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New to the group - questions!

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Hello all, I am new to the group. I have had fibromyalgia and possibly CFS for 6

years now. I " m only 28. My thyroid levels keep fluctuating to normal and just

above normal but since im still " norma;, " my doc wont treat me. I have started

Lugol's 2%. I started with just two drops on my wrist and i noticed a

difference the next day. I felt strong, I didn't ache like usually and I was so

awake and alive! I then upped my skin dose until i felt comfy with drinking.

Just three days ago, I put two drops in my water in the morning and two drops

around 1pm, still painting but instead of my wrist, i use a couple of drops to

paint my neck. Then I started doing 4 or 5 drops both times as well as painting

and this is where I currently am. I have been on many vitamins for a couple of

years but just recently added selenium. I take Vitamin C, E, a B-Complex,

omegas, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc.

I am aware that I need to salt load as I have pretty strong headaches but until

I get the salt, I used ibuprofen - it was a hard decision. I didn't want to

take it.

I have very little pain now and I have zero fatigue! I feel alive for the first

time in 6 years. This is amazing!!!

Anyway, my questions are:

1 - I have aching pains in my lower body that I didn't before. They feel like

the onset of a heavy period. Pelvic area and my lower back...really low, right

above what is considered my butt - is this something to be worried about or

something I can minimize if it is a detox symptom?

2 - Is it ok to take ibuprofen? Is salt loading the only thing that helps with

the headaches?

3 - If I want to start my kids on drinking (I have given them a couple drops on

their skin since I started about a week ago), what should i give them in way of

supplements? They are small (8, 6, 3) and not used to swallowing pills so I'm

wondering how to supplement them.

I'm sure I will have more questions but for now, this is where I am!

Thank you all so much!


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