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Temp 97.1 ALL DAY!!!

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FIRST, may I say...reading these LONG messages OVER AND OVER is annoying... If

we reply to " REPLY VIA WEB POST, " we can delete most of the PREVIOUS [other than

the main sentence and person] and respond. Might CUT DOWN ON ALL THE READING and

scrolling and possibly missing the point.

SECOND, I love this site!

Now, I was in the hospital with Pancreatitis this last week/weekend. I have

Crohn's and PSC and received that LOVELY state from a 'test gone wrong.' LOL Not

fun. I'd started the Protocol with all the supplements +about 20 more a month

ago. I know the site talks about BASAL TEMPerature. I noticed MY TEMP is

97.0/97.1 ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT watching the machines in the hospital all week.

I talked to my Intern [teaching hospital] about Hypothyroidism. She said to talk

to my doctor about getting T3/T4 testing. Of course, I've had the tests and

nothing to WRITE HOME ABOUT. I will ask about the FREE T tests however. I SNUCK

in a question about the Iodine protocol. She looked a little funny but said: if

you are aware of it, Iodine WOULD help you....perhaps the medical profession is

not all bad.

Question: I got up to one IODORAL 50 ... should I drop back down to 1/2 tab and

start all over since I've been without my supplements for a WHOLE WEEK+? I had

planned on getting to 150 because of my battles.

Also, I have BOTH Iodoral 50 and Lugol's 5%. Do I need both? What do I do with

both? Are the drops more easily digested since I have GI issues?

Finally, I found buy one get one free Iodoral 50 [90 tabs] $84 this morning at

http://www.vrp.com/minerals/iodoral?promotionCode=VPS1000 & promoText=Buy%201%20Ge\

t%201%20Free & promoPage=vps1000 & campaign=vps1000 & s_kwcid=TC|13297|iodoral|brand%2\

0broad%20bmm|buy%20+iodoral|b & k_id=567p21640 & k_click_id=0ed02e47-618c-7bc8-728d-\

00006a166f65 & utm_source=google & utm_medium=cpc & utm_campaign=iodoral & utm_term=buy%\

20+iodoral & utm_content=buy%20iodoral%20supplements & gclid=CJWSjOauoK4CFYMmpAoduVC\


Thank you Mona

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My temps also are 97.1 to 97.3 then Dr Howenstein said for me

to take 50 mg Iodoral once a day for 6 months. Well it brought

my temps up after 5 months to 98 to 98,8 for between 9am till

10 pm and was at night at 97.3 to 97.6. The 97.6 is considered


here is what my research turned up. also coconut oil raises temp

by 1 degree use it in place of butter and in cooking

, . Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes [dead website]. 1998.

[Citation of: Dewdney, A. K., 200% of Nothing: An Eye Opening Tour Through

the Twists and Turns of Math Abuse and Innumeracy. New York: Wiley,

1993.] " For decades it was thought that the normal body temperature

was 98.6 °F. This number was calculated from a study in Germany which

reported normal at 37 °C. What was not known was that this number was an

average rounded to the nearest degree. In other words it was only accurate

to two significant digits, not the three we have with 98.6. Scientists

today know that normal is actually 98.2 plus or minus 0.6, that is to say

anything in the range of 97.6° to 98.8° should be considered normal. "

Current temp range as of Dec. 2011

Core (rectal, esophageal, etc.)

Normal 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F)[2] source


Hypothermia <35.0 °C (95.0 °F)[3]

Fever >37.5–38.3 °C (99.5–100.9 °F)[4][5]

Hyperthermia >37.5–38.3 °C (99.5–100.9 °F)[4][5]

Hyperpyrexia >40.0–41.5 °C (104–106.7 °F)[6][7]

Note: The difference between fever and hyperthermia is the mechanism.

v · d · e ·

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 11:27:10 -0500, Mona <monavalentine@...> wrote:

> FIRST, may I say...reading these LONG messages OVER AND OVER is

> annoying... If we reply to " REPLY VIA WEB POST, " we can delete most of

> the PREVIOUS [other than the main sentence and person] and respond.

> Might CUT DOWN ON ALL THE READING and scrolling and possibly missing the

> point.


> SECOND, I love this site!


