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Re: Re: Detoxified Iodine - for children! - Bump!

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I am heading to bed - there is some info on what I did with my children in the Guide to Supplementing - www.steppingstonesliving.com/resources/iodine/

Buist, ND HC

Re: Detoxified Iodine - for children! - Bump!

Bumping this as I didn't get a response. If there is something in the documents for the group, let me know and i will read on! Thanks!>> Hello all!> I have been doing LOTS of reading lately and I am understanding better the need for iodine supplementation. I have read the guidelines for supplementing and see mention of the Detoxified Iodine as the suggested product for children under 3 and the suggested dosages for other children. I am curious to know what children should be given as far as companion nutrients to go along with the Iodine? > I assume that, typically speaking, children will not have as severe (if any) detox symptoms since they shouldn't have as much "bad stuff" in them as we adults who have been toxifying (clearly not a word - but you know what I am saying) ourselves for years?!> > Appreciate hearing from all you "wise ones!"> Thanks,> Amy>

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