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Re: Is being lethargic while on Lugols a detox symptom?

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Hi Joanna,

I had been the same asthma so much improved with iodine but less motivation in fact very relaxed but darkish thoughts all was bromine detox, I had discovered through this wonderful group, I would sauna and feeel so much better and go for a walk aprox an hr but even 20 mins would lift me, also each morning a big glass of water squeeze in a whole lemon with bits and seeds and drink alkalises you helps the iodine detox has vit c and bioflavionoids, on days where I needed extra motivation I might have to cut back a bit but increase on a quiet day.

hugs chris keep at it and love the iodine

From: jyiauri <uribejoanna@...>iodine Sent: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 6:23Subject: Is being lethargic while on Lugols a detox symptom?

Hello all, after one and a half weeks on 4 drops of Lugols 2% a day my asthma symptoms are lessening for which I am very exited but I have lost motivation, all I want to do is be in bed even though I dont feel tired, I feel a bit depressed. Is this a detox symptom? I am drinking salted water with about 1/2 teaspoon of celtic salt in the morning and am taking a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. Any advise?ThanksJoanna

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Yes it can be. Toxic liver and Adrenal fatigue can both give you symptoms. How much Vit C are you taking? Are you the other supporting nutrients?

Buist, ND HC

Is being lethargic while on Lugols a detox symptom?

Hello all, after one and a half weeks on 4 drops of Lugols 2% a day my asthma symptoms are lessening for which I am very exited but I have lost motivation, all I want to do is be in bed even though I dont feel tired, I feel a bit depressed. Is this a detox symptom? I am drinking salted water with about 1/2 teaspoon of celtic salt in the morning and am taking a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. Any advise?ThanksJoanna

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....No, I have not started on vit. C or the other supporting nutrients, I ordered them n should be here by tomorrow....does it really make a big difference to take them?  Oh and I am awfully cold to the bone again.

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Hi Joanna,Without the companion supplements, your body has nothing helping with the detox and it has to struggle through on its own to get them flushed out. in Alaska

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 AM, Joanna Uribe <uribejoanna@...> wrote:


....No, I have not started on vit. C or the other supporting nutrients, I ordered them n should be here by tomorrow....does it really make a big difference to take them?  Oh and I am awfully cold to the bone again.

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Yes it does! That's why we insist on them.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Is being lethargic while on Lugols a detox symptom?

....No, I have not started on vit. C or the other supporting nutrients, I ordered them n should be here by tomorrow....does it really make a big difference to take them? Oh and I am awfully cold to the bone again.

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