> Now, I was in the hospital with Pancreatitis this last week/weekend. I

> have Crohn's and PSC and received that LOVELY state from a 'test gone

> wrong.' LOL Not fun. I'd started the Protocol with all the supplements

> +about 20 more a month ago. I know the site talks about BASAL

> TEMPerature. I noticed MY TEMP is 97.0/97.1 ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT

> watching the machines in the hospital all week.


> I talked to my Intern [teaching hospital] about Hypothyroidism. She said

> to talk to my doctor about getting T3/T4 testing. Of course, I've had

> the tests and nothing to WRITE HOME ABOUT. I will ask about the FREE T

> tests however. I SNUCK in a question about the Iodine protocol. She

> looked a little funny but said: if you are aware of it, Iodine WOULD

> help you....perhaps the medical profession is not all bad.


> Question: I got up to one IODORAL 50 ... should I drop back down to 1/2

> tab and start all over since I've been without my supplements for a

> WHOLE WEEK+? I had planned on getting to 150 because of my battles.


> Also, I have BOTH Iodoral 50 and Lugol's 5%. Do I need both? What do I

> do with both? Are the drops more easily digested since I have GI issues?


> Finally, I found buy one get one free Iodoral 50 [90 tabs] $84 this

> morning at


http://www.vrp.com/minerals/iodoral?promotionCode=VPS1000 & promoText=Buy%201%20Ge\

t%201%20Free & promoPage=vps1000 & campaign=vps1000 & s_kwcid=TC|13297|iodoral|brand%2\

0broad%20bmm|buy%20+iodoral|b & k_id=567p21640 & k_click_id=0ed02e47-618c-7bc8-728d-\

00006a166f65 & utm_source=google & utm_medium=cpc & utm_campaign=iodoral & utm_term=buy%\

20+iodoral & utm_content=buy%20iodoral%20supplements & gclid=CJWSjOauoK4CFYMmpAoduVC\



> Thank you Mona






> ------------------------------------


> Owner: Buist, ND HC

> Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn


> All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group

> IodineOT/



> The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list)





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Hello Mona,

First let me say......We want our members to leave the previous posts as we get so many posts daily *with almost 6000 members, that we want to be able to follow the discussion. So unlike some other groups who ask their members to cull their posts, we do not.

If it were me, I would continue with the amount of iodine I was taking before I stopped for that week, making sure I am taking the companion nutrients. I use both Iodoral and Lugol's. Iodoral is formulated to be released deep in the gut which for some people is easier for them as Lugol's can in some people cause stomach upset. However, when taken with food, as both forms should be, I have never encountered an upset stomach. I take Iodoral daily, but I also take a few drops of Lugol's as I like the idea of my whole digestive tract, starting with my mouth, coming into contact with iodine.

Kind regards,



Temp 97.1 ALL DAY!!!

FIRST, may I say...reading these LONG messages OVER AND OVER is annoying... If we reply to "REPLY VIA WEB POST," we can delete most of the PREVIOUS [other than the main sentence and person] and respond. Might CUT DOWN ON ALL THE READING and scrolling and possibly missing the point.SECOND, I love this site!Now, I was in the hospital with Pancreatitis this last week/weekend. I have Crohn's and PSC and received that LOVELY state from a 'test gone wrong.' LOL Not fun. I'd started the Protocol with all the supplements +about 20 more a month ago. I know the site talks about BASAL TEMPerature. I noticed MY TEMP is 97.0/97.1 ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT watching the machines in the hospital all week.I talked to my Intern [teaching hospital] about Hypothyroidism. She said to talk to my doctor about getting T3/T4 testing. Of course, I've had the tests and nothing to WRITE HOME ABOUT. I will ask about the FREE T tests however. I SNUCK in a question about the Iodine protocol. She looked a little funny but said: if you are aware of it, Iodine WOULD help you....perhaps the medical profession is not all bad.Question: I got up to one IODORAL 50 ... should I drop back down to 1/2 tab and start all over since I've been without my supplements for a WHOLE WEEK+? I had planned on getting to 150 because of my battles.Also, I have BOTH Iodoral 50 and Lugol's 5%. Do I need both? What do I do with both? Are the drops more easily digested since I have GI issues?Finally, I found buy one get one free Iodoral 50 [90 tabs] $84 this morning athttp://www.vrp.com/minerals/iodoral?promotionCode=VPS1000 & promoText=Buy%201%20Get%201%20Free & promoPage=vps1000 & campaign=vps1000 & s_kwcid=TC|13297|iodoral|brand%20broad%20bmm|buy%20+iodoral|b & k_id=567p21640 & k_click_id=0ed02e47-618c-7bc8-728d-00006a166f65 & utm_source=google & utm_medium=cpc & utm_campaign=iodoral & utm_term=buy%20+iodoral & utm_content=buy%20iodoral%20supplements & gclid=CJWSjOauoK4CFYMmpAoduVCC1gThank you Mona

