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Re:Iorodal supplement

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Hi, I live in the UK and would like some help regarding taking an iodine

supplement if you would be so kind as I have been to doctors over here and can't

seem to get much help as they have done a broad spectrum blood test and because

I'm within their 'range' they are unwilling to do anything, my daughter is

hyperthyroid and has graves disease but I have symptoms of under active thyroid;

Weight gain about 24lbs

Inability to maintain a healthy weight

Low energy - fatigue

Ice-cold hands and feet

Dry skin and thinning hair

Brain fog

Insomnia, poor sleep

Tingling in hands and feet

Muscle pain and aches

Edema (swelling in ankles)

I have been reading Dr Brownstein's articles on internet and see you need other

supplements and tests too so am worried about just taking iodoral (which I have

managed to locate in UK) without other supplements and vitamins and wouldn't

know what dose to take, I am also taking 100mg topiramate sprinkle daily for

epilepsy caused by benign brain tumour. Hope you may be able to enlighten me

Thank you

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The Guide to Supplementing details each companion nutrient and how much you take


day. You received that PDF when you joined this list. You can also find it on

the list website.

At the bottom of each email from the group is a link to " Visit Your Group " , then

find " Files " on

the menu on the lefthand side of the page. Then go to the first item on the

resulting page

called " New Members Read First " , then scan down the list to the 5th item, Guide



Both over and underactive thyroids need iodine.



On 10 Feb 2012 at 13:21, Donna wrote:

> Hi, I live in the UK and would like some help regarding taking an

> iodine supplement if you would be so kind as I have been to doctors

> over here and can't seem to get much help as they have done a broad

> spectrum blood test and because I'm within their 'range' they are

> unwilling to do anything, my daughter is hyperthyroid and has graves

> disease but I have symptoms of under active thyroid; Weight gain about

> 24lbs Inability to maintain a healthy weight Low energy - fatigue

> Ice-cold hands and feet Dry skin and thinning hair Brain fog Insomnia,

> poor sleep Tingling in hands and feet Muscle pain and aches Edema

> (swelling in ankles) I have been reading Dr Brownstein's articles on

> internet and see you need other supplements and tests too so am

> worried about just taking iodoral (which I have managed to locate in

> UK) without other supplements and vitamins and wouldn't know what dose

> to take, I am also taking 100mg topiramate sprinkle daily for epilepsy

> caused by benign brain tumour. Hope you may be able to enlighten me

> Thank you






> ------------------------------------


> Owner: Buist, ND HC

> Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn


> All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group

> IodineOT/



> The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list)

> iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS%2

> 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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