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Hashi's Question

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I was recently diagnosed with Hashi's and am confident I'm iodine deficient

(have been paleo and unprocessed diet for 2 years with little to no salt/iodine

in diet). I have long been taking the support nutrients so once I was diagnosed,

I increased my doses of those to support levels and a week later started the

Iodoral. I've been increasing my dose every 4 days starting at 12.5, 25, 37.5

and then up to 50. I'm on day 2 of 37.5. What I have noticed is that the first

day I increase my dose I'm exhausted and at the end of the day a bit itchy all

over. The next day, the itchies are gone and the fatigue is as well. I've worked

hard the last year on my liver health and my gut health, so I'm assuming that

has worked in my favor with the protocol. My question is this, should I just

stay at 50mg, or should I up the dose until I notice more detox symptoms and

back off a bit there? I know at 50mg it will take me awhile to get to saturation

levels, but everything I've read about Hashi's refers to a 50mg dose. Are there

any guidelines that I've missed?

Thanks for the guidance, this is an amazing group.


Tickety Bu


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Hi Kristi,

Are you on thyroid hormones? If you are it could be you need more not less iodine from what Dr brownstein advises in his book. I’m hashi as well and to be honest after years of trying to go just natural with no hormones it is not happening. However, I encourage you to stay on the excellent diet of eating well and taking iodine, complimentary supplements and the salt daily because it will keep you on a lower dose of thyroid hormone and balance you much better than without. I’m certain that the less iodine means the more problems with hashi and the higher the meds one has to take which doesn’t always resolve everything. I take anywhere from 25-75 mg of lugol’s. I’ve done a lot of high dosing after many years of being on iodine but it was for other issues and not for the thyroid, it did not throw anything with my thyroid off balance and so just keep dosing up to the point you feel comfortable and feel some energy but divide your dosing and if at all possible your thyroid meds might be better in two doses as well, which is what I do. =) I do pretty good around 200mg for a few months but if I go up further I start to get tired, down at 75 is a better spot for me for long term and then I will take a month break from that and do 25. I don’t stick to a one dose fits my body all the time, I play with it and make sure to get lots of vitamin c. Overall hashi is a real challenge but don’t let it deter you, you can get a good balance and you will say...wow, I feel better than before this all started! I get itchy too if I forget to take my thyroid medications....these meds really help this problem lots. Use a good organic oil like almond or camilla oil for your body, nothing from the store, not even the organic brands they are selling..maybe make your own lotion if you have an interest in this. Oh and make sure you are getting a good balance of fats from food, not oils, food. Krill oil might be a good option for fish oil as that is important too and will help correct some of the dry skin, or if you can handle cod liver oil.

I hope this helps you somewhat. Chin up, you will get a balance at some point and feel so well. =) I know it’s not easy.

Kind Regards


From: Kristi

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:26 PM


Subject: Fwd: Hashi's Question

Just a gentle bump to see if anyone has any guidance for me. Thanks,

Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kristi <kristiashley@...>

Date: January 19, 2012 8:46:45 AM EST


Subject: Hashi's Question


I was recently diagnosed with Hashi's and am confident I'm iodine deficient (have been paleo and unprocessed diet for 2 years with little to no salt/iodine in diet). I have long been taking the support nutrients so once I was diagnosed, I increased my doses of those to support levels and a week later started the Iodoral. I've been increasing my dose every 4 days starting at 12.5, 25, 37.5 and then up to 50. I'm on day 2 of 37.5. What I have noticed is that the first day I increase my dose I'm exhausted and at the end of the day a bit itchy all over. The next day, the itchies are gone and the fatigue is as well. I've worked hard the last year on my liver health and my gut health, so I'm assuming that has worked in my favor with the protocol. My question is this, should I just stay at 50mg, or should I up the dose until I notice more detox symptoms and back off a bit there? I know at 50mg it will take me awhile to get to saturation levels, but everything I've read about Hashi's refers to a 50mg dose. Are there any guidelines that I've missed?Thanks for the guidance, this is an amazing group.Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