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Thank you Kathleen and Big Al

I receive the DIGEST...individually, I guess we would need the whole thread to



Are you saying you put the LUGOL's in your mouth. The first time, I put the

drops under my tongue...burned me. It took over a week to get the lumps healed

and then the skin to let go and be able to SPIT out. LOL lovely image I'm sure.

I've been putting it in water. I'm not sure if it STICKS to the glass though.

I am back on the Iodoral 50 today and I will put back the Lugol drops. What time

of day do you take those? I THINK I read not to take it too late in the day

because it might keep me up. I tend to do it all in the morning. Does it last

that way? Of course, I am brand new to the group. I had already been taking ALL

the supplements [and then some]. Vitamin C IV's quite often as well.

Thank you Big Al. I do know my temperature was 98.6 all the time. This really is

a great site. My sister had her thyroid removed because of cancer at age 18. We

were all taught IODINE BAD!!!

Also, in my adventures this last week... Last week Tuesday I had a CT with


that do? What should I do other than more Chelation IV's? Will the Iodine help?

I've just been on it RIGHT for a month. I was using kelp drops under my tongue

for the last couple years but that is not the same.

Thank you!!! Great job! Great site.




> > FIRST, may I say...reading these LONG messages OVER AND OVER is

> > annoying... If we reply to " REPLY VIA WEB POST, " we can delete most of

> > the PREVIOUS [other than the main sentence and person] and respond.

> > Might CUT DOWN ON ALL THE READING and scrolling and possibly missing the

> > point.

> >

> > SECOND, I love this site!

> >

> > Now, I was in the hospital with Pancreatitis this last week/weekend. I

> > have Crohn's and PSC and received that LOVELY state from a 'test gone

> > wrong.' LOL Not fun. I'd started the Protocol with all the supplements

> > +about 20 more a month ago. I know the site talks about BASAL

> > TEMPerature. I noticed MY TEMP is 97.0/97.1 ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT

> > watching the machines in the hospital all week.

> >

> > I talked to my Intern [teaching hospital] about Hypothyroidism. She said

> > to talk to my doctor about getting T3/T4 testing. Of course, I've had

> > the tests and nothing to WRITE HOME ABOUT. I will ask about the FREE T

> > tests however. I SNUCK in a question about the Iodine protocol. She

> > looked a little funny but said: if you are aware of it, Iodine WOULD

> > help you....perhaps the medical profession is not all bad.

> >

> > Question: I got up to one IODORAL 50 ... should I drop back down to 1/2

> > tab and start all over since I've been without my supplements for a

> > WHOLE WEEK+? I had planned on getting to 150 because of my battles.

> >

> > Also, I have BOTH Iodoral 50 and Lugol's 5%. Do I need both? What do I

> > do with both? Are the drops more easily digested since I have GI issues?

> >

> > Finally, I found buy one get one free Iodoral 50 [90 tabs] $84 this

> > morning at

> >

http://www.vrp.com/minerals/iodoral?promotionCode=VPS1000 & promoText=Buy%201%20Ge\

t%201%20Free & promoPage=vps1000 & campaign=vps1000 & s_kwcid=TC|13297|iodoral|brand%2\

0broad%20bmm|buy%20+iodoral|b & k_id=567p21640 & k_click_id=0ed02e47-618c-7bc8-728d-\

00006a166f65 & utm_source=google & utm_medium=cpc & utm_campaign=iodoral & utm_term=buy%\

20+iodoral & utm_content=buy%20iodoral%20supplements & gclid=CJWSjOauoK4CFYMmpAoduVC\


> >

> > Thank you Mona

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Owner: Buist, ND HC

> > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn

> >

> > All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group

> > IodineOT/

> >

> >

> > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list)

> >



> >

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Hi Mona,

No, I didn’t mean I put the Lugol's straight in my mouth, that would not be a good idea. I mean I take it in water or juice.


