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Coconut oil will raise your temperature by 1 degree..

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nah coconut oil see email below

,Something else that helps elevate low body temperature is to add a tablespoon of coconut oil -- aka: coconut "fat" since it's solid at room temperature -- to your diet because it helps to increase metabolism. Someone in this group reported that when she started eating coconut fat daily that her low body temperature increased by one degree, so I tried it, and I was surprised that the same thing happened to me, too - along with a very welcome increase in energy.The reason for this is the coconut fat contains medium chain triglycerides which are burned for fuel by the body. Here's a link to help you understand the value of coconut in your diet. http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/ Furthermore, the fatty acids in coconut help the body to utilize iodine better although I've forgotten how they do that. Perhaps someone else

can explain it for you. I'm pretty sure coconut fat helps with the "good kind" of cholesterol too, but I can't remember about that fact for sure. I'm sure you'll find the answer to that at the Coconut Research Center's website, posted above.> > > > > I used to have cold extremities and did the " Syndrome" protocol, > > > where you chase your temperature with T3 and when you have it normal, > > > slowly wean off the T3. It worked and I stopped having indigestion and > > > heartburn. That's been about 10 years ago.> >

>> > > My cholesterol used to be 375 without statins, and 250 with a heavy dose > > > of Lipitor. I had my mercury filling removed and also did the Cutler > > > protocol and now it's 150 with a very low dose of generic mevacor. > > > Don't know if it's the Hg detox, but don't know what else would have > > > done it. I discovered Vitamin D3 about two years ago and have just > > > discovered Iodine or at least how most of us are very low in it. I've > > > started supplementing and seem to be experiencing elevated mood and > > > energy, but comes and goes. I've only increased my iodine intake for > > > about two weeks.> > >> > > RO

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