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Re: Other WHOLE BODY Benefits of Iodine Supplementation

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Hi Everyone,Most people taking iodine these days only think that Lugol's Iodine supplementation is good for just the thyroid. But the widespread beneficial effects of iodine supplementation -- in larger dose(well above the RDA) -- is really the only way you can achieve these whole body benefits benefits, some of which are defined here as examples from research:* Iodine acts to lower cholesterol and also helps to successfully remove and clear plaque from the heart arteries. Helps to cure arteriosclerosis and heart disease because iodine solublizes and removes fats easily from the body. Iodine also helps you to lose weight by removing fat from the body.* Iodine, as well as T3 and T4, tend to accumulate in the lungs. Iodine is anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic. In the old pre-WW2 days iodine was used by medical doctors in much larger doses -- 300 mgs to 2000 mgs amounts (50 to 300 drops a day of lugols) -- to successfully treat chronic forms of bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. Lugol's Iodine is therefore highly protective for the lungs in general.* In larger dose, lugol's iodine inhibits the conversion of histidine to histamine. So lugols acts as a natural anti-histamine against allergies as well. Dr Gerson claimed -- in his Gerson Cancer Therapy -- that lugol's idine stopped allergies completely. See this link .* For low acidity problems in the stomach, taking oral lugol's iodine will treat the root cause and revive proper acid levels in the stomach for proper digestion.* There is an artery that runs through the thyroid/parathyroid which trickles out iodine continuously into the blood. This aids the immune system by weakening the pathogens already in the blood. Iodine kills 90%-95% of all known pathogens.* Iodine in the blood also prevents bacteria and viruses from attaching themselves onto host cells for invasion, attack or reproduction.* Cyst problems such as uterine fibroids(PCOS) and fibrocystic breast disease are completely resolved and cured, usually over a 3 month period, by taking 50 mgs (8 drops) lugols iodine a day.* Taking daily oral Lugol's Iodine can also resolve prostate problems in men.* Larger dose lugol's iodine, just on its own, can completely cure systemic candida. Google Search "Orian Truss iodine candida".This is not a full or complete list of the benefits from iodine supplementaion and this list does not fully define the added extra benefits of a normalized thyroid from LI iodine use. I also stress again that the above benefits can only ever be obtained by larger dose supplementation of lugol's iodine -- in milligraqm not microgram dosages -- and according to the Iodine Project, the daily LI dose should fall between 12.5 mgs and 50 mgs a day. I used Lugol's iodine as part of my own successful anti-candida protocol six years ago and I still take 5% lugol's iodine almost every day in dosages of between 4 drops and 8 drops(25 mgs to 50 mgs) a day for both extra protection and sufficiency. Best regards,Bill :)> > From: Wanda Long w_long3@...> Subject: BUMP- Iodine Protocol for Candida> "iodine " iodine > Date: Monday, February 20, 2012, 4:44 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >  > > > > > > > > > > Friday, February 17, 2012 7:58 PM> > > > > Hi,>  Has anyone tried the iodine protocol for candida? It consists of 4-6 drops 5% Lugol's iodine 4 times a day or 10 drops 5% Lugol's 3 times a day for 3 weeks. I've read this elsewhere on the Internet. Does it work? Will the die-off be really bad? Would I have to work up to that amount or dive right in? I presently take 8 drops of 5% Lugol's daily. I was told on another forum that getting my temperature up to 98.6 would kill the candida. However, I seem to be stuck at 98.0. I have some joint pains that aren't going away with the NP Thyroid and am hoping that candida die-off would be beneficial.>  > Wanda>

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Bill, I love you , thanks for the wonderful information. I tell my friends about

it all the time. They rather go to an MD and take his meds, instead. Isnt that

awful??? Anyway, some do listen to me, I do.. thanks from us all. from a

beautiful and warm winter in Columbus Ohio

> >

> > From: Wanda Long w_long3@

> > Subject: BUMP- Iodine Protocol for Candida

> > " iodine " iodine

> > Date: Monday, February 20, 2012, 4:44 AM

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> > Friday, February 17, 2012 7:58 PM

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> > Hi,

> >  Has anyone tried the iodine protocol for candida? It

> consists of 4-6 drops 5% Lugol's iodine 4 times a day or 10 drops 5%

> Lugol's 3 times a day for 3 weeks. I've read this elsewhere on the

> Internet. Does it work? Will the die-off be really bad?Â

> Would I have to work up to that amount or dive right in? I

> presently take 8 drops of 5% Lugol's daily. I was told on another

> forum that getting my temperature up to 98.6 would kill the candida.Â

> However, I seem to be stuck at 98.0. I have some joint pains that

> aren't going away with the NP Thyroid and am hoping that candida die-off

> would be beneficial.

