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Anyone here SOLEY on Iodine for thyroid health and not NTH?

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Anyone here just taking iodine for thyroid health or any people who corrected

former thyroid issues with iodine NOT ON THYROID hormones? I would love to here

your story...I was on Armour for past 7 years but based on labs and speaking

with Janie from STTM, we recently assessed that it's very likely that the

underlying causes of my hypo have now resolved. Over past 4 months I went from

4+ grains down to 1/2 grain and about to go off completely. I had a RT3 issue

that developed - I have never felt BETTER in years just being on 1/2 grain, I

will go off completely soon but I am going to do the iodine loading test. I have

been taking 2 drops of Lugol's 2% everyday. I take other supplements, and ever

time I moved down an Armour dose....I keep losing weight finally after over a


IS there anyone who had a similar experience or who takes Iodine for thyroid

support and NOT thyroid medication?

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