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thyroid blood tests

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Hi there!

Did I remember correctly that T3 Free should be on the high end and T4 Free

should be in the mid range?

Is 2.91 (2.4-4.20) considered to be low and a concern for T3?

1.340 (0.800-1.700) T4

TSH 2.130

Im deciding whether to get my 20 yr. old college student to start taking oidine

for general wellbeing (also has occasional asthma triggered by respiratory


but more specifically to boost his thyroid.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple years after he was born and know


is an heriditary factor.

My only concern with his beginning iodine protocol is that college life makes it

challenging to do the protocol on a daily basis.

Thank you! Really enjoy reading all the posts !


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