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Iodine loading test questions

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What exactly does " 24 hour urine " mean? Does it mean I have to collect urine

samples round the clock for 24 hours?

I've heard you are supposed to stop any supplement containing iodine for 48

hours before taking the test. Do I need to avoid seafood and any food that may

have trace iodine in it during the test?


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Yes when you start the test day you:

1. Arise in the morning and urinate.

2. Take 50 mgs of Iodoral

3. Collect urine from this point on until first urine of the morning.

I have had to do this several times and I keep the collection container in a cooler on ice in the bathroom during the night in case I had to get up.

Buist, ND HC

Iodine loading test questions

What exactly does "24 hour urine" mean? Does it mean I have to collect urine samples round the clock for 24 hours?I've heard you are supposed to stop any supplement containing iodine for 48 hours before taking the test. Do I need to avoid seafood and any food that may have trace iodine in it during the test?Thanks!

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Presumably someone has already responded to this, but as I get the Digest a few

times a day, I'm not certain. A 24 hour urine is literally pretty much every

drop that you produce in a 24 hr period. so it's best done on a day when you can

be home all day. It is not just 2 single samples.

This is important because your urine concentration and composition will vary

considerably throughout the day, depending on how much and what you've eaten and

drunk. In the large jug, it all gets mixed together and reflects average

picture of the whole day. Otherwise, a point of very heavy or very light

excretion of whatever substance is being measured might be missed, giving a

distorted view of the whole.

When I've had to do such a collection for other reasons, I've had to keep it

refrigerated until I hand carry my jugs back to the doctor or lab. (I live in a

very dry climate and have to drink a lot, so I need more than one jug.) Letting

it stand at room temperature leads to bacterial growth that contaminates the

sample and can generate inaccurate test results. Not having used a mail system,

I'm not sure if they might have you shake or stir contents of jug and then pour

off a smaller amount, seal it somehow, then mail, to reduce the package weight.

Again, I haven't done iodine loading test myself, but the other 24 urine

collection tests I've done have had some minor dietary restrictions, so as not

to skew the results. Consequently, I'd assume that you'd need to go easy on

iodine rich foods for those few days (the 48 hr pre-test period when you don't

use iodine as a supplement, plus the 24 hour collection period.)

It is confusing the first time through, and I appreciate your efforts to get it

right the first time. Don't let planning the timing/free day stress you. Sure

is easier than 7+ days of restricted diet for fecal tests, then having to be

home when you need to go so you can collect it multiple times! LOL

Pam H

> >

> > Yes when you start the test day you:

> >

> > 1. Arise in the morning and urinate.

> > 2. Take 50 mgs of Iodoral

> > 3. Collect urine from this point on until first urine of the morning.

> >

> > I have had to do this several times and I keep the collection container in a

cooler on ice in the bathroom during the night in case I had to get up.

> >

> > Buist, ND HC

> >

> >

> > Iodine loading test questions

> >

> >

> >

> > What exactly does " 24 hour urine " mean? Does it mean I have to collect

urine samples round the clock for 24 hours?

> >

> > I've heard you are supposed to stop any supplement containing iodine for

48 hours before taking the test. Do I need to avoid seafood and any food that

may have trace iodine in it during the test?

> >

> > Thanks!

> >


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