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Iodoral 50 mg

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I'm a newbie to this group. Just recently had a full thyroid panel done, and my

TSH is 19.35, T3 1.98, T4 .69 and Total T3 68.6. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma 13

years ago, and underwent full mantle radiation to my chest/neck for approx. 6

weeks, following a chemo regimen that lasted 12 weeks. I have been cured now

into my 13th year. As a result, my thyroid almost fizzled out right after my

radiation , but I was able to save it by visiting a ND, and he put me on Thyroid

Plus, a natural bovine thyroid supplement with added B-vitamins and some

Chinese formulas. My onclogist at the time said, " I don't care what you are

taking, as long as your thyroid numbers stay this good.. otherwise we'll put you

on Synthroid. For 13 years, I've taken 2 per day of THyroid Plus, and never had

any issues. I also began eating a Paleo Diet, leaning more towards high

fat/lower carb with dulse, kelp powder here and there. After this most recent

thyroid results, I called the ND, and he said to double the THyroid, and some

others friends suggested I take Iodine. So, I ordered Iodoral 50mg and thought

perhaps I should cut the pills in half to start slow. I am also taking a

Chinese HErbal formula from my Oriental Medical Doctor so, I just wanted to know

if taking all these supplements plus the higher dose Iodoral is okay, or is it

overkill? My plan was to go back in a month or so to the regular doctor and get

another blood work up and see if I could bring my TSH down, and my T numbers up

a bit.



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