which is a

> diuretic with > anti-androgen effects. Basically it reduces the

> testosterone so your hormone > levels are more even. I didn't want to

> go on the birth control pill. > > I just started the medication but

> realized that Iodoral is POTASSIUM iodide and > you're supposed to

> watch your potassium intake with spironolactone since it > causes your

> body to hang on to potassium. > > I found this warning on the web: > >

> SPIRONOLACTONE in Spironolactone may interact with POTASSIUM IODIDE in

> Potassium > Iodide > Spironolactone may prevent excess potassium from

> being removed from the body in > the urine. If this happens, blood

> levels of potassium could be increased and > this could cause an

> increase in serious or potentially life-threatening side > effects.

> Potential side effects that can occur with high blood levels of >

> potassium include numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, muscle

> weakness, > and confusion. In severe cases, this may cause a dangerous

> decrease in blood > pressure, an abnormal heart rhythm, and death. An

> elevated blood level of > potassium may result when spironolactone is

> taken with potassium iodide, > especially when nutritional supplements

> or salt substitutes that contain > potassium are used at the same

> time. Spironolactone and potassium iodide should > generally not be

> taken together unless your doctor determines that your blood > level

> of potassium is abnormally low. If these drugs must be used together,

> your > doctor may want to monitor you on a regular basis to make sure

> that you are not > getting too much potassium. If you are experiencing

> problems, it may be > necessary to adjust the dose of potassium

> iodide. Ask your healthcare provider > about these drugs and this

> potential interaction as soon as possible. > > This interaction is

> well-documented and is considered major in severity. > -- > > Now I'm

> TERRIFIED! > > I don't have any doctors here with experience in iodine

> so of course they will > tell me to stop using the Iodoral. I'm

> reluctant to give it up since I'm a > thyroid cancer survivor and feel

> that I need to be on it for life (I actually > was able to reduce my

> dose of thyroid hormone by 30 mg thanks to Iodoral). > > I am however

> willing to reduce my dose to a " maintenance dose " of maybe 12.5 or >

> 25 mg instead of the 200mg. > > But I just can't stand the hormonal

> acne so I'm really struggling here with what > to do. > > Does anyone

> have any experience with this? Any thoughts would be greatly >

> appreciated. Thank you. >





> ------------------------------------


> Owner: Buist, ND HC

> Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn


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