> > Â

> > Wanda

> >


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Is it possibly because iodine helps detoxify the body? Then once the toxins are removed from the fat, then the fat can be released. in Alaska

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Trygve Åse Lunde <trygveaaselunde@...> wrote:


Cool.Really remove fat? i thought only calorie restriction could do that? please tell me more about how it removes the fat?

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To answer some of the questions here:Also how big of a dosage are we talking about?...* Lugol's Iodine dosages of over 20 GRAMS per day have been historically recorded for problems such as bronchitis, emphysema and syphillis. So I regard a dose of 50 mgs to 100 mgs of LI as not particularly large. I recently helped advise a lady in Africa who had bad systemic candida, hiatal hernia, hypothyroid, esophigitis pain, constipation, gastritis pain, GERD, edema, uterine fibroids --alot wrong with her. I advised her to just to primarily focus on killing the systemic candida. She's been on the protocol for over 3 months now. She immediately started taking 5% Lugol's Iodine -- 8 drops 4 times a day (which was Orian Truss's daily dosage for killing systemic candida -- her choice). This caused some probems -- heavy metallic or bitter taste in her mouth(detox effects) -- so I told her to cut the dosage to 16 drops a day. I also advised her to take The Berkson Triple Antioxidant Protocol to help support her liver, since she was detoxing heavy metals and halogens so heavily. The hiatal hernia, constipation, esophigitis, GERD and gastritis have all disappeared but she is still -- even now -- having die-off or Herx reactions and she is still detoxing toxins. She says she has much more energy now, much reduced pain and is sleeping far better now. I think her hypothyroid has also normalized, but have to wait until she gets another checkup to confirm. There was more to the protocol than just lugol's iodine (which, as far as I am concerned, was a very big player) and I also advised a special diet which she followed.* My advice for LI dosages is simple -- take as much as you can stand. Work up to it gradually over a number of days. And always initially test iodine on your skin first to see if you are one of the 1% of people who are allergic to lugols iodine. * When used for either hypothyroid or as an anti-candida protocol -- the full lugols iodine protocol, with companion nutrients, should always be taken. This is defined by Guy Abraham from the Iodine Project here. * You should always expect a die-off or Herx reaction when you first use Lugols Iodine. I usually advise the Berkson Liver Protocol to help -- Alpha Lipoic Acid(300 mg twice a day at meals), Milk Thistle(1000 mgs twice a day at meals) and Selenium(200 mcg twice a day at meals). This provides extra glutathione as antioxidant support to help the liver cope with ridding toxins from the body and in preventing liver stress. Is it possibly because iodine helps detoxify the body? Then once the toxins are removed from the fat, then the fat can be released.* Iodine is useful because it simply solublizes fats and gets them into the blood. Here they can be easily removed from the body by the liver which also normally works to both remove the toxins and fat from the blood. Iodine also removes aluminium, cadmium, lead and mercury from the body and helps to remove bromide and fluorine. So not only can iodine help remove some heavy metals and dangerous halogens, it can certainly help you lose weight as well -- especially if you are both hypothyroid and overweight. See this link for more info.Best regards,Bill :)

>> Also how big of a dosage are we talking about?>

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Hi Bill

Since you have used iodine successfully for candida, my question is: Do you

think there's a benefit to taking the iodine 4 times a day, or would two larger

doses of the same milligrams work just as well? I've asked this question here

before, and got no replies, so I assume there isn't knowledge or consensus on


I had worked up to 250 to 260 mg / day in January, but the detox got too

difficult - dark thoughts, depression, weight gain of 4 lbs in a month and just

not feeling well. So I cut back to 100 mg / day as you advised below and am

feeling better. I took the 250 mg as 1 Lugol's drink with breakfast, and one

with dinner (mid afternoon). Now I just take 1 drink with breakfast, 100 mg


I've done most of what you outlined below, Dr Berkson's liver protocol (but at

half the amounts you posted), sugar free diet for 18 months, NAC and whey

protein to build glutathione, lots of supplements like 5 gms Vit C / day, 1200

mg magnesium / day or more, probiotics daily for months, etc. Unfortunately,

the candida has returned on my skin, so I know I still have a problem.

