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Issues taking Iodine and Sleep; Possible Liver Issue

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I keep trying to take iodine and have tried about six or seven times in the last

six months and I keep getting the same result. I start with a drop of 2% Lugols

and do that for about a day or two and then do 2 drops for about a day and then

start on half a tablet (12.5mg tablet) of Iodoral. The first day of the

Iodoral, I feel really really good, but by the second or third day on half a

tablet, I start getting this odd pain at the bottom of my right ribcage. On

that night I cannot sleep. This is even after the previous night where I

usually sleep very well on the same amount of iodine. The next day I have a

terrible hangover feeling and after the first time, I learned to stop the iodine

if I want my sleep to return to normal in about a day or two. I am taking the

supplemental nutrients, but not the ATP cofactors as most forms of Niacin give

me similar effects as iodine, but only after a day of using it. I have tried

two liver herbs to no success. I have tried the Siliphos form of milk thistle

by Thorne and Chanca Piedra. They do not seem to hurt or help. I should stress

that the iodine does not cause a feeling of anxiety for me and it gives me many

beneficial effects (skin, blood sugar, energy, sexual) up until the sleepless

night. I definitely think that it is doing something positive. If anyone has

any advice to how to approach this, I would love to hear it.



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