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Hi I'm new and have a question

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I recently had iron lab results come back even lower than 2 months before and

have been taking 200 mg iron every day for 2 months. Also, I didn't realize I

was supposed to fast from iron for 5 days before my test so I figured my results

would be much higher than they really were. Needless to say, I was shocked. I am

a member of the NTH group and asked them about it. One of the moderators

stated, " When patients respond to desiccated thyroid, their metabolism

increases.The theory on the iodine group is that a higher metabolism uses more

iron. Increased metabolism also increases the need for B vitamins. B vitamins

are, among other things, important in heme synthesis and the production of red

blood cells. A deficiency in B vitamins can cause iron and ferritin levels to

drop as metabolism improves " .

Could someone explain this further to me this theory they mentioned? I have been

on NTH for 2 months now, at 90 mg right now and do not feel better in any way

yet...so its hard to believe that my body is responding to the NTH at all. I'm

so disappointed because I wanted to increase my NTH again to 120 mg but I know

it is probably pointless to do so with my iron being so low. Any help would be

very appreciated.


Kim : )

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