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Lulu, Thanks so very much for the reply. I'm not on thyroid hormone yet, was just diagnosed two weeks ago and am supporting my adrenals first as they have been a bit fatigued. I will increase iodine until I feel a good balance, thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I have been taking cod liver oil and a good fish oil, but will be adding krill to the mix since I just found out my ferritin is a bit higher than optimal. I use coconut oil on my skin, so that's good. And the companion nutrients have been great, I won't drop those for sure. Thanks again!Kristi

Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

On Jan 25, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Lulu wrote:

Hi Kristi,

Are you on thyroid hormones? If you are it could be you need more not less iodine from what Dr brownstein advises in his book. I’m hashi as well and to be honest after years of trying to go just natural with no hormones it is not happening. However, I encourage you to stay on the excellent diet of eating well and taking iodine, complimentary supplements and the salt daily because it will keep you on a lower dose of thyroid hormone and balance you much better than without. I’m certain that the less iodine means the more problems with hashi and the higher the meds one has to take which doesn’t always resolve everything. I take anywhere from 25-75 mg of lugol’s. I’ve done a lot of high dosing after many years of being on iodine but it was for other issues and not for the thyroid, it did not throw anything with my thyroid off balance and so just keep dosing up to the point you feel comfortable and feel some energy but divide your dosing and if at all possible your thyroid meds might be better in two doses as well, which is what I do. =) I do pretty good around 200mg for a few months but if I go up further I start to get tired, down at 75 is a better spot for me for long term and then I will take a month break from that and do 25. I don’t stick to a one dose fits my body all the time, I play with it and make sure to get lots of vitamin c. Overall hashi is a real challenge but don’t let it deter you, you can get a good balance and you will say...wow, I feel better than before this all started! I get itchy too if I forget to take my thyroid medications....these meds really help this problem lots. Use a good organic oil like almond or camilla oil for your body, nothing from the store, not even the organic brands they are selling..maybe make your own lotion if you have an interest in this. Oh and make sure you are getting a good balance of fats from food, not oils, food. Krill oil might be a good option for fish oil as that is important too and will help correct some of the dry skin, or if you can handle cod liver oil.

I hope this helps you somewhat. Chin up, you will get a balance at some point and feel so well. =) I know it’s not easy.

Kind Regards


From: Kristi

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:26 PM


Subject: Fwd: Hashi's Question

Just a gentle bump to see if anyone has any guidance for me. Thanks,

Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kristi <kristiashley@...>

Date: January 19, 2012 8:46:45 AM EST


Subject: Hashi's Question


I was recently diagnosed with Hashi's and am confident I'm iodine deficient (have been paleo and unprocessed diet for 2 years with little to no salt/iodine in diet). I have long been taking the support nutrients so once I was diagnosed, I increased my doses of those to support levels and a week later started the Iodoral. I've been increasing my dose every 4 days starting at 12.5, 25, 37.5 and then up to 50. I'm on day 2 of 37.5. What I have noticed is that the first day I increase my dose I'm exhausted and at the end of the day a bit itchy all over. The next day, the itchies are gone and the fatigue is as well. I've worked hard the last year on my liver health and my gut health, so I'm assuming that has worked in my favor with the protocol. My question is this, should I just stay at 50mg, or should I up the dose until I notice more detox symptoms and back off a bit there? I know at 50mg it will take me awhile to get to saturation levels, but everything I've read about Hashi's refers to a 50mg dose. Are there any guidelines that I've missed?Thanks for the guidance, this is an amazing group.Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

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Hi Kristi,

You are very welcome and it looks like you have covered the areas for your skin so perhaps once you get your adrenals strengthened, glad to hear, that perhaps if you get on the thyroid hormone the dryness will get better. I have found lack of T3 is a huge problem with dry skin, not sure why the medical community doesn’t because they sure do push the t4 that many have trouble converting.

