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Re: Adrenal Group - Examples of why I have issues

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Thank you so much for addressing this. I joined the Adrenal group and thought I

would just spend some time observing before I asked for any help. Needless to

say, I didn't ask for any help. What they were saying did not make sense to me,

and it was on all the issues that you mentioned in your post. I appreciate your




> I did not know until yesterday that the NTH Adrenal group had a website with

their information. I started to scan the website last night and stumbled on

this page:

> http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php


> Of course I looked at Iodine:


> Iodine - We do not recommend supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very

hard on weak adrenals. Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once

your thyroid replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed.



> Here is some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals


> Following their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is

in the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the various parts of

the body:

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm


> The owner of the NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid replacement is

optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming that only the thyroid

needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The

breast tissue has Pendrin that concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many

cancers occur? - Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they

iodine is in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

suffers mentally and developmentally.


> Next - they advise not to take a Multi-Vitamin:


> Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi vitamins as it is simply not wise

to take things we do not need. The amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going

to be enough to correct a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

anyone to take. It is much better to only take what we know we need and take

that in a correct amount tailored to our individual bodies.


> Really? No multivitamins? Since when are vitamins unwise to take? It is the

foundation of any ill person - which is what an adrenal fatigued person is.

Most are toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the amount in most

multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that is the rational for not

taking them? How then do you get your levels up - because I can tell you that

the adrenal group does not promote a nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner

eats on a regular basis and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a

box and a microwave tray. Enough said.....


> No socializing? Studies show that your mental attitude is half the battle to

healing. When you isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues

and it makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get religious

here but when I was healing I used scripture and this one came to mind A

cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov



> No Exercising? Bad advice! You cannot sit like a bump on a log and not move.

Here is a great article on how it all must be balanced and the right movements

must be done at the right time. Yoga - is fabulous for the body to help return

to health. http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp

Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins out of

our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine can be healing too.

I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is what I did.


> I could go on but I think you get my point. It is troubling to me to see this

information knowing what training I have received along with the wonderful

mentoring I have had from good holistic doctors.


> Each person must decide what they do and whom they will trust with their

health. It is part of the journey to wellness.


> Buist, ND HC


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I've been getting help over at the adrenals group for over a year now, and

although I feel they have helped me a lot, I decided to try iodine despite it

not being recommended. I was able to get stable temps for the first time after

starting the companion nutrients and only 3 mg of iodine. I've since been able

to increase NTH to 1 1/2 grains and just recently increased iodoral to 12 mg.

the stable temps show adrenal improvement but I still feel bad most of the time.

I really dont know if it is detox or not. I'm going crazy trying to figure this

out, but have a gut feeling that I should keep taking the iodoral.

I miscles feel less weak but I feel exhausted from the neck up most of the time.

It feels like Im getting hormonal headaches for 2 weeks out of my cycle, my

allergies are worse, eczema is back, and although my body seems less fatigued,

my head and eyes feel so drained out and tired all the time. Im also so much

more tight and stiff. I had to start bio estrogen and bio progesterone after I

tried hydrocortisone for 6 months. (sex hormone levels dropped dramatically

after taking it). I've been off of it for 6 months and on the iodine for about 6

weeks. I'm wondering if im still on the right dose of hormones? Do I need to

change my dose in some way now that im on iodine? I also will be starting the

TLC soon which should help. I even feel worse after doing the coffee enema

(again the tired drained out head with a headache). Why would I feel worse

after that?

Sorry so long but I could use some advise. My allergies are a bit better after

getting rid of a humidifier with mildew, but all the other symptoms I mentioned

don't seem to be improving.




> I did not know until yesterday that the NTH Adrenal group had a website with

their information. I started to scan the website last night and stumbled on

this page:

> http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php


> Of course I looked at Iodine:


> Iodine - We do not recommend supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very

hard on weak adrenals. Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once

your thyroid replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed.



