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Thyroid levels

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I am very confused on this subject. I have been taking 2 iodoral daily for about 6 months as well as every companion supplement. I have long thought I had thyroid problems. I have dry hair, dry skin, little crusty type patches on my skin, horrible nails as well as frequent constipation. I am also moody and cry at the drop of a hat. I also suffer from being cold a lot. I feel like I never eat and get consistently bigger. I have thought this for years and have been tested and told my thyroid is normal. I went to the dr last week and got a really huge work up and requested all the thyroids and hormone panels. Here is my thyroidT4 5.3T4, Free 0.78T3 81TSH 7.92My Dr said my thyroid was extremely low and gave me an RX for Armour. I need advice or links to see if

I should start taking it or just raise my iodine further. I don't want to start the Armour if I can fix it without. Advice PLEASE!Leza Heed

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I took HC for a few months when my adrenals were really bad due to stress of my dad being in ICU and then having to remove him from the vent and him dying. It was really hard and it was what propped me up. I gained weight on it so I quit - even though it worked well. I used an adrenal glandular - Biotics Research Cytozyme AD and that worked for me. Never took Isocort.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Thyroid levels

HC is not the same as prednisone. Predinose is the "steroid" that is given for inflammation. But I haven't had to look at taking it myself, so no, I can't say that I personally am utterly convinced about it. I know Gracia takes HC, or did, and is very supportive about it. But since you want to start Isocort just start with that anyway and see where it takes you.--On 12 Feb 2012 at 16:31, Totten wrote:> > > > THANK YOU, . Do you really think HC is safe? I've always heard> hydrocortisone is a big no-no, at least for dealing with things like> inflammation. Maybe it's different when it's directly for the adrenal> glands? I'm giving Isocort a try first, but want to know if I can keep> my options open or if Isocort is IT. -Angie> > On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:23 PM, Baker wrote:> > > I personally used Isocort until I didn't need it any more. My> acupuncturist/ND prescribed just 1-2 pellets per day for me, although> the label says up to 8. > > Some adrenal-educated folks, and some iodine list members, say that> Isocort isn't strong enough to do the healing needed. Some say that HC> is going to be needed so why bother with Isocort. However, Isocort> cured it for me. Personally I'd rather give Isocort, a whole- extract,> a chance before going to a refined product.> > But people say that HC is safe and effective, so it's really up to you> and what you know about your own body/systems. I'm super sensitive,> which can be a real hassle, but one upside is that I tend to respond> to smaller doses of things. Certainly that was true for Isocort.> > --> moderator> > > , do you have an opinion on which type of adrenal supplement> > is best? Is a natural adrenal supp (like Isocort) better than> > hydrocortisone, for example? Thanks, Angie> > > > On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:18 AM, Baker wrote:> > > > > > The problem is that by the time the thyroid function is bad, the> > person has been sick a long time. Rather than fixating on "fixing"> > the thyroid, it's better to give your body the thyroid hormone you> > need. The thyroid is the engine of the metabolism and if you don't> > have thyroid, you don't have energy and you don't have brain power.> > Because of its centrality, the body tries very hard to protect the> > thyroid. By the time it's gone bad, it's very rare that iodine fixes> > the problem. Sometimes iodine does, but most often, people need to> > take thyroid meds for life. I'm big on natural thyroid replacemen> > rather than Synthroid. It's not a drug, it's simply a replacement of> > a hormone you gotta have.> > > > Take the Armour!> > > > --> > moderator> > > > On 11 Feb 2012 at 21:14, Hidden Jewel wrote:> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hi Leza,> > > > > > Your doctor is exactly correct that your levels are very low. Be> > > thankful that you have a doctor who would prescribe a T3/T4> > > replacement. Start the Armour!!!!! You can work on supporting your> > > thyroid with nutrients at the same time. But get started on the> > > Armour so that your thyroid levels can get to a place where you> > > can be healthy. It is hard on your body for thyroid function not> > > to be adequate. You want to eliminate the drag on your system as> > > soon as possible. And let me tell you, it is a great feeling when> > > your thyroid levels get balanced out. It is like life returns. I'm> > > all for solving the root issue but there are times when hormone> > > replacement is essential to give your body a jump start toward> > > healing.> > > > > > in Alaska> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 8:58 PM, leza <lezam7777@...> wrote:> > > > > > I am very confused on this subject. I have been taking 2 iodoral> > > daily for about 6 months as well as every companion supplement. I> > > have long thought I had thyroid problems. I have dry hair, dry> > > skin, little crusty type patches on my skin, horrible nails as> > > well as frequent constipation. I am also moody and cry at the drop> > > of a hat. I also suffer from being cold a lot. I feel like I never> > > eat and get consistently bigger. I have thought this for years and> > > have been tested and told my thyroid is normal. I went to the dr> > > last week and got a really huge work up and requested all the> > > thyroids and hormone panels. Here is my thyroid> > > > > > T4 5.3> > > T4, Free 0.78> > > T3 81> > > TSH 7.92> > > My Dr said my thyroid was extremely low and gave me an RX for> > > Armour. I need advice or links to see if I should start taking it> > > or just raise my iodine further. I don't want to start the Armour> > > if I can fix it without. Advice PLEASE!> > > > > > Leza Heed> > > > > >

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I think you're confusing progesterone with prednisone?



