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Another short term fix that helped us with the really harsh coughing was Red

Rose decaf tea with honey - it worked really well.

Hope you figure it out soon - coughing can be so exhausting :)

Nadine Briggs, Founder, Social Smart Kids

E-Mail Address: nbriggs@...


" Many people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else

thought they could. "

- Anonymous

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That is so awesome! And I love his explanation. I think I will have to

use that one when I run into that kind of insensitive talk.

~~~~~~ If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover

those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and

that all reality has spiritual control. ~~~~ Luther King, Jr.

On 1/23/2010 9:38 AM, Loree5@... wrote:


> I am so proud of my 14 year old ninth grader I just had to share.? In

> his biology class they are talking about chromosomes and how they

> work.? Each group (they have been broken into groups) gets

> instructions to do this project and ultimately end up with the

> chromosomes messed up and have to go to the book to figure out what is

> wrong.? Well my son Caleb's group and the group next to his ended up

> with Down Syndrome.? Right away the kids started using the big R word

> and laughing.? The word does not normally bother me because kids use

> that word not even thinking of the meaning behind it...it is just

> another word to them.? Anyway they were calling each other retarded

> and stupid.? My son spoke up and said " cut it out you don't even know

> what you are saying " ? When they all shut up and looked at him he said

> " do you guys even no what retarded means?? It means to slow down.? SO

> if you said the man that jumped out of the airplane used his parachute

> to retard his fall...THEN you would be using the workd correctly.? It

> does NOT mean you are stupid.? My brother has Down Syndrome and he

> learns at a slower rate then other people but he is not STUPID by any

> means. " ? Two of the girls said " are you offended that we said that? " ?

> " Caleb said? " Yes I am " ?? They apologized and the other kids kind of

> slunk down in their seats and shut up.? I told him I was so very proud

> of him for sticking up for his brother when he didn't have to.? A HUGE

> thing for a 14 year old to do in his first year of High School.? I can

> guarantee you that those 8-10 kids involved yesterday will not be so

> quick next time to say something Stupid...Yes that's

> right...Stupid....the correct meaning of the word.? Just had to share lol!


> Loree



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I have been diagnosed with Osteomyelitis (bone infection). I was only on the maintenance dose of Iodine at 12.5 mgs.Since diagnosis 3 days have upped the dose to 75mgs a day. Last night I developed sore throat and in the cold hours a cough. Throat is a bit scratchy this morning but not coughing.Can Iodine at larger doses give a cough ?Jess

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