> Here is some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals


> Following their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is

in the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the various parts of

the body:

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm


> The owner of the NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid replacement is

optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming that only the thyroid

needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The

breast tissue has Pendrin that concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many

cancers occur? - Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they

iodine is in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

suffers mentally and developmentally.


> Next - they advise not to take a Multi-Vitamin:


> Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi vitamins as it is simply not wise

to take things we do not need. The amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going

to be enough to correct a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

anyone to take. It is much better to only take what we know we need and take

that in a correct amount tailored to our individual bodies.


> Really? No multivitamins? Since when are vitamins unwise to take? It is the

foundation of any ill person - which is what an adrenal fatigued person is.

Most are toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the amount in most

multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that is the rational for not

taking them? How then do you get your levels up - because I can tell you that

the adrenal group does not promote a nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner

eats on a regular basis and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a

box and a microwave tray. Enough said.....


> No socializing? Studies show that your mental attitude is half the battle to

healing. When you isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues

and it makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get religious

here but when I was healing I used scripture and this one came to mind A

cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov



> No Exercising? Bad advice! You cannot sit like a bump on a log and not move.

Here is a great article on how it all must be balanced and the right movements

must be done at the right time. Yoga - is fabulous for the body to help return

to health. http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp

Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins out of

our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine can be healing too.

I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is what I did.


> I could go on but I think you get my point. It is troubling to me to see this

information knowing what training I have received along with the wonderful

mentoring I have had from good holistic doctors.


> Each person must decide what they do and whom they will trust with their

health. It is part of the journey to wellness.


> Buist, ND HC


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MJ-- The reason you feel worse after the coffee enema is because cleansing

requires energy and if your energy stores are unreliable it will take a toll.


you're feeling really bad after increasing your dose of iodine, you need to


the dose of iodine to a dose that doesn't produce that strong of bromide detox

symptoms. Please drop back your iodine dose.

As far as your hormone supplementation and hormone levels go, iodine has the

potential to balance hormones but when they are super out of whack it's just

going to take time. And testing and money, unfortunately.

The TLC I hope will help you. My first sense of things for you is the need for

herbal/nutritional support so I was glad when you said you were going to be

taking that.

But you need to cut back your iodine to a level that does not increase your

suffering so much. There is no nobility in going too fast with iodine


Slow down, cut back, let the dose sit at a much lower level. For a lot of


12.5mg is nothing. For others, it's too much. You need to go slow and carefully

as you get things back into balance.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 4:54, health43mj wrote:


> Hi

> I've been getting help over at the adrenals group for over a year now,

> and although I feel they have helped me a lot, I decided to try iodine

> despite it not being recommended. I was able to get stable temps for

> the first time after starting the companion nutrients and only 3 mg of

> iodine. I've since been able to increase NTH to 1 1/2 grains and just

> recently increased iodoral to 12 mg. the stable temps show adrenal

> improvement but I still feel bad most of the time. I really dont know

> if it is detox or not. I'm going crazy trying to figure this out, but

> have a gut feeling that I should keep taking the iodoral. I miscles

> feel less weak but I feel exhausted from the neck up most of the time.

> It feels like Im getting hormonal headaches for 2 weeks out of my

> cycle, my allergies are worse, eczema is back, and although my body

> seems less fatigued, my head and eyes feel so drained out and tired

> all the time. Im also so much more tight and stiff. I had to start

> bio estrogen and bio progesterone after I tried hydrocortisone for 6

> months. (sex hormone levels dropped dramatically after taking it).

> I've been off of it for 6 months and on the iodine for about 6 weeks.

> I'm wondering if im still on the right dose of hormones? Do I need to

> change my dose in some way now that im on iodine? I also will be

> starting the TLC soon which should help. I even feel worse after

> doing the coffee enema (again the tired drained out head with a

> headache). Why would I feel worse after that?


> Sorry so long but I could use some advise. My allergies are a bit

> better after getting rid of a humidifier with mildew, but all the

> other symptoms I mentioned don't seem to be improving.