> Thanks. I'm just so skittish about steroids (although I'm taking

> progesterone... isn't that technically a steroid?). I try to approach

> medicine as holistically and naturally as possible. Thanks, everyone. -A



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I started losing weight when I did the combination of adrenal support and iodine

and of

course the NT.



On 13 Feb 2012 at 15:56, Totten wrote:




> Thanks, everyone. So you gained weight on the HC.... is that the

> experience people often have when they go on adrenal support? I ask

> because my weight ballooned 30 lbs in 3 months when I started

> Isocort... but at the same time, my iron plummeted and so did my

> thyroid. I am hearing conflicting messages. My ND says people can gain

> weight when they start adrenal therapy, the people on the adrenal

> group say no. Since my thyroid is still low and iron is low too, I'm

> leaning toward blaming it on the thyroid rather than the adrenal, but

> if anybody has any insight into this, it would be appreciated. I'm

> poised to increase my Isocort and am worried about gaining more

> weight. My thyroid meds have been increased but thyroid is still in

> the low range.


> Also.... do you think there might be a connection between going on the

> adrenal stuff and the plummet in thyroid, iron, and also selenium,

> actually? The adrenal folks say supporting the adrenals will help the

> thyroid meds get to the cells, so not to worry, but wondering what you

> guys think. -Angie


> On Feb 12, 2012, at 8:33 PM, Buist, ND HC wrote:




> I took HC for a few months when my adrenals were really bad due to

> stress of my dad being in ICU and then having to remove him from the

> vent and him dying. It was really hard and it was what propped me up.

> I gained weight on it so I quit - even though it worked well. I used

> an adrenal glandular - Biotics Research Cytozyme AD and that worked

> for me. Never took Isocort.


> Buist, ND HC


> Re: Thyroid levels



> HC is not the same as prednisone. Predinose is the " steroid " that is

> given for inflammation.


> But I haven't had to look at taking it myself, so no, I can't say that

> I personally am utterly convinced about it. I know Gracia takes HC, or

> did, and is very supportive about it. But since you want to start

> Isocort just start with that anyway and see where it takes you.


> --


> On 12 Feb 2012 at 16:31, Totten wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > THANK YOU, . Do you really think HC is safe? I've always

> > heard hydrocortisone is a big no-no, at least for dealing with

> > things like inflammation. Maybe it's different when it's directly

> > for the adrenal glands? I'm giving Isocort a try first, but want to

> > know if I can keep my options open or if Isocort is IT. -Angie

> >

> > On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:23 PM, Baker wrote:

> >

> >

> > I personally used Isocort until I didn't need it any more. My

> > acupuncturist/ND prescribed just 1-2 pellets per day for me,

> > although the label says up to 8.

> >

> > Some adrenal-educated folks, and some iodine list members, say that

> > Isocort isn't strong enough to do the healing needed. Some say that

> > HC is going to be needed so why bother with Isocort. However,

> > Isocort cured it for me. Personally I'd rather give Isocort, a

> > whole- extract, a chance before going to a refined product.

> >

> > But people say that HC is safe and effective, so it's really up to

> > you and what you know about your own body/systems. I'm super

> > sensitive, which can be a real hassle, but one upside is that I tend

> > to respond to smaller doses of things. Certainly that was true for

> > Isocort.

> >

> > --

> > moderator

> >

> > > , do you have an opinion on which type of adrenal

> > > supplement is best? Is a natural adrenal supp (like Isocort)

> > > better than hydrocortisone, for example? Thanks, Angie

> > >

> > > On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:18 AM, Baker wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > The problem is that by the time the thyroid function is bad, the

> > > person has been sick a long time. Rather than fixating on " fixing "

> > > the thyroid, it's better to give your body the thyroid hormone you

> > > need. The thyroid is the engine of the metabolism and if you don't

> > > have thyroid, you don't have energy and you don't have brain

> > > power. Because of its centrality, the body tries very hard to

> > > protect the thyroid. By the time it's gone bad, it's very rare

> > > that iodine fixes the problem. Sometimes iodine does, but most

> > > often, people need to take thyroid meds for life. I'm big on

> > > natural thyroid replacemen rather than Synthroid. It's not a drug,

> > > it's simply a replacement of a hormone you gotta have.

> > >

> > > Take the Armour!

> > >

> > > --

> > > moderator

> > >

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Right. I lost weight taking Isocort. --

On 13 Feb 2012 at 18:45, Buist, ND HC wrote:




> Only HC made me gain weight. The adrenal glandular I took did not.


