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detox and a success in liver cleansing

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I just wanted to report and share my experience. I have been on iodine with the

companion nutrients since November of last year. Initially I felt great. Over

the months I worked my way up to 11 drops of 5% lugols, but increasingly felt

fatigued, bloated, and was gaining weight. I read about liver cleanses and the

build up of toxins released by the iodine supplementation. I know I couldn't

stomach the liver cleanses that have you drink olive oil and citrus blended.

Last week I started taking the Designs for Health Detox support packets morning

and night. I have to say that I feel better than I have in a long time - like a

30lb weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I don't feel as bloated, but

haven't stepped onto a scale yet. I am currently taking 2 days off of iodine to

help my body cleanse things, and I plan on starting back at a slightly lower

dose in hopes that my body can keep up with the detox this time. I know another

similar liver detox supplement is recommended on here, but I wanted to share my

experience with a similar company, and to let others know that if you still feel

insanely fatigued with no improvement, it may be that your detox pathways are


Here is what I have been taking:




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