> MJ





> > > > I did not know until yesterday that

> the NTH Adrenal group had a website with their information. I started

> to scan the website last night and stumbled on this page: >

> http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > > Of

> course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not recommend

> supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very hard on weak adrenals.

> Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once your thyroid

> replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. > > > Here is

> some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following

> their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is in

> the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the various

> parts of the body: > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > >

> The owner of the NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid

> replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming

> that only the thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma

> teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that

> concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur? -

> Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they iodine is

> in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

> suffers mentally and developmentally. > > Next - they advise not to

> take a Multi-Vitamin: > > Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi

> vitamins as it is simply not wise to take things we do not need. The

> amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to correct

> a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for anyone to take.

> It is much better to only take what we know we need and take that in a

> correct amount tailored to our individual bodies. > > Really? No

> multivitamins? Since when are vitamins unwise to take? It is the

> foundation of any ill person - which is what an adrenal fatigued

> person is. Most are toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the

> amount in most multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that

> is the rational for not taking them? How then do you get your levels

> up - because I can tell you that the adrenal group does not promote a

> nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner eats on a regular basis

> and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a box and a

> microwave tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show

> that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you

> isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues and it

> makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get religious

> here but when I was healing I used scripture and this one came to mind

> A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the

> bones. Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising? Bad advice! You cannot sit like

> a bump on a log and not move. Here is a great article on how it all

> must be balanced and the right movements must be done at the right

> time. Yoga - is fabulous for the body to help return to health.

> http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp

> Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins

> out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine can

> be healing too. I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is what I

> did. > > I could go on but I think you get my point. It is troubling

> to me to see this information knowing what training I have received

> along with the wonderful mentoring I have had from good holistic

> doctors. > > Each person must decide what they do and whom they will

> trust with their health. It is part of the journey to wellness. > >

> Buist, ND HC >





> ------------------------------------


> Owner: Buist, ND HC

> Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn


> All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group

> IodineOT/



> The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list)

> iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS%2

> 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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Thank you ,

I've had similar thoughts. I've had private discussions with some persons from

the Adrenals group when I've seen them very lost with the advise they are

getting from there. Some of them might have found their way here as a

consequense :)

Before I found this group, I joined the adrenals and rt3 groups and they guided

me on to the t3 route with HC. I felt fine at first but more and more problems

came up and finally after seaching for more information I realized it's iodine

and liver cleanses my body needs. About 1/2 year on iodine my adrenals were

completely healed! And I'm back on Thyroid Erfa. I take coffee enemas and milk

thistle, alfalipoic acid.

I'm still not doing great, still have hypothyroid symptoms, haven't found the

right dose on Erfa and my iron is bad. The problem is, I have not found a doctor

in Finland, who appreciates the iron panel. I can get hemoglobin serum iron,

ferritin, transferrin (?) but no TIBC and saturation. I even emailed one lab,

and they could not offer those missing ones.

My serum iron and ferritin are both low but since I do not know how much iron is

safe for me to take, I'm scared to take any.

Susa in Finland



> I did not know until yesterday that the NTH Adrenal group had a website with

their information. I started to scan the website last night and stumbled on

this page:

> http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php


> Of course I looked at Iodine:


> Iodine - We do not recommend supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very

hard on weak adrenals. Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once

your thyroid replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed.



> Here is some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals


> Following their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is

in the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the various parts of

the body:

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm


> The owner of the NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid replacement is

optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming that only the thyroid

needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The

breast tissue has Pendrin that concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many

cancers occur? - Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they

iodine is in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

suffers mentally and developmentally.


> Next - they advise not to take a Multi-Vitamin:


> Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi vitamins as it is simply not wise

to take things we do not need. The amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going

to be enough to correct a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

anyone to take. It is much better to only take what we know we need and take

that in a correct amount tailored to our individual bodies.