So glad to be of help and please keep us posted, would be so interested in your progress. I was on a thyroid list for quite a while but there seemed to be a lot of bickering going on so I stopped. lol

Kind Regards


From: Kristi

Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:16 PM


Subject: Re: Hashi's Question


Thanks so very much for the reply. I'm not on thyroid hormone yet, was just diagnosed two weeks ago and am supporting my adrenals first as they have been a bit fatigued. I will increase iodine until I feel a good balance, thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I have been taking cod liver oil and a good fish oil, but will be adding krill to the mix since I just found out my ferritin is a bit higher than optimal. I use coconut oil on my skin, so that's good. And the companion nutrients have been great, I won't drop those for sure.

Thanks again!


Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

On Jan 25, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Lulu wrote:

Hi Kristi,

Are you on thyroid hormones? If you are it could be you need more not less iodine from what Dr brownstein advises in his book. I’m hashi as well and to be honest after years of trying to go just natural with no hormones it is not happening. However, I encourage you to stay on the excellent diet of eating well and taking iodine, complimentary supplements and the salt daily because it will keep you on a lower dose of thyroid hormone and balance you much better than without. I’m certain that the less iodine means the more problems with hashi and the higher the meds one has to take which doesn’t always resolve everything. I take anywhere from 25-75 mg of lugol’s. I’ve done a lot of high dosing after many years of being on iodine but it was for other issues and not for the thyroid, it did not throw anything with my thyroid off balance and so just keep dosing up to the point you feel comfortable and feel some energy but divide your dosing and if at all possible your thyroid meds might be better in two doses as well, which is what I do. =) I do pretty good around 200mg for a few months but if I go up further I start to get tired, down at 75 is a better spot for me for long term and then I will take a month break from that and do 25. I don’t stick to a one dose fits my body all the time, I play with it and make sure to get lots of vitamin c. Overall hashi is a real challenge but don’t let it deter you, you can get a good balance and you will say...wow, I feel better than before this all started! I get itchy too if I forget to take my thyroid medications....these meds really help this problem lots. Use a good organic oil like almond or camilla oil for your body, nothing from the store, not even the organic brands they are selling..maybe make your own lotion if you have an interest in this. Oh and make sure you are getting a good balance of fats from food, not oils, food. Krill oil might be a good option for fish oil as that is important too and will help correct some of the dry skin, or if you can handle cod liver oil.

I hope this helps you somewhat. Chin up, you will get a balance at some point and feel so well. =) I know it’s not easy.

Kind Regards


From: Kristi

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:26 PM


Subject: Fwd: Hashi's Question

Just a gentle bump to see if anyone has any guidance for me. Thanks,

Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kristi <kristiashley@...>

Date: January 19, 2012 8:46:45 AM EST


Subject: Hashi's Question


I was recently diagnosed with Hashi's and am confident I'm iodine deficient (have been paleo and unprocessed diet for 2 years with little to no salt/iodine in diet). I have long been taking the support nutrients so once I was diagnosed, I increased my doses of those to support levels and a week later started the Iodoral. I've been increasing my dose every 4 days starting at 12.5, 25, 37.5 and then up to 50. I'm on day 2 of 37.5. What I have noticed is that the first day I increase my dose I'm exhausted and at the end of the day a bit itchy all over. The next day, the itchies are gone and the fatigue is as well. I've worked hard the last year on my liver health and my gut health, so I'm assuming that has worked in my favor with the protocol. My question is this, should I just stay at 50mg, or should I up the dose until I notice more detox symptoms and back off a bit there? I know at 50mg it will take me awhile to get to saturation levels, but everything I've read about Hashi's refers to a 50mg dose. Are there any guidelines that I've missed?Thanks for the guidance, this is an amazing group.Kristi Tickety BuTicketyBu.com

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