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Dr. Mercola article

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I posted this on the OT site but meant to post it here.

What does everyone think of this iodine article by Dr. Mercola???

" Iodine is Important but a New Study Shows Too Much Causes Problems "

" 400 micrograms a day and more " as higher doses???? Note he's talking micrograms

here, not milligrams.

" In fact, I don't generally advise taking iodine supplements like Lugol's or

Ioderol, because your thyroid only transports iodine in its ionized form (i.e.

iodide). Your thyroid reduces iodide (I-) into iodine (I2) for use in formation

of thyroglobulin. Your body doesn't utilize iodine directly. It has to split the

I2 into two I- ions, which is an oxidative reaction that causes oxidative

stress. "



If you read the full article he even mentions Dr. Brownstein.

I still will not quit taking Iodoral like I do though. It has really helped me.

I've been taking it for a long time, and will probably continue for a long time.


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Dr Mercola is very good on some things and complete WRONG about some things.

This is

one of the things he's COMPLETELY WRONG about. I've pretty much parted ways

with Dr

Mercola because he is uneven in his facts. Used to get his newsletter but gave

it up.

Folks would do really well to get Dr B's iodine book and read it. You'll stop

looking for

outside validation once you do. He covers all the bases, and he does it

impeccably. The

book is totally readable by the lay person and yet completely footnoted so that


oriented types and medical professionals will also be convinced.


On 10 Feb 2012 at 4:15, maribob7 wrote:

> I posted this on the OT site but meant to post it here.


> What does everyone think of this iodine article by Dr. Mercola???


> " Iodine is Important but a New Study Shows Too Much Causes Problems "


> " 400 micrograms a day and more " as higher doses???? Note he's talking

> micrograms here, not milligrams.


> " In fact, I don't generally advise taking iodine supplements like

> Lugol's or Ioderol, because your thyroid only transports iodine in its

> ionized form (i.e. iodide). Your thyroid reduces iodide (I-) into

> iodine (I2) for use in formation of thyroglobulin. Your body doesn't

> utilize iodine directly. It has to split the I2 into two I- ions,

> which is an oxidative reaction that causes oxidative stress. "


> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/08/iodine-i

> s-important-but-new-study-shows-too-much-causes-problems.aspx


> If you read the full article he even mentions Dr. Brownstein.


> I still will not quit taking Iodoral like I do though. It has really

> helped me. I've been taking it for a long time, and will probably

> continue for a long time.


> V





> ------------------------------------


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Don't forget that medical schools are still teaching that only the thyroid uses

iodine and that

iodine causes thyroid disease. Total lies and damaging, so damaging to the

health of the

populace. So when an MD spouts this stuff, they are just spouting what they

learned in

school. It takes initiative for an MD to know something else.



On 9 Feb 2012 at 19:21, Hidden Jewel wrote:




> I am thinking he is forgetting possibly that the thyroid is not the

> only part of the body that uses iodine.


> in Alaska





> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:15 PM, maribob7 <myrv@...> wrote:


> I posted this on the OT site but meant to post it here.


> What does everyone think of this iodine article by Dr. Mercola???


> " Iodine is Important but a New Study Shows Too Much Causes Problems "


> " 400 micrograms a day and more " as higher doses???? Note he's talking

> micrograms here, not milligrams.


> " In fact, I don't generally advise taking iodine supplements like

> Lugol's or Ioderol, because your thyroid only transports iodine in its

> ionized form (i.e. iodide). Your thyroid reduces iodide (I-) into

> iodine (I2) for use in formation of thyroglobulin. Your body doesn't

> utilize iodine directly. It has to split the I2 into two I- ions,

> which is an oxidative reaction that causes oxidative stress. "


> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/08/iodine-i

> s-important-but-new-study- shows-too-much-causes-problems.aspx


> If you read the full article he even mentions Dr. Brownstein.


> I still will not quit taking Iodoral like I do though. It has really

> helped me. I've been taking it for a long time, and will probably

> continue for a long time.


> V











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I believe Dr. Mercola got the basic chemistry wrong here.

The iodide form, I-, which carries one negative charge, is the reduced form

(reduction means accepting negatively charged electrons). The iodine form, I2,

which carries no charge, is the iodized form (oxidation means donating


When the body has to " split I2 into two I- ions, " as Dr. M. puts it, it is

reducing iodine into iodide, not oxidizing it, as he claims.