> Really? No multivitamins? Since when are vitamins unwise to take? It is the

foundation of any ill person - which is what an adrenal fatigued person is.

Most are toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the amount in most

multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that is the rational for not

taking them? How then do you get your levels up - because I can tell you that

the adrenal group does not promote a nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner

eats on a regular basis and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a

box and a microwave tray. Enough said.....


> No socializing? Studies show that your mental attitude is half the battle to

healing. When you isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues

and it makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get religious

here but when I was healing I used scripture and this one came to mind A

cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov



> No Exercising? Bad advice! You cannot sit like a bump on a log and not move.

Here is a great article on how it all must be balanced and the right movements

must be done at the right time. Yoga - is fabulous for the body to help return

to health. http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp

Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins out of

our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine can be healing too.

I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is what I did.


> I could go on but I think you get my point. It is troubling to me to see this

information knowing what training I have received along with the wonderful

mentoring I have had from good holistic doctors.


> Each person must decide what they do and whom they will trust with their

health. It is part of the journey to wellness.


> Buist, ND HC


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This might help you understand your iron levels and whether it's safe to

supplement: http://tiredthyroid.com/cofactors.html

What they don't tell you about HC: http://tiredthyroid.com/hc.html

What they don't tell you about rT3: http://tiredthyroid.com/rt3.html



> >

> >

> > I did not know until yesterday that the NTH Adrenal group had a website with

their information. I started to scan the website last night and stumbled on

this page:

> > http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php

> >

> > Of course I looked at Iodine:

> >

> > Iodine - We do not recommend supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very

hard on weak adrenals. Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once

your thyroid replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed.

> >

> >

> > Here is some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals


> > Following their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine

is in the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the various parts

of the body:

> > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm

> >

> > The owner of the NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid replacement is

optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming that only the thyroid

needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The

breast tissue has Pendrin that concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many

cancers occur? - Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they

iodine is in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

suffers mentally and developmentally.

> >

> > Next - they advise not to take a Multi-Vitamin:

> >

> > Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi vitamins as it is simply not wise

to take things we do not need. The amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going

to be enough to correct a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

anyone to take. It is much better to only take what we know we need and take

that in a correct amount tailored to our individual bodies.

> >

> > Really? No multivitamins? Since when are vitamins unwise to take? It is

the foundation of any ill person - which is what an adrenal fatigued person is.

Most are toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the amount in most

multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that is the rational for not

taking them? How then do you get your levels up - because I can tell you that

the adrenal group does not promote a nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner

eats on a regular basis and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a

box and a microwave tray. Enough said.....

> >

> > No socializing? Studies show that your mental attitude is half the battle

to healing. When you isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your

issues and it makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get

religious here but when I was healing I used scripture and this one came to mind

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov


> >

> > No Exercising? Bad advice! You cannot sit like a bump on a log and not

move. Here is a great article on how it all must be balanced and the right

movements must be done at the right time. Yoga - is fabulous for the body to

help return to health.

http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp Movement is how

we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins out of our body so that

it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine can be healing too. I have been in

adrenal fatigue and this is what I did.

> >

> > I could go on but I think you get my point. It is troubling to me to see

this information knowing what training I have received along with the wonderful

mentoring I have had from good holistic doctors.

> >

> > Each person must decide what they do and whom they will trust with their

health. It is part of the journey to wellness.

> >

> > Buist, ND HC

> >


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Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel any better

thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it is. Maybe I should just

go back to 3 mg and stay at that while taking the TLC? 2 scoops a day right?

That makes sense about the coffee enemas. Do you think it is safe do do them

once a week with my weak adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the

morning on a day off from work but would like to increase.

I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test. Should I take the

iodoral on the day of the

What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are very adamant

about not taking it. The adrenals group because it will lower cortisol.


> > > I did not know until yesterday that

> > the NTH Adrenal group had a website with their information. I started

> > to scan the website last night and stumbled on this page: >

> > http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > > Of

> > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not recommend

> > supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very hard on weak adrenals.

> > Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once your thyroid

> > replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. > > > Here is

> > some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals

> > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following

> > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is in

> > the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the various

> > parts of the body: > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > >

> > The owner of the NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid

> > replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming

> > that only the thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma

> > teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that

> > concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur? -

> > Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they iodine is

> > in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

> > suffers mentally and developmentally. > > Next - they advise not to

> > take a Multi-Vitamin: > > Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi

> > vitamins as it is simply not wise to take things we do not need. The

> > amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to correct

> > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for anyone to take.

> > It is much better to only take what we know we need and take that in a

> > correct amount tailored to our individual bodies. > > Really? No

> > multivitamins? Since when are vitamins unwise to take? It is the

> > foundation of any ill person - which is what an adrenal fatigued

> > person is. Most are toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the

> > amount in most multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that

> > is the rational for not taking them? How then do you get your levels

> > up - because I can tell you that the adrenal group does not promote a

> > nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner eats on a regular basis

> > and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a box and a

> > microwave tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show

> > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you

> > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues and it

> > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get religious

> > here but when I was healing I used scripture and this one came to mind

> > A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the

> > bones. Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising? Bad advice! You cannot sit like

> > a bump on a log and not move. Here is a great article on how it all

> > must be balanced and the right movements must be done at the right

> > time. Yoga - is fabulous for the body to help return to health.

> > http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp

> > Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins

> > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine can

> > be healing too. I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is what I

> > did. > > I could go on but I think you get my point. It is troubling

> > to me to see this information knowing what training I have received

> > along with the wonderful mentoring I have had from good holistic

> > doctors. > > Each person must decide what they do and whom they will

> > trust with their health. It is part of the journey to wellness. > >

> > Buist, ND HC >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Owner: Buist, ND HC

> > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna Iler, Linn

> >

> > All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group

> > IodineOT/

> >

> >

> > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list)

> > iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS%2

> > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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Well, no, if you stopped iodine for 3 days and had no improvement I would

hesitate to call the symptoms detox, in that case. The detox should stop when

the iodine dose is lowered or stopped. So I don't know what to suggest.

If something is dragging a person down, like in your case the coffee enemas

seem to, it's not the time to increase the frequency.

I'm not an ND and the questions you have are way too complex to try to address

in this venue, at least for me.

ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the Adrenals group

and this group are going to massively confused and probably not be successful

because the Adrenals group directly contradicts health facts we know to be true,

and directly contradicts the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to


and choose from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly,

whenever I hear someone saying they learned " x and such " from the Adrenals

group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of what you're being


really is, and in what context? I'm not prepared to learn every detail of what

that group teaches in order to be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to


is help teach what we know works.

I was successful in treating my adrenal exhaustion with the following:

I was on NTH (NatureTHroid), and LDN when I started the iodine protocol. For

adrenals, I added more unrefined salt (at least 1 Tablespoon a day), 1200IU of

Vit E (mixed tocopherols), extra Vit C, and pregnenolone (about 50mg day).

That's what did it for me. Eventually I raised the NTH a grain, to 3 grains. I


at about 50mg of iodine per day, plus all the companions.

Steph recommends that people test before taking pregnenolone. I did not, but

because it is a precursor to hormones, not a hormone, I felt actually safer than

mucking around with hormones because my body could make whichever

hormone it needed from it. BUT, and this is a big BUT, it turned out my body is

still able to make the required hormones needed. If someone took

pregnenolone but their body couldn't make a required hormone, was impaired in

some way, then the pregnen. would cause an imbalance. So I agree that

testing and supervision is safest and best.

I was able to find a combination of things that worked for me and I got hugely

better. If people are unable to find the right combination on their own, then


need to find a practitioner (I prefer NDs) who can help them find their way.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 16:39, health43mj wrote:


> Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel any

> better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it is.

> Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while taking the

> TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the coffee enemas.

> Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with my weak

> adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning on a day off

> from work but would like to increase.


> I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test. Should I

> take the iodoral on the day of the


> What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are very

> adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it will lower

> cortisol.


> MJ



> > > > I did not know until yesterday that > > the NTH Adrenal

> group had a website with their information. I started > > to scan the

> website last night and stumbled on this page: > > >

> http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > > Of

> > > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not recommend > >

> supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very hard on weak adrenals.

> > > Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once your

> thyroid > > replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. > > >

> Here is > > some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals > >

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following >

> > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is

> in > > the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the

> various > > parts of the body: >

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > > > > The owner of the

> NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid > > replacement is optimal,

> iodine should not be needed. That is assuming > > that only the

> thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma > > teaching.

> IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that > > concentrates

> iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur? - > > Ducts) and is

> elevated when nursing an infant so that they iodine is > > in the

> breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child > > suffers

> mentally and developmentally. > > Next - they advise not to > > take

> a Multi-Vitamin: > > Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi > >

> vitamins as it is simply not wise to take things we do not need. The >

> > amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to

> correct > > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

> anyone to take. > > It is much better to only take what we know we

> need and take that in a > > correct amount tailored to our individual

> bodies. > > Really? No > > multivitamins? Since when are vitamins

> unwise to take? It is the > > foundation of any ill person - which is

> what an adrenal fatigued > > person is. Most are toxic and

> nutritionally deficient. So since the > > amount in most

> multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that > > is the

> rational for not taking them? How then do you get your levels > > up

> - because I can tell you that the adrenal group does not promote a > >

> nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner eats on a regular basis >

> > and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a box and a > >

> microwave tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show >

> > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you >

> > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues and it

> > > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get

> religious > > here but when I was healing I used scripture and this

> one came to mind > > A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed

> spirit dries up the > > bones. Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising? Bad

> advice! You cannot sit like > > a bump on a log and not move. Here

> is a great article on how it all > > must be balanced and the right

> movements must be done at the right > > time. Yoga - is fabulous for

> the body to help return to health. > >

> http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp > >

> Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins

> > > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine

> can > > be healing too. I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is

> what I > > did. > > I could go on but I think you get my point. It

> is troubling > > to me to see this information knowing what training I

> have received > > along with the wonderful mentoring I have had from

> good holistic > > doctors. > > Each person must decide what they do

> and whom they will > > trust with their health. It is part of the

> journey to wellness. > > > > Buist, ND HC > > > > > > > > >

> > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Owner:

> Buist, ND HC > > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna

> Iler, Linn > > > > All off topic posts should go to the

> IodineOT group > > IodineOT/ > >

> > > > > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > >

> iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS%2

> > > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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I forgot to note one other aspect of my adrenals program that worked:

I took 1 pellet per day of Isocort, then 2 pellets for a while. It was plenty

to get

me back on track and eventually I had to stop because it was causing me to be

overadrenalated (too much adrenaline). That's when I knew I had jumpstarted

my adrenals. But, again, that small amount that made a huge difference is

evidence that my system is sensitive to change and responsive to positive

inputs. My ND/Acupuncturist had prescribed the Isocort and told me only 1 or 2

pellets per day. The label says up to 8.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 14:54, Baker wrote:

> Well, no, if you stopped iodine for 3 days and had no improvement I

> would hesitate to call the symptoms detox, in that case. The detox

> should stop when the iodine dose is lowered or stopped. So I don't

> know what to suggest.


> If something is dragging a person down, like in your case the coffee

> enemas seem to, it's not the time to increase the frequency.


> I'm not an ND and the questions you have are way too complex to try to

> address in this venue, at least for me.


> ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the

> Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and

> probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly

> contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts

> the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose

> from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly,

> whenever I hear someone saying they learned " x and such " from the

> Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of

> what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not

> prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to

> be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what

> we know works.