I take LDN as well. It seems to promote candida in some.

Do you think it's best to divide the Lugol's into 4 doses a day as Dr. Truss

suggested? Could that be the thing I'm missing to succeed? I also have a 3

inch multinodular goiter, hypothyroid symptoms, low body temperature (and MS).

So far, since last June, the iodine hasn't made a noticeable difference in these


Thanks for your posts - good advice.


> >

> > Also how big of a dosage are we talking about?

> >


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Hi Karyn,IIn answer to all your questions:Do you think there's a benefit to taking the iodine 4 times a day, or would two larger doses of the same milligrams work just as well?

It is quite well known that taking higher daily dosages of Lugol's Iodine (LI) will speed up recovery from iodine deficiency problems. Here is a quote from Dr Brownstein:"The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about 3 months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine and a year to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily. However, the patient needs to be monitored closely with awareness of possible side effects and detoxification reactions.Source: http://iodine.imva.info/index.php/iodine-dosages/ Do you think it's best to divide the Lugol's into 4 doses a day as Dr. Truss suggested? Could that be the thing I'm missing to succeed?

My opinion is that it is always better to spread the LI dosages throughout the day rather than just take it in one or two hits. This way, there is always iodine in the blood and the strain on the kidneys to excrete the excess iodine will be less. Other arising detox problems can also effect iodine sufficiency recovery and the main problem here appears to be caused by "Bromism" or excess bromide stored in the body, which can give alot of awful symptoms and recovery problems. I'm not going to cover that here -- but this link fully defines strategies and symptoms that The Iodine Investigation Project uses to overcome Bromism -- and, as you will see, their strategies involves more than just Salt Loading to help cope with Bromism's awful side-effects:http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html

I will be highlighting the above strategies against Bromism in another post because it does take some explaining. The use of NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) together with the The Berkson Protocol is a very useful adjunct and is fairly well known and helps to support the liver during detox. NAC is also highly protective for the lungs and helps to reduce sugar metabolism in the body. All good. As far as taking LDN goes, although this is a highly useful protocol, it does seem to create acid intestines which encourages candida. So if using LDN then I would at least alkalize with Sodium Bicarbonate to help alkalize both the intestines and blood. I also used alkalizing in my anti-candida protocol quite successfully. You don't have to use anything fancy or expensive -- I used just Arm & Hammer brand -- 1/4 to 1/2 tspn in half a glass of water 2 or 3 times a day outside mealtimes. And if you're worried about the aluminium content then you can use Bob's Red Mill brand. You also mention that you are having skin problems and that this must be cutaneous candida. Are you absolutely sure this skin problem is not caused by Bromism ? Bromism can also cause acne-like skin problems and can also cause odd skin rashes as well. And, since your skin is an excretory organ, this can also be an indication that your liver and kidneys can't cope with removing all the bromide in your blood. If your skin problems have started since starting LI then I would say that the cause of your skin problems is almost certainly Bromism. When I had systemic candida, I also had psoriasis and eczma plus a myriad of other symptoms. But I just concentrated on killing the candida -- nothing else -- I never worried about the other awful problems, which I simply regarded as just Candida symptoms. And when I cured my candida -- the eczma and psoriasis and all the other problems, which I had had for years and years, all completely disappeared. And five years later after curing myself, still no skin problems. So, I encourage you to just concentrate your attack just on the candida -- don't worry so much about your other problems. Once you cure and rid yourself of the candida -- the rest of the "symptoms" will probably just disappear as mine did. I was helping a lady in Africa by email who had hypothyroid, candida and all sorts of other horrible digestive problems and, when she started larger dose iodine (32 drops of 5% LI per day in four doses), she got a horrible metallic, brassy taste in her mouth. This is undoubtedly due to Bromism. I immediately asked her to cut down her daily dose by half with a view to raising the dose back up after the bromide had been completely detoxed from her body. This has worked well and has helped make her recovery more bearable -- although, due to this bromism problem, her recovery has necessarily taken considerably longer to achieve. Bromism arises, particularly in America, because bromide is still used in the flour-making and bread-making processes. Bromide is a cumulative poison and large amounts of bromide can be stored and accumulated in the body over the decades depending on how much bread you actually eat in your diet per day. Living in the Philippines as I do now, I am quite lucky because they banned bromide in their and flour and bread-making some years ago. It's heartening to see that some countries still have some modicum of common medical sense. Best regards,Bill:)> > >> > > Also how big of a dosage are we talking about?> > >> >>

