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I Feel Awful

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I've been taking 2 drops of 5% Lugol's solution with 1/4 tsp of Real Salt in a

glass of warm water in the morning and in the afternoon. At night, I take 1/4 -

1/2 tsp of Natural Calm. I've been doing this for about two weeks. I feel awful.

I have no energy and my nose is constantly dripping without any sinus

congestion. I don't know if I have a winter bug or if I'm doing something

terribly wrong. I started the Lugol's, not to treat any ailments, but to develop

optimum health. I haven't taken any of the other supplements listed in the

protocol because I loathe taking supplements let alone medications. Will the

supplementing I'm doing now make me feel this way initially or have I caught a

bug? I thought I would continue this for a month or more before making any

conclusions, good or bad, but I can't take this anymore.



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Hi Kate,

Did you read the Guide to Supplementing with Iodine that you were sent when you joined? If you didn’t save it, then please go to Files, then New Members Read First, then scroll down to The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine. A lot of time and energy has gone into that Guide, and you will learn much there. You will read how important it is to take the companion nutrients and why/how they work with iodine. You will also read about the Salt Loading Protocol which is very helpful in dealing with detox symptoms, which is what you are experiencing.

Again, read as much as you can in that Guide, and then feel free to ask questions. We are here to help!

Kind regards,



Iodine Group

I Feel Awful

I've been taking 2 drops of 5% Lugol's solution with 1/4 tsp of Real Salt in a glass of warm water in the morning and in the afternoon. At night, I take 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of Natural Calm. I've been doing this for about two weeks. I feel awful. I have no energy and my nose is constantly dripping without any sinus congestion. I don't know if I have a winter bug or if I'm doing something terribly wrong. I started the Lugol's, not to treat any ailments, but to develop optimum health. I haven't taken any of the other supplements listed in the protocol because I loathe taking supplements let alone medications. Will the supplementing I'm doing now make me feel this way initially or have I caught a bug? I thought I would continue this for a month or more before making any conclusions, good or bad, but I can't take this anymore.Sincerely,Kate

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