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Re: Non-porcine derived natural thyroid replacement supplement?

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I've heard good things about Thyro-Gold and it is bovine. It's OTC and is

more expensive than prescription NTH, but one member of the thyroid group

said that 3 Thyro-Gold was as effective, for her, as 5 grain of

prescription NTH. Because it's OTC, there is no published data on hormone

concentration. I don't know of any prescription NTH using bovine.

in NS, Canada

At 12:53 PM 12/02/12, you wrote:

>Does anyone know of a non-porcine natural thyroid replacement?



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iodine is also a non-porcine medication used in the treatment of thyroid disease.

Non-porcine derived natural thyroid replacement supplement?

Posted by: "Page" pagekurtz@... pagekurtz@...

Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:19 am (PST)

Does anyone know of a non-porcine natural thyroid replacement?Thanks,Page

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Iodine is not a medication. It is a nutrient from the soil/sea. It is not just for thyroid's but for the entire body.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Non-porcine derived natural thyroid replacement supplement?


iodine is also a non-porcine medication used in the treatment of thyroid disease.

Non-porcine derived natural thyroid replacement supplement?

Posted by: "Page" pagekurtz@... pagekurtz@...

Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:19 am (PST)

Does anyone know of a non-porcine natural thyroid replacement?Thanks,Page

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