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Just watched the Cheney video from Dallas/Ft. worth CFS support

group [thanks Carol]. In it Dr. Cheney mentioned that many

treatments MOBILIZE toxins and if too much can hurt some

patients. Thus some [a few] CAN NOT DETOX by normal methods

[including whey] because they are unable to eliminate the toxins

in their systems fast enough and do NOT want too much toxins

running around free in their systems causing damage.

An interesting point that I heard about a little while ago is

that 1 cup of loosely cut coliander [sp?] a day is a natural

heavy metal chelator - the only potent one know to date. Have

also heard it doesn't taste the best by itself - or so my 2nd

oldest sister said - no personal experience. in ON

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It's coriander, better known as " cilantro " in the supermarket. I get a

chiropractor's newsletter, " Alternatives " , by , D.O., which states

the same. I just eat it straight,


Brown wrote:

> Just watched the Cheney video from Dallas/Ft. worth CFS support

> group [thanks Carol]. In it Dr. Cheney mentioned that many

> treatments MOBILIZE toxins and if too much can hurt some

> patients. Thus some [a few] CAN NOT DETOX by normal methods

> [including whey] because they are unable to eliminate the toxins

> in their systems fast enough and do NOT want too much toxins

> running around free in their systems causing damage.

> An interesting point that I heard about a little while ago is

> that 1 cup of loosely cut coliander [sp?] a day is a natural

> heavy metal chelator - the only potent one know to date. Have

> also heard it doesn't taste the best by itself - or so my 2nd

> oldest sister said - no personal experience. in ON


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> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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So if I eat cilantro, a cup a day, is it a good idea to take the whey

supplement or does cilantro replace the need for other detox methods?


<< It's coriander, better known as " cilantro " in the supermarket. I get a

chiropractor's newsletter, " Alternatives " , by , D.O., which

states the same. I just eat it straight,



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Kathleen wrote:

> ,

> It's coriander, better known as " cilantro " in the

> supermarket. I get a chiropractor's newsletter, " Alternatives " , by

> , D.O., which states the same. I just eat it straight,

> myself.

That's interesting. My chiropractor/NAET guy gave me a bottle of

cilantro concentrate or extract, and has me take a dropperful in a

little water several times a day when I am feeling " toxic " .

> Brown wrote:


> > An interesting point that I heard about a little while ago is

> > that 1 cup of loosely cut coliander [sp?] a day is a natural

> > heavy metal chelator - the only potent one know to date. Have

> > also heard it doesn't taste the best by itself - or so my 2nd

> > oldest sister said - no personal experience.

Cilantro is one of those things that you either love or hate. I adore

it - to me, salsa doesn't taste right unless it has a cup of chopped

coriander in it! (If I wanted to eat it straight, I'd make a cross

between a mild salsa and a gazpacho, i.e. mix chopped coriander with

chopped tomato, onion, cucumber, garlic, and a dash of Tabasco.)


el - andrea@...

(IFF " FNORD " appears - remove it from my email address to reply)

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song that the morning brings... "

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  • 1 year later...
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I will also throw this in about apple cider vinegar and honey.

I mixed it 50-50, then diluted about 1/2 cup into a 2 liter bottle of water.

I went on a '40' day fast, using ONLY this mixture. Lots of this water


At about 28 -30 days, I forgot my mix, when on an all day trip to NY. On the

way home, about 10 hours after using the mix, (that is a long time) I

started to get woozy, while driving home. I actually 'felt' my brain going

'gray'. That's the only way I can descrobe it. I felt the life going out of

my brain!!! I had about an hour to get home, I had to decide whether to

stop for anything, and did get a coke. It helped some. When getting home, I

drank my mixture with a stronger portion of mix. It took me about 5 hours to

get back to normal!

I will swear by this process! I had energy! I felt great! I believe you

CAN live off this. I did for 40 days.

When beginning to eat again, I 'felt' the perservatives, and toxins going

into my system, and it was repulsive. Rose

I DO intend to do this again, and this time, I will better watch what I

intake afterwards.

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  • 2 years later...
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I don't think that South Beach is really a TRUE detox in the sense

that you fast. You abstain from many, many carbs and you are allowed

75 calories of a sugar-free treat per day. I won't eat any breads,

pastas or fruit, juice or anything like that for the next 11 days.

I do drink alot of water and this really works for me so that's why I

am doing it. I don't recommend it to anyone. I only advocate the EFL

or BFL to people.

This is only a temporary " detox " .


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  • 10 months later...


> >>does anyone know if detox actually works...

