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i have papillary thyroid cancer

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i've had thyroid cancer for about 2 years now. i opted against radiation and

against surgery. i got pregnant in between that time, so i couldn't all

together do my special gerson's diet or juice fasting. now, i'm juicing only

and taking iodine. i wonder if you guys know of anyone who has beat this cancer

without surgery or radiation???? what did they do, how long did it take?

i'm taking 12 mg iodine daily b/c my thyroid swells tooo much with anymore, i

can barely handle this 12 mg. any advice?

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I was diagnosed two years ago last december and I was doing very well with the iodine, companion nutrients etc until last December when the growth appeared to slip into my vocal cord and caused a palsy which means I don't have much voice now. I now think that the only way to help this is to have the surgery in order that it relieves the pressure on the cord and then have whatever treatment i need on the cord. I have defo decided not to do RAI. I still feel upset that the surgery seems inevitable but I do know there has been no spread.

From: severinehulme <gotmeherenow@...>iodine Sent: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 17:16Subject: i have papillary thyroid cancer

howdy,i've had thyroid cancer for about 2 years now. i opted against radiation and against surgery. i got pregnant in between that time, so i couldn't all together do my special gerson's diet or juice fasting. now, i'm juicing only and taking iodine. i wonder if you guys know of anyone who has beat this cancer without surgery or radiation???? what did they do, how long did it take?i'm taking 12 mg iodine daily b/c my thyroid swells tooo much with anymore, i can barely handle this 12 mg. any advice?

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