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Started Lugol's today, a few question's please!

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Hello Everyone,

I know this is kinda long excuse me however I don't want to over look anything .

Hope all of you are hanging in there. I finally got my Lugols and started taking

it. I took one drop, 2.5 mg today. I have a few question but first let me give

you some info.

I am currently taking bio-HRT due to an oophorectomy and hysterectomy, which

includes a low dose progesterone trough.

For several month's now I currently take 4 grain's of NP thyroid bye Acella. I

take 2 grains in the a.m and two in the p.m. I also take Adrenal Cortex bye

Thorn due to very low cortisol level's across the Board.

I also am taking the supporting Nutrients.

I take:

Vit C 4000 mgs daily

Selenium 400 mgs

Himalayan Salt

I currently take Magnesium Glycinate, having downloaded the " The Guide to

Supplementing with Iodine " it does not specifiy "

I have just a few questions if you don't mind,

***** 1. Is the Magnesium Glycinate okay to take or do I need another kind

***** 2. I also take ubiquinol 100 mg daily, is this considered an ATP CoFactor

and it says in the " Guide " 1 tab 2x daily but there is no recommended dosage so

how much should I take?

****3. I take Milk Thistle175 mg 4x a day, do I also need to take the other

supplements and should I pulse dose?

**** 4. I take a Super B maxi, B1 15 MG, B2 17 MG, NIACIN 200 MG, B6 20,

FOLIC ACID 400 MG, B12 60 MG, PENTOTHENIC ACID 100 MG (oops it say's it has

calcium in it which I should avoid). It state's in the " How to Treat Autoimmune

Thyroid Disorders " to take these, the B's however not the amount's. How much

should I be taking in your estimation?

My last test's, which were the original test that I went thru hade's to get so

they could diagnose me were as follow's.

Vitamin B12 1096 range 211-911

Folate <24 range <5.4


Ferritin 94 range 10-291 (wow that is a broad range if you ask me)

Iron 87 range 50-212 (again broad range, what's up with that!) sigh

Iron % Saturation 22.0 range 10-58

UIBC 308 range 155-355

Binding Capacity Total 395 range 205-512

I do take and Iron supplement bye vitamin code 22 mg daily

I take Vit D 7500 Iu daily

I take several more but the list is too long to mention.:)

I am a little worried because my calcium level's are on the high side 9.7 range

8.5-10.4 and my PTH,INTACT 56.7 range 12-65 also on the high side. I am praying

it is not a Parathyorid tumor even tho they are usually benign tumor's.

According to Most certainly if you have high calcium and high Pth you have a

parathyroid tumor.

I know this is in no way related to the thyroid gland's except in proximity




***6 And this might be the most important question of all. Since taking the

Lugol's My blood Pressure was good today (Controlled bye medication's) 115/75

however my pulse was elevated with a reading of 106. My Temp's were never, since

the hysterectomy over 92. Since starting the NDT they have gone up to average

around 97 however today it was even higher 98.4. I actually felt feverish, and I

had asked the Dr. just how they knew I was running a fever if my temp start's at

92? I would have to climb 6 point's just to reach normal!

***7 Am I starting at too low a dose? High Pulse, tired, and experiencing some,

well not air hunger but my lung's sorta hurt when I am exerting any energy at

all. It's like a burning as if I am getting sick. I felt this when I was taking

the Iosol until I stoped taking it for a few day's when I was waiting for the

Lugol's. In the Guide it say's many " should " start at 6.26 and work up however

on the FB page I saw where someone said to start with one drop. *** How much

would you suggest I start with.

I am scheduled for a Dr's visit next week and want to make sure all goes well as

this is my GP who is working " with " me. He is listening to me as per the

protocol of the STTM book and not having too much experience dealing with

Hasi's and the thyroid is out of his comfort zone. I don't want to spook or make

him edgy in anyway..

Thank you so much in advance for any and all suggestion, it is so nice to come

out of my hypo, " misdiagnosed " bi-polar per me fog of 8 yrs. I am finally on my

way to getting some if not all of my life back thank's to , Janie and

all these wonderful people that support us.


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