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Iodine Testimonials-What has Iodine done for you?

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Although we have a lot of testimonials on the pages of info here, I thought it

would be helpful for everyone if those of us who have been using iodine would

just list the ways it has improved their health for easy reference. Here is what

iodine has done for me:

-cleaned up my breasts after breast cancer treatments, which resulted in no more

lumps or pain, as well as causing the hardness from radiation treatments to

soften and the large scar to become almost invisible

-dried up the plantars warts that had festered on and off on my feet for

decades. They have not come back

-helped me to lose weight for the first time in decades, once I got past the

detox stage

-knocked out a case of poison ivy after just a couple of bumps appeared, which

started because I grabbed some while weeding my yard

-given me peace of mind that by constantly detoxing the halides out of my breast

tissue, I will not have to worry about toxic breasts causing a recurrence



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Hello ,

Where were you wanting to create a list? I'll add my input here.

It took 1 year to completely reverse FBD. The first 3 months were spent

gradually building up 50 mgs/day of Iodoral along with the companion

supplements. Once on the 50 mgs/day the lumpy and fibrous feeling to the tissue

disappeared in 90 days. Only 1 large cyst remained so I continued the 50 mgs/day

for several weeks but without a change. Then I learned about and followed the

Funahashi method and within another 90 days the cyst was not detectable. It has

been one yr past that date now and my doctor has still declared me free of FBD.

And for the last 6 months I have backed down to 12.5 mgs a couple times a week.

I will always be so grateful to this site and everyone's caring input for

helping me resolve this condition. And I can now direct others here as well.

Thank you, .


> Although we have a lot of testimonials on the pages of info here, I thought it

would be helpful for everyone if those of us who have been using iodine would

just list the ways it has improved their health for easy reference. Here is what

iodine has done for me:

> -cleaned up my breasts after breast cancer treatments, which resulted in no

more lumps or pain, as well as causing the hardness from radiation treatments to

soften and the large scar to become almost invisible

> -dried up the plantars warts that had festered on and off on my feet for

decades. They have not come back

> -helped me to lose weight for the first time in decades, once I got past the

detox stage

> -knocked out a case of poison ivy after just a couple of bumps appeared, which

started because I grabbed some while weeding my yard

> -given me peace of mind that by constantly detoxing the halides out of my

breast tissue, I will not have to worry about toxic breasts causing a recurrence

> Memmesheimer

> preventcanswers.org


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I lost 24 lbs. that I gained after quitting smoking years ago. Weight dropped

off in 3 months. Didn't change anything else. Lynn


> Although we have a lot of testimonials on the pages of info here, I thought it

would be helpful for everyone if those of us who have been using iodine would

just list the ways it has improved their health for easy reference. Here is what

iodine has done for me:

> -cleaned up my breasts after breast cancer treatments, which resulted in no

more lumps or pain, as well as causing the hardness from radiation treatments to

soften and the large scar to become almost invisible

> -dried up the plantars warts that had festered on and off on my feet for

decades. They have not come back

> -helped me to lose weight for the first time in decades, once I got past the

detox stage

> -knocked out a case of poison ivy after just a couple of bumps appeared, which

started because I grabbed some while weeding my yard

> -given me peace of mind that by constantly detoxing the halides out of my

breast tissue, I will not have to worry about toxic breasts causing a recurrence

> Memmesheimer

> preventcanswers.org


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,To get rid of the plantar warts, did you apply the iodine topically, or did they go away by themselves as a result of oral supplementation?thanks,

ShaunaOn Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:28 PM, jlegm <jlegm@...> wrote:


Although we have a lot of testimonials on the pages of info here, I thought it would be helpful for everyone if those of us who have been using iodine would just list the ways it has improved their health for easy reference. Here is what iodine has done for me:

-cleaned up my breasts after breast cancer treatments, which resulted in no more lumps or pain, as well as causing the hardness from radiation treatments to soften and the large scar to become almost invisible

-dried up the plantars warts that had festered on and off on my feet for decades. They have not come back

-helped me to lose weight for the first time in decades, once I got past the detox stage

-knocked out a case of poison ivy after just a couple of bumps appeared, which started because I grabbed some while weeding my yard

-given me peace of mind that by constantly detoxing the halides out of my breast tissue, I will not have to worry about toxic breasts causing a recurrence



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I have been gradually but cautiously increasing drop of 5% Lugols, now on 4

drops per day. I've gained over ten pounds I try liver detox and use the

Magnesium/Salt/Vita C /water/ protocol. Only thing I have noticed is a smoother

heartbeat, less A-fib episodes and no herpes lip flare ups. My beard seems


Pete in Oklahoma

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After a lifetime of nibbling on a bit of toothpaste for quick breath freshening

(and because I loved the taste as a child), I finally learned that it was poison

after joining this group. I'm near certain my iodine intake has detoxed the

fluoride from my system. I certainly feel better, and I believe that this detox

is what is responsible for my arthritis easing up. Also, the white spots on my

teeth, caused by my excess fluoride habit, seem to be picking up some

pigmentation. I have a tooth color chart that I reference, and my teeth are the

same color as they are right after a whitening treatment, but the white spots

are less noticeable, as they're starting to blend in with my natural tooth


If you still use fluoride toothpaste, be sure to keep it well hidden from your

children. After learning of the danger I'd put myself in as a child, I spread

the word among my friends, and many of them reported back that their kids also

like to nibble on toothpaste as a minty treat.



> Although we have a lot of testimonials on the pages of info here, I thought it

would be helpful for everyone if those of us who have been using iodine would

just list the ways it has improved their health for easy reference.

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Perhaps many people could help their iodine detox by brushing teeth with bicarbonate of soda or use a health store natural toothpaste. I've used bicarb for 15 years and mys 1st visit to a dentist in all that time he commented how good and clean my teeth were.

From: moontidearts <moontidearts@...>iodine Sent: Friday, 17 February 2012, 4:19Subject: Re: Iodine Testimonials-What has Iodine done for you?

After a lifetime of nibbling on a bit of toothpaste for quick breath freshening (and because I loved the taste as a child), I finally learned that it was poison after joining this group. I'm near certain my iodine intake has detoxed the fluoride from my system. I certainly feel better, and I believe that this detox is what is responsible for my arthritis easing up. Also, the white spots on my teeth, caused by my excess fluoride habit, seem to be picking up some pigmentation. I have a tooth color chart that I reference, and my teeth are the same color as they are right after a whitening treatment, but the white spots are less noticeable, as they're starting to blend in with my natural tooth color. If you still use fluoride toothpaste, be sure to keep it well hidden from your children. After learning of the danger I'd put myself in as a child, I spread the word among my friends, and many of them reported back that their kids also like to

nibble on toothpaste as a minty treat. NY NY>> Although we have a lot of testimonials on the pages of info here, I thought it would be helpful for everyone if those of us who have been using iodine would just list the ways it has improved their health for easy reference.

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