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Iodine and insomnia

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I have a strange reaction to iodine and I was wondering if anybody had any ideas

as to what is causing it.

If I have any iodine supplements during the day (as little as 120 mcg can do it)

or have fish for dinner I wake up about 3 or 4 am and cannot sleep for at least

an hour. I first noticed it about 6 months ago when I was taking a thyroid

supplement containing 120 mcg iodine – I didn't sleep properly for 6 weeks…

Since then I started paying attention to it and it is 100% consistent. If I

don't have any iodine/fish I sleep very well. I haven't noticed any other


My health history (chronologically):

- Grave's hyperthyroidism – 7 years in two bouts

- Collapsed lung treated with pleurodesis, due to which I had a ct-scan and

dozens of chest x-rays

- Hashimoto's hypothyroidism – last 4.5 years – I take whole thyroid (equivalent

to Armour)

I supplement with magnesium, selenium, fish oil, vitamins B, C, D and E and I

eat liver regularly for vitamin A.

I would really appreciate any input! :-)


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