> I was successful in treating my adrenal exhaustion with the following:


> I was on NTH (NatureTHroid), and LDN when I started the iodine

> protocol. For adrenals, I added more unrefined salt (at least 1

> Tablespoon a day), 1200IU of Vit E (mixed tocopherols), extra Vit C,

> and pregnenolone (about 50mg day). That's what did it for me.

> Eventually I raised the NTH a grain, to 3 grains. I was at about 50mg

> of iodine per day, plus all the companions.


> Steph recommends that people test before taking pregnenolone. I did

> not, but because it is a precursor to hormones, not a hormone, I felt

> actually safer than mucking around with hormones because my body could

> make whichever hormone it needed from it. BUT, and this is a big BUT,

> it turned out my body is still able to make the required hormones

> needed. If someone took pregnenolone but their body couldn't make a

> required hormone, was impaired in some way, then the pregnen. would

> cause an imbalance. So I agree that testing and supervision is safest

> and best.


> I was able to find a combination of things that worked for me and I

> got hugely better. If people are unable to find the right combination

> on their own, then they need to find a practitioner (I prefer NDs) who

> can help them find their way.


> --

> moderator








> On 26 Feb 2012 at 16:39, health43mj wrote:


> >

> > Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel

> > any better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it is.

> > Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while taking

> > the TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the coffee

> > enemas.

> > Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with my weak

> > adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning on a day

> > off from work but would like to increase.

> >

> > I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test. Should

> > I take the iodoral on the day of the

> >

> > What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are

> > very adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it

> > will lower cortisol.

> >

> > MJ

> >

> >

> > > > > I did not know until yesterday that

> > > > the NTH Adrenal group had a website with their information. I

> > started > > to scan the website last night and stumbled on this

> > page: > > >

> > http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > >

> > Of

> > > > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not recommend > >

> > supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very hard on weak

> > adrenals.

> > > > Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once your

> > thyroid > > replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. > >

> > > Here is > > some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals > >

> > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following

> > >

> > > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine

> > > is

> > in > > the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the

> > various > > parts of the body: >

> > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > > > > The owner of the

> > NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid > > replacement is

> > optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming > > that

> > only the thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma > >

> > teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that > >

> > concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur? - > >

> > Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they iodine is

> > > > in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

> > > > suffers mentally and developmentally. > > Next - they advise

> > not to > > take a Multi-Vitamin: > > Multi-Vitamins - We do not

> > recommend multi > > vitamins as it is simply not wise to take things

> > we do not need. The >

> > > amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to

> > correct > > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

> > anyone to take. > > It is much better to only take what we know we

> > need and take that in a > > correct amount tailored to our

> > individual bodies. > > Really? No > > multivitamins? Since when

> > are vitamins unwise to take? It is the > > foundation of any ill

> > person - which is what an adrenal fatigued > > person is. Most are

> > toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the > > amount in most

> > multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that > > is the

> > rational for not taking them? How then do you get your levels > >

> > up - because I can tell you that the adrenal group does not promote

> > a > > nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner eats on a regular

> > basis >

> > > and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a box and a >

> > > >

> > microwave tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show

> > >

> > > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you

> > > > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues and

> > > it

> > > > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get

> > religious > > here but when I was healing I used scripture and this

> > one came to mind > > A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a

> > crushed spirit dries up the > > bones. Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising?

> > Bad advice! You cannot sit like > > a bump on a log and not move.

> > Here is a great article on how it all > > must be balanced and the

> > right movements must be done at the right > > time. Yoga - is

> > fabulous for the body to help return to health. > >

> > http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp > >

> > Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing

> > toxins

> > > > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the

> > > > sunshine

> > can > > be healing too. I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is

> > what I > > did. > > I could go on but I think you get my point. It

> > is troubling > > to me to see this information knowing what training

> > I have received > > along with the wonderful mentoring I have had

> > from good holistic > > doctors. > > Each person must decide what

> > they do and whom they will > > trust with their health. It is part

> > of the journey to wