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How much iodine in a drop of Lugol's

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Hi, I am new on this site but I have a question about how much iodine there is

in a drop of the Lugol's I am taking. Everywhere I see different information to

the point that I don't understand a thing anymore!On the site where I bought the

Lugol's they say that it is 12% but my husband who is a chemist says that it is

not true and that it is 5%. Here is what says on my bottle:

" Ingredients

Health Leads makes Lugols Iodine and iodide solution according to the Dr Hulda

recipe. Lugols contains iodine and iodide. This iodine in solution

consists of 44g Iodine & 88g Iodide in 1000ml of distilled water. This equals a

12% solution.

Whats in our Original Lugols

Per drop: 5.3mg of Iodide and 2.7mg of Iodine

Per ml: 80mg of Iodide and 40mg of Iodine

Lugols is a iodine solution and contains 5% iodine and 7% potassium iodide in

pure distilled water. "

My husband says that according to what says on the bottle it contains 5% iodine

and 10% iodide but if that is correct then one drop would be 12,5% iodine

according to Dr. Brownstein but my husband says that here there is only 3%. I am

completely mixed up and I don't know how many drops to take anymore, could you

maybe help me? I am taking Lugol's for my general health, right now 4 drops!

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The ingredients list 88g iodide, but I wonder if they mean 88g of potassium

iodide (which is about 76% iodide), since that is the usual ratio. If that

is the case, then it is only about 3.9%. If they did mean 88g of iodide,

then it is about 3.8%. Either way it is most definitely not 12%.

Lugol's 5% formula is 5% iodine, 10% potassium iodide, and 85% distilled

water by weight (e.g. 44g iodine + 88g POTASSIM iodide + 748g water). With

water, 1ml weighs approximately 1g. The name is based on the amount of

iodine, not on the total amount of iodine + iodide.

Some companies (like this one) make their product sound more concentrated

by counting both the iodine and iodide. So not only are they counting both

iodine + iodide, but they also used more water than the Lugol's formula,

i.e. 1000g vs 748g.

Based on their amounts per drop and amounts per ml, they only get about 15

drops to a ml. Those are bigger drops than what a usual dropper gives with

a straight vertical drop (angled drops will be bigger). Calculations are

usually based on 20 straight vertical drops per ml. It's possible that the

supplied dropper is different than a typical one. Without doing your own

experiments, there's no way of knowing if they are measuring this

accurately or not.

So long story summed up...regardless of what they call their formula or

what it actually works out to using the Lugol's formula, you are probably

getting approximately what the label says you are getting per drop, i.e.

5.3mg of Iodide and 2.7mg of Iodine, or maybe 4mg (76% of 5.3mg) of Iodide

and 2.7mg of Iodine if they meant 88g potassium iodide, or maybe even 3mg

of Iodide and 2mg of Iodine if they didn't measure the drops accurately.

I'm inclined to believe the last one, but that gives you a range.

All this is just one of the reasons why I decided to make my own.

in NS, Canada

At 02:35 PM 15/02/12, you wrote:

>Hi, I am new on this site but I have a question about how much iodine

>there is in a drop of the Lugol's I am taking. Everywhere I see different

>information to the point that I don't understand a thing anymore!On the

>site where I bought the Lugol's they say that it is 12% but my husband who

>is a chemist says that it is not true and that it is 5%. Here is what says

>on my bottle:


> " Ingredients


>Health Leads makes Lugols Iodine and iodide solution according to the Dr

>Hulda recipe. Lugols contains iodine and iodide. This iodine in

>solution consists of 44g Iodine & 88g Iodide in 1000ml of distilled water.

>This equals a 12% solution.


>Whats in our Original Lugols

>Per drop: 5.3mg of Iodide and 2.7mg of Iodine


>Per ml: 80mg of Iodide and 40mg of Iodine


>Lugols is a iodine solution and contains 5% iodine and 7% potassium iodide

>in pure distilled water. "


>My husband says that according to what says on the bottle it contains 5%

>iodine and 10% iodide but if that is correct then one drop would be 12,5%

>iodine according to Dr. Brownstein but my husband says that here there is

>only 3%. I am completely mixed up and I don't know how many drops to take

>anymore, could you maybe help me? I am taking Lugol's for my general

>health, right now 4 drops!

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