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MTHFR results/need some help

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I am hoping that you can shed some light on my feeling very ill and the results

of the MTHFR test results which I received yesterday. I know that you have

stated that you are positive, so here are my results and my questions:

" Positive for one copy of the C677T mutation, and one copy of the A1298C

mutation "

My naturopath wants to raise my bi-weekly injection dose of methyl B12 from 1250

mcg to 2000 mcg, because she said the test results show that I have problems

processing B12. Since I won't be able to talk to her until Tuesday, would

increasing the B12 dose even make a difference? In other words, if I have

trouble processing B12, why would I be able to process a higher dose?

Before you think this is OT, I have been on Iodoral (12 - 28 mg) for about 4

months now, along with dessicated thyroid and all the companion nutrients. I

thought the iodine was helping, but in the last month, I have felt so sick every

day. I have tried pulse dosing and also just cutting back, but nothing seems to


Would a person with this DNA mutation have problems using iodine internally? I

am at a loss here; any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Pam H.

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