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Hi trygveaaselunde,

The Japanese ingest 4.5 grams of seaweed per day. This gives them a daily iodine

dose of approx. 13.8 mgs of iodine per day. The Japanese are one of the

healthiest races in the world.

Here is another example of the efficacy of higher dose iodine in the diet. It's

well known that smoking is bad for health and that this habit certainly

encourages lung cancer. But for years researchers were completely stumped

because the Japanese, as a group, are one of the heaviest smoking groups in the

world per head of population and yet they had one of the lowest occurrences in

the world of lung cancer in their population. Then another researcher discovered

that the Japanese ingested more inorganic iodine in their diet than the rest of

the world -- way more than the RDI recommended by modern medical research(over

100 times more). Then another piece of research came to light -- that T3,

T4(thyroid hormones) and iodine itself tends to naturally accumulate in the

lungs. So there's your answer -- again from research, iodine is well known to be

highly anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic(anti-cancer). That's why the

Japanese have one of the lowest rates of lung cancer(and breast cancer and

prostate cancer etc) in the world today and that's probably also why they live

for so long.

That's just one significant example of why larger dose iodine is highly

beneficial for the body.

Much of the confusion over whether larger dose iodine is good for the body --

the belief that dosages over 1 mg are poisonous to the human body -- has arisen

from just one piece of particularly bad research called the Wolf-Chaikoff

Report(1948), which all modern doctors are now taught as rote truth --

consequently everyone now seems to believe that iodine, supplemented above the

microgram level, is poisonous and dangerous for the body.

And here is Guy Abraham's (from the Iodine Project) logical and efficient

rebuttal of the Wolff-Chaikoff research:


In the old days, historic medical usage and research on iodine(spanning about

170 years now) unquestionably shows that higher dose iodine was useful. I have

read historic medical data where lugols iodine, in dosages up to 20 GRAMS a day,

was used to treat chronic forms of emphysema, bronchitis and syphillis to good

effect. And the reason people didn't get such bad detox reactions in the old

days was simply because the food was better -- not so highly processed with

additives as now. And before WW2 iodine was used in bread-making -- not bromide

as used today in bread-making.

Perhaps best to make up your own mind about this.

Best regards,

Bill :)


> What about


> iodine exess? i have seen alot of people write about that but exept for detox

symptoms etc is there anything to be worried about in terms of taking to much



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Bill,I apologize ahead of time if you have already stated this (I could not find it): When you overcame candida with the iodine protocol, did you use any other adjuncts besides baking soda? Did you follow any particular diet? I can't take baking soda as my blood pressure is very low and when I've tried supplementing soda in the past, my BP drops dangerously lower. I also get progressively more ill the longer I follow a low-carb " anti-yeast diet " , to the point of disabling lethargy, disorientation, and blackouts. I, like Karyn, am on LDN, and thought I had candida under control, but it seems to be worse since starting the LDN a month ago. I have myriad symptoms ranging from annoying to extremely scary, and I have been as yet unable to determine whether they are from systemic candidiasis or from Lyme disease. I desperately need to get candida under control, to determine what is Lyme and what is candida. It would be a miracle if the iodine protocol alone could accomplish this. I had read about the single case of Orion Truss treating a very ill hospital patient who had candida with iodine. But Orion Truss' paper published in 1973 describing case studies of patients cured of candida does not even mention iodine. Instead he uses injections of " candida extract " and/or Nystatin. All I can find regarding iodine treatment for candida is that single isolated anecdote. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. It is very much appreciated. 

