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Iodine and Nerve Repair

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Hi Group:

I've been taking 25 MG of Iodoral for about six weeks now

and do believe it has made a difference in my prostate issues (easier to urinate)

and fewer aches and pains and just a general improvement in energy! I've

also been taking Coumadin for Afib and I think the Iodine has increased my body

temperature that the Coumadin may have reduced - anyway - I don't feel the cold

in my hands and feet like I did.


One of my rafting buddies told me last weekend he has lost feeling

in his feet due to a very, very cold rafting trip he was on several years

ago. I thought I saw a reference to nerve recovery in feet due to diabetes

and/or other causes that had been treated and improved by Iodine supplementation.

Does anyone have a link or reference along this line I could pass on to him?

Thanks very much.


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