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ADMIN PLEASE READ: do NOT TRIM posts. was: Re: Gluten and what is does to our bodies

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> Lord dont you trim your post the second or third post was ridiculously

> long and UN-nessassary .any how how can one tell if the liver has

> blown up and would Iodine be any help in helping if it is inflammation



> Bobbi

We specifically ask people NOT to trim posts because we have almost 6,000

members, all of

whom need information, and we the listowner, moderators, and longtime


members are very busy people, who cannot take the time to try to figure out what

someone is

referring to because they trimmed off the history of the discussion. It's

simply not possible to

hold in our brains all the details about 6,000 members health questions without

having that

system of notes available.

So we make the choice to " deal with " the possibility of excess length, so that

we have all of

the relevant information each time we address a particular subject. Sure, if

people can take

the time to delete the many signatures that accrue at the tail end, that really

helps. But we

need the history right there in each email.

Folks who really have a problem with this might consider reading the list on the

web instead

of as a digest. You can change the settings for your list membership by

following the link

places at the bottom of every email.

So, please LEAVE THE HISTORY in the email.


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