Re: Temp 97.1 ALL DAY!!!

Thank you Kathleen and Big AlI receive the DIGEST...individually, I guess we would need the whole thread to read.Kathleen:Are you saying you put the LUGOL's in your mouth. The first time, I put the drops under my tongue...burned me. It took over a week to get the lumps healed and then the skin to let go and be able to SPIT out. LOL lovely image I'm sure. I've been putting it in water. I'm not sure if it STICKS to the glass though.I am back on the Iodoral 50 today and I will put back the Lugol drops. What time of day do you take those? I THINK I read not to take it too late in the day because it might keep me up. I tend to do it all in the morning. Does it last that way? Of course, I am brand new to the group. I had already been taking ALL the supplements [and then some]. Vitamin C IV's quite often as well.Thank you Big Al. I do know my temperature was 98.6 all the time. This really is a great site. My sister had her thyroid removed because of cancer at age 18. We were all taught IODINE BAD!!!Also, in my adventures this last week... Last week Tuesday I had a CT with RADIOACTIVE IODINE... Friday during my ERCP, MORE RADIOACTIVE IODINE. What does that do? What should I do other than more Chelation IV's? Will the Iodine help? I've just been on it RIGHT for a month. I was using kelp drops under my tongue for the last couple years but that is not the same.Thank you!!! Great job! Great site.MonaCrohn's/PSC> > > FIRST, may I say...reading these LONG messages OVER AND OVER is > > annoying... If we reply to "REPLY VIA WEB POST," we can delete most of > > the PREVIOUS [other than the main sentence and person] and respond. > > Might CUT DOWN ON ALL THE READING and scrolling and possibly missing the > > point.> >> > SECOND, I love this site!> >> > Now, I was in the hospital with Pancreatitis this last week/weekend. I > > have Crohn's and PSC and received that LOVELY state from a 'test gone > > wrong.' LOL Not fun. I'd started the Protocol with all the supplements > > +about 20 more a month ago. I know the site talks about BASAL > > TEMPerature. I noticed MY TEMP is 97.0/97.1 ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT > > watching the machines in the hospital all week.> >> > I talked to my Intern [teaching hospital] about Hypothyroidism. She said > > to talk to my doctor about getting T3/T4 testing. Of course, I've had > > the tests and nothing to WRITE HOME ABOUT. I will ask about the FREE T > > tests however. I SNUCK in a question about the Iodine protocol. She > > looked a little funny but said: if you are aware of it, Iodine WOULD > > help you....perhaps the medical profession is not all bad.> >> > Question: I got up to one IODORAL 50 ... should I drop back down to 1/2 > > tab and start all over since I've been without my supplements for a > > WHOLE WEEK+? I had planned on getting to 150 because of my battles.> >> > Also, I have BOTH Iodoral 50 and Lugol's 5%. Do I need both? What do I > > do with both? Are the drops more easily digested since I have GI issues?> >> > Finally, I found buy one get one free Iodoral 50 [90 tabs] $84 this > > morning at> > http://www.vrp.com/minerals/iodoral?promotionCode=VPS1000 & promoText=Buy%201%20Get%201%20Free & promoPage=vps1000 & campaign=vps1000 & s_kwcid=TC|13297|iodoral|brand%20broad%20bmm|buy%20+iodoral|b & k_id=567p21640 & k_click_id=0ed02e47-618c-7bc8-728d-00006a166f65 & utm_source=google & utm_medium=cpc & utm_campaign=iodoral & utm_term=buy%20+iodoral & utm_content=buy%20iodoral%20supplements & gclid=CJWSjOauoK4CFYMmpAoduVCC1g> >> > Thank you Mona> >> >> >> >> >> > ------------------------------------> >> > Owner: Buist, ND HC> > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn > >> > All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group > > IodineOT/> >> >> > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > > iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS%20-%20READ%20FIRST/ > >

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