> >

> >


> What kind of detox are you asking about - drugs, alcohol, sugar ??

just the toxins of everyday life...i don't do drugs and very rarely


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>just the toxins of everyday life...i don't do

drugs and very rarely


I don't remember anyone here going through any kind of cleansing

routine before starting a healthy food & exercise plan, but I know

on other lists, mostly the vegetarian ones, many have used this stuff

called Colon Cleanse and then went of a fruit and vegetable juice fast

for a week or so before diving into their vegan diets anew.

Just remember that water is your friend. Drink a half ounce per pound

of body weight, so if you weigh 220, drink 110 ounces of water, broth,

juice, etc. (but no artificially sweetened or caffeinated beverages)

every day to keep your system clean, to flush those toxins out every


Sue in NJ

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

If you are referring to a healing crisis followed by an improvement, the

medical term for it is the Jarisch-Herxheimer Effect.

You can read about it here:

http://lassesen.com/cfids/herxheimer.htm and


The term has been expanded to other areas.

Hope that helps,


> Detox seems to be the domain of so called " alternative therapies " .

> As far as I know detoxification only gets mentioned in Medicine

> when referring to the period when a substance of addiction is

> withdrawn from use in a manner safe, avoiding the sinister side effects

> that may occur outside of the medical environment.


> Are there reputable studies supporting the notion of " detox " in the

> manner fequently mentioned here?


> Colonic irrigation is another " therapy " of detox that is considered

> suspect

> in medicine. I have wondering how my Pepsi Max would affect me if

> taken colonically.


> stay well, Trevor

> www.kombuchaustralia.com Now with an email order form - that took a week

> to get working!



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Detox is well explained and forms a bases for

Homotoxicology. A sub-sect of homeopathy developed by Dr

Reckeweg M.D. 1920's

This particular form of homeopathy I study and use because

it follows very similarly to Traditional Chinese Medicine

(TCM) in both the diagnosis and prognosis of disorders

through a series of classification referred to in both

disciplines as the Six Phrases of Diseases. Detox is not

always viewed, actually seldom viewed, simply as a

Herxheimer Effect (western medical term) which is most often

referred to when the body is actively expelling pathogens.

Homotoxicology [Homo=human, toxic=poisons) refers to the

disorders created by the body's storage to and reaction of

toxins in the body and Detoxification is the process whereby

those toxins are removed.

Since I am of the " alternative therapies " type and you are

of the " medicine " [sic] type I refer you to them where you

may indeed find " reputable studies supporting the notion of

" detox " in precise western science term logy. see

www.heelinc.com and look under " Homotoxicology and

Detoxification "

Colonic irrigation is another aspect of TCM where one branch

called the " purging school " often debates with the

" Strengthen the Spleen and Stomach School " . I mention this

as the developer of the Six Phrases of Disease (TCM) in the

Shang Han Lun, (Theory of Cold Induced Diseases) some 2,500

years ago wrote then of the dire affects of over-use of

purges (colonics).

Homotoxicology may peak your interest as it is very well

versed in western science and practiced by maintain MD's yet

still an alternative approach.

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist

Acupuncture is a jab well done

www.HappyHerbalist.com Santa Cruz, CA.


Detox seems to be the domain of so called " alternative

therapies " .

As far as I know detoxification only gets mentioned in


when referring to the period when a substance of addiction


withdrawn from use in a manner safe, avoiding the sinister

side effects

that may occur outside of the medical environment.

Are there reputable studies supporting the notion of " detox "

in the

manner fequently mentioned here?

Colonic irrigation is another " therapy " of detox that is

considered suspect

in medicine. I have wondering how my Pepsi Max would affect

me if

taken colonically.

stay well, Trevor

www.kombuchaustralia.com Now with an email order form - that

took a week to get working!

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  • 6 years later...

My test results from 24 hour loading test showed 12,9 on bromide and 96,1 on

iodine. I have slowly increased my iodine intake. When i reach 25-50 mg of

lodoral I begin to feel really bad and very fatigued. Could this be detox

symptoms? Can I detox with 12,5 mg of lodoral. Will it be enough? Thanks

Henrik, Denmark.

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Yes, it is detox. No, you won't detox enough at 12.5mg. This is why Lugol's

liquid is very useful, is that you can titer your supplement amount more

precisely. But you can also cut the Iodoral tablets in quarters in order to get


smaller increase.



On 30 Jan 2012 at 22:54, truck1810 wrote:

> My test results from 24 hour loading test showed 12,9 on bromide and

> 96,1 on iodine. I have slowly increased my iodine intake. When i reach

> 25-50 mg of lodoral I begin to feel really bad and very fatigued.

> Could this be detox symptoms? Can I detox with 12,5 mg of lodoral.

> Will it be enough? Thanks Henrik, Denmark.




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