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Hi all! Question from a person with mercury toxicity...

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Hi everyone! I'm just new to this forum...have been a member for a while lurking

and decided to post some questions some of you may be able to help me out with!

Background: 22 year old male, became mercury toxic from eating tuna (4.0 on a

scale of >0.80 on hairtest), chelating via cutler protocol since October 2010

with roughly 48 rounds done now. I feel waaaaay better and have reduce a ton of

my symptoms EXCEPT low body temperature and miserably cold hands!

I have been taking 50-150mg iodine along with vit c, mag, selenium, and b vits

but have noticed no improvement in my cold hands at all. I have however noticed

a massive stirup of mercury or other heavy metals (Ive learned to just tell when

my blood has toxins in it by the certain way i feel). Probably flouride and

bromides wouldnt doubt it but thats not what im concerned about...im concered

about becoming warm and upping my t4->t3 conversion!!

Blood test done last year was:

T4(free): 16 (12-22)

T3(free): 3.3(4.0-6.2)

I know many people recommend zinc and selenium to raise the t3 conversion but

this does absolutely nooooothing for me at best and at worst makes me colder

than i already am. Also vitamin c seems to make me colder as well...

Anyways was wondering if anyone could give some input in why you think the

things that are suppose to help t3 conversion make me worse?

Also -- I notice when i eat alot of peanut butter or potatoes in one go or take

MASSIVE amounts of calcium (2,500mg a day) I feel warmer a few hours

later...what do you think could cause this?

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