> Buist, ND HC



> Re: Thyroid levels



> HC is not the same as prednisone. Predinose is the " steroid " that is

> given for inflammation.


> But I haven't had to look at taking it myself, so no, I can't say that

> I personally am utterly convinced about it. I know Gracia takes HC, or

> did, and is very supportive about it. But since you want to start

> Isocort just start with that anyway and see where it takes you.


> --


> On 12 Feb 2012 at 16:31, Totten wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > THANK YOU, . Do you really think HC is safe? I've always

> > heard hydrocortisone is a big no-no, at least for dealing with

> > things like inflammation. Maybe it's different when it's directly

> > for the adrenal glands? I'm giving Isocort a try first, but want to

> > know if I can keep my options open or if Isocort is IT. -Angie

> >

> > On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:23 PM, Baker wrote:

> >

> >

> > I personally used Isocort until I didn't need it any more. My

> > acupuncturist/ND prescribed just 1-2 pellets per day for me,

> > although the label says up to 8.

> >

> > Some adrenal-educated folks, and some iodine list members, say that

> > Isocort isn't strong enough to do the healing needed. Some say that

> > HC is going to be needed so why bother with Isocort. However,

> > Isocort cured it for me. Personally I'd rather give Isocort, a

> > whole- extract, a chance before going to a refined product.

> >

> > But people say that HC is safe and effective, so it's really up to

> > you and what you know about your own body/systems. I'm super

> > sensitive, which can be a real hassle, but one upside is that I tend

> > to respond to smaller doses of things. Certainly that was true for

> > Isocort.

> >

> > --

> > moderator

> >

> > > , do you have an opinion on which type of adrenal

> > > supplement is best? Is a natural adrenal supp (like Isocort)

> > > better than hydrocortisone, for example? Thanks, Angie

> > >

> > > On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:18 AM, Baker wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > The problem is that by the time the thyroid function is bad, the

> > > person has been sick a long time. Rather than fixating on " fixing "

> > > the thyroid, it's better to give your body the thyroid hormone you

> > > need. The thyroid is the engine of the metabolism and if you don't

> > > have thyroid, you don't have energy and you don't have brain

> > > power. Because of its centrality, the body tries very hard to

> > > protect the thyroid. By the time it's gone bad, it's very rare

> > > that iodine fixes the problem. Sometimes iodine does, but most

> > > often, people need to take thyroid meds for life. I'm big on

> > > natural thyroid replacemen rather than Synthroid. It's not a drug,

> > > it's simply a replacement of a hormone you gotta have.

> > >

> > > Take the Armour!

> > >

> > > --

> > > moderator

> > >

> > > On 11 Feb 2012 at 21:14, Hidden Jewel wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hi Leza,

> > > >

> > > > Your doctor is exactly correct that your levels are very low. Be

> > > > thankful that you have a doctor who would prescribe a T3/T4

> > > > replacement. Start the Armour!!!!! You can work on supporting

> > > > your thyroid with nutrients at the same time. But get started on

> > > > the Armour so that your thyroid levels can get to a place where

> > > > you can be healthy. It is hard on your body for thyroid function

> > > > not to be adequate. You want to eliminate the drag on your

> > > > system as soon as possible. And let me tell you, it is a great

> > > > feeling when your thyroid levels get balanced out. It is like

> > > > life returns. I'm all for solving the root issue but there are

> > > > times when hormone replacement is essential to give your body a

> > > > jump start toward healing.

> > > >

> > > > in Alaska

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 8:58 PM, leza <lezam7777@...>

> > > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I am very confused on this subject. I have been taking 2 iodoral

> > > > daily for about 6 months as well as every companion supplement.

> > > > I have long thought I had thyroid problems. I have dry hair, dry

> > > > skin, little crusty type patches on my skin, horrible nails as

> > > > well as frequent constipation. I am also moody and cry at the

> > > > drop of a hat. I also suffer from being cold a lot. I feel like

> > > > I never eat and get consistently bigger. I have thought this for

> > > > years and have been tested and told my thyroid is normal. I went

> > > > to the dr last week and got a really huge work up and requested

> > > > all the thyroids and hormone panels. Here is my thyroid

> > > >

> > > > T4 5.3

> > > > T4, Free 0.78

> > > > T3 81

> > > > TSH 7.92

> > > > My Dr said my thyroid was extremely low and gave me an RX for

> > > > Armour. I need advice or links to see if I should start taking

> > > > it or just raise my iodine further. I don't want to start the

> > > > Armour if I can fix it without. Advice PLEASE!

> > > >

> > > > Leza Heed

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >







> -Angie


> Hive mind level 5 worker: Honey producer










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Hi, stephanieI have adrenal fatigue, severe allergies and asthma and have to often take prednisone, I thought pregnenolone was kind of like prednisone, is it not?  Actually suggested it, I had not even ever heard of it.  Should I try something else can you recommend something to replace prednisone.  Asthma symptoms are already improving with lugols so I am very hopeful.

ThanksJoanna U.

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