ShaunaOn Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 9:02 PM, slowsmile <bt130550@...> wrote:


Hi Karyn,IIn answer to all your questions:Do you think there's a benefit to taking the iodine 4 times a day, or would two larger doses of the same milligrams work just as well?

It is quite well known that taking higher daily dosages of Lugol's Iodine (LI) will speed up recovery from iodine deficiency problems.  Here is a quote from Dr Brownstein:

" The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about 3 months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine and a year to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily. However, the patient needs to be monitored closely with awareness of possible side effects and detoxification reactions.

Source: http://iodine.imva.info/index.php/iodine-dosages/

 Do you think it's best to divide the Lugol's into 4 doses a day as Dr. Truss suggested? Could that be the thing I'm missing to succeed?

My opinion is that it is always better to spread the LI dosages throughout the day rather than just take it in one or two hits. This way, there is always iodine in the blood and the strain on the kidneys to excrete the excess iodine will be less. 

Other arising detox problems can also effect iodine sufficiency recovery and the main problem here appears to be caused by " Bromism " or excess bromide stored in the body, which can give alot of awful symptoms and recovery problems. I'm not going to cover that here -- but this link fully defines strategies and symptoms that The Iodine Investigation Project uses to overcome Bromism -- and, as you will see,  their strategies involves more than just Salt Loading to help cope with Bromism's awful side-effects:


I will be highlighting the above strategies against Bromism in another post because it does take some explaining. The use of NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) together with the The Berkson Protocol is a very useful adjunct and is fairly well known and helps to support the liver during detox. NAC is also highly protective for the lungs and helps to reduce sugar metabolism in the body. All good.  As far as taking LDN goes, although this is a highly useful protocol, it does seem to create acid intestines which encourages candida. So if using LDN then I would at least alkalize with Sodium Bicarbonate to help alkalize both the intestines and blood. I also used alkalizing in my anti-candida protocol quite successfully. You don't have to use anything fancy or expensive -- I used just Arm & Hammer brand -- 1/4 to 1/2 tspn in half a glass of water 2 or 3 times a day outside mealtimes. And if you're worried about the aluminium content then you can use Bob's Red Mill brand. 

You also mention that you are having skin problems and that this must be cutaneous candida. Are you absolutely sure this skin problem is not caused by Bromism ?  Bromism can also cause acne-like skin problems and can also cause odd skin rashes as well. And, since your skin is an excretory organ, this can also be an indication that your liver and kidneys can't cope with removing all the bromide in your blood. If your skin problems have started since starting LI then I would say that the cause of your skin problems is almost certainly Bromism. When I had systemic candida, I also had psoriasis and eczma plus a myriad of other symptoms. But I just concentrated on killing the candida -- nothing else --  I never worried about the other awful problems, which I simply regarded as just Candida symptoms. And when I cured my candida -- the eczma and psoriasis and all the other problems,  which I had had for years and years, all completely disappeared. And five years later after curing myself, still no skin problems. So, I encourage you to just concentrate your attack just on the candida -- don't worry so much about your other problems. Once you cure and rid yourself of the candida -- the rest of the " symptoms " will probably just disappear as mine did.  

I was helping a lady in Africa by email who had hypothyroid, candida and all sorts of other horrible digestive problems and, when she started larger dose iodine (32 drops of 5% LI per day in four doses), she got a horrible metallic, brassy taste in her mouth. This is undoubtedly due to Bromism. I immediately asked her to cut down her daily dose by half with a view to raising the dose back up after the bromide had been completely detoxed from her body. This has worked well and has helped make her recovery more bearable -- although, due to this bromism problem, her recovery has necessarily taken considerably longer to achieve.    

Bromism arises, particularly in America, because bromide is still used in the flour-making and bread-making processes. Bromide is a cumulative poison and large amounts of bromide can be stored and accumulated in the body over the decades depending on how much bread you actually eat in your diet per day. Living in the Philippines as I do now, I am quite lucky because they banned bromide in their and flour and bread-making some years ago. It's heartening to see that some countries still  have some modicum of common medical sense. 

Best regards,Bill:)> > >> > > Also how big of a dosage are we talking about?> > >

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