It is true, however, that something else has to get oxidized (i.e., donate

electrons) in order for I2 to get reduced (accepting electrons). Any reduction

reaction is accompanied by an oxidation reaction and vice versa. That's why, in

chemistry, these are more properly referred to as redox reactions. The two are

always linked.

This all seems basically irrelevant to me, even he had gotten the chemistry

right. Redox reactions are a normal part of biology, required for life and

neither good nor bad in themselves. It's the overall balance with other bodily

processes that determines if they are healthy or unhealthy.

And you can't determine that by reciting elementary chemistry, even if you get

it right.

> What does everyone think of this iodine article by Dr. Mercola???...


> " In fact, I don't generally advise taking iodine supplements like Lugol's or

Ioderol, because your thyroid only transports iodine in its ionized form (i.e.

iodide). Your thyroid reduces iodide (I-) into iodine (I2) for use in formation

of thyroglobulin. Your body doesn't utilize iodine directly. It has to split the

I2 into two I- ions, which is an oxidative reaction that causes oxidative

stress. "





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I was wondering if maybe it just demonstrates the importance of companion

nutrients. I did'nt see if the study was done with or without. I'm assuming

without because Dr. Brownstein mentioned something about holistic iodine therapy

and I think it was in the context of defending himself against a study.

Liz Jaconelli


> I posted this on the OT site but meant to post it here.


> What does everyone think of this iodine article by Dr. Mercola???


> " Iodine is Important but a New Study Shows Too Much Causes Problems "


> " 400 micrograms a day and more " as higher doses???? Note he's talking

micrograms here, not milligrams.


> " In fact, I don't generally advise taking iodine supplements like Lugol's or

Ioderol, because your thyroid only transports iodine in its ionized form (i.e.

iodide). Your thyroid reduces iodide (I-) into iodine (I2) for use in formation

of thyroglobulin. Your body doesn't utilize iodine directly. It has to split the

I2 into two I- ions, which is an oxidative reaction that causes oxidative

stress. "






> If you read the full article he even mentions Dr. Brownstein.


> I still will not quit taking Iodoral like I do though. It has really helped

me. I've been taking it for a long time, and will probably continue for a long



> V


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i agree with victoria on this. i still get dr mercola's newsletter but i pretty much take some of his article's with a grain of salt [no pun intended].



Re: Dr. Mercola article

Posted by: " Baker" vbaker@... vbaker555

Thu Feb 9, 2012 8:50 pm (PST)

Dr Mercola is very good on some things and complete WRONG about some things. This is one of the things he's COMPLETELY WRONG about. I've pretty much parted ways with Dr Mercola because he is uneven in his facts. Used to get his newsletter but gave it up.

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Wow Linn...thanks for posting this. I did not realize what exactly the study

found as far as rising TSH levels. I do know and understand about how TSH levels

can rise after starting Iodoral. Everything makes perfect sense now as to how

they came to the ignorant conclusions of that study. I just couldn't comprehend

how 400 mcg could be a higher dose let alone how this so called higher dose

could " lead to health problems " that this study supposedly concluded. Really a

shame that someone like Dr. Marcola would publicize that study the way he did

probably enticing many using Lugol's or taking Iodoral to think twice about

taking iodine or even quit. Talk about health problems!!! Dr. Brownstein

explained the situation very well. BTW Did anyone notice how Dr. Mercola's

article spelled Iodoral? What does that say??? Maybe I'm too picky. LOL V

> >

> > I posted this on the OT site but meant to post it here.

> >

> > What does everyone think of this iodine article by Dr. Mercola???

> >

> > " Iodine is Important but a New Study Shows Too Much Causes Problems "

> >

> > " 400 micrograms a day and more " as higher doses???? Note he's talking

micrograms here, not milligrams.

> >

> > " In fact, I don't generally advise taking iodine supplements like Lugol's or

Ioderol, because your thyroid only transports iodine in its ionized form (i.e.

iodide). Your thyroid reduces iodide (I-) into iodine (I2) for use in formation

of thyroglobulin. Your body doesn't utilize iodine directly. It has to split the

I2 into two I- ions, which is an oxidative reaction that causes oxidative

stress. "

> >

> >



> >

> > If you read the full article he even mentions Dr. Brownstein.

> >

> > I still will not quit taking Iodoral like I do though. It has really helped

me. I've been taking it for a long time, and will probably continue for a long


> >

> > V

> >


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