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Re: Brittle/Flaky Nails..could be too much iodine?

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I have not changed any detergent or soap...I am very curious to find out the

cause. I usually have very strong nails...this week 4 of my right hand nails are

flaking/breaking. I wonder if I am taking too much iodine? (260mg)



> >

> > Hello,

> > I have been taking iodine for 3 months now. I take about 260 mg lugols for

an ovary cyst. My hair stop falling but now I have brittle nails.

> > I take all supplements and salt and have had little detox symptoms, just a

few headaches. This week I noticed all my right hand finger nails are

flaking...I know that is usually a sign of lack of vitamins...I take a

multi-vitamin with my other supplements... I am just wondering if this is a

detox symptom or just a coincidence. Any ideas?

> > Thanks!

> > Letmar

> >


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