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Saliva test

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Thanks Sheila

I am on 7.5mg, 7.5mg and 5 mg of cortef daily....

Do I also stay off this whilst doing the hormonal saliva profile test (which is

a month long collection of saliva samples)...?

Thanks again



> No, keep taking the natural thyroid tablets Khush. However, stop the Cortef

> for at least two weeks before you do the adrenal stress profile. Before


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You need to decrease your dose by 5mgs at a time, you mustn't rush

this, so that you are off it completely for 2 weeks before the test.

I have never heard of a hormone test where saliva samples are

collected over a month. Can you tell me more about this. The one we recommend

from Genova Diagnostics collects saliva over 24 hours and samples are taken

at 8.00a.m. - 12 Noon - 4.00p.m. and again at midnight. Collecting

samples over 4 weeks would mean that you couldn't take any adrenal support

during that time. Are you able to cope with that?

Luv - Sheila

I am on 7.5mg, 7.5mg and 5 mg of cortef daily....

Do I also stay off this whilst doing the hormonal saliva profile test (which is

a month long collection of saliva samples)...?

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Hi Sheila,

the test I am referring to is

http://www.gdx.uk.net/index.php?option=com_gpanel & Itemid=2 & task=view & id=24

It involves collecting saliva samples over the monthly cycle...about 11 samples

in total...

they also do one that includes the DHEA etc that is integrated into the above

test but it is called something else.

So can I start with dropping my 5 mg at 4pm first? then work to earlier in the


Thanks again appreciate your time and energy

Khush x


> You need to decrease your dose by 5mgs at a time, you mustn't rush this, so

> that you are off it completely for 2 weeks before the test.


> I have never heard of a hormone test where saliva samples are collected over

> a month. Can you tell me more about this. The one we recommend from Genova

> Diagnostics collects saliva over 24 hours and samples are taken at 8.00a.m.

> - 12 Noon - 4.00p.m. and again at midnight. Collecting samples over 4 weeks

> would mean that you couldn't take any adrenal support during that time. Are

> you able to cope with that?


> Luv - Sheila








> I am on 7.5mg, 7.5mg and 5 mg of cortef daily....


> Do I also stay off this whilst doing the hormonal saliva profile test (which

> is a month long collection of saliva samples)...?


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Hi and Sheila

thank you for your input. I did ring Genova in UK and the lady who deals with

diagnostic test advise/help was not at all helpful and said that 'Dr Abraham

does not advise individuals'.

Should I ring USA Genova direct? Has anyone done this before and got helpful


Many thanks


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I saw a naturopath last week and she wasn't supportive about using Iodine. She

wants me to stop but I'm going to continue on. However, I did purchase a saliva

test from her so I will need to see her again to get the results. I'm due to

take the test on Sunday. Should I stop taking iodine before the test? I

would like to get an accurate reading and I'm not sure if iodine will skew the

results. Thanks!

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What are you testing?




> I saw a naturopath last week and she wasn't supportive about using Iodine. She

wants me to stop but I'm going to continue on. However, I did purchase a saliva

test from her so I will need to see her again to get the results. I'm due to

take the test on Sunday. Should I stop taking iodine before the test? I

would like to get an accurate reading and I'm not sure if iodine will skew the

results. Thanks!


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I'm testing all my hormones including cortisol levels. Not sure if you can test

thyroid hormones with this test.

> >

> > I saw a naturopath last week and she wasn't supportive about using Iodine.

She wants me to stop but I'm going to continue on. However, I did purchase a

saliva test from her so I will need to see her again to get the results. I'm

due to take the test on Sunday. Should I stop taking iodine before the test?

I would like to get an accurate reading and I'm not sure if iodine will skew the

results. Thanks!

> >


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You should be fine, just follow the directions.



> > >

> > > I saw a naturopath last week and she wasn't supportive about using Iodine.

She wants me to stop but I'm going to continue on. However, I did purchase a

saliva test from her so I will need to see her again to get the results. I'm

due to take the test on Sunday. Should I stop taking iodine before the test?

I would like to get an accurate reading and I'm not sure if iodine will skew the

results. Thanks!

> > >

> >


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