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Stable adrenals before starting iodoral?

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I'm still working on getting my adrenals stable and improving iron levels in

order to get up to my optimal dose of NTH. (getting help from the adrenals

group) I'm taking all the companion nutrients. Do I need to wait until my

adrenals and thyroid are optimal before starting iodine? I've been eating 100%

gluten free for a year now and was 90% gluten free four years before that. I do

not have any amalgams in my mouth anymore and completed mercury chelation

therapy years ago. I also have a water filter that gets rid of flouride. Oh,

I've also been taking a scoop of UltraClear every day for about 5 days now.

I have and read " Iodine why we need it and why we can't live without it " and

read through the iodine protocol several times. The detoxing could be stressful

on my adrenals, but on the other hand, the iodine could help with my thyroid

which in turn could help the adrenals. It is all such a cycle and catch 22 in

many ways! Very hard to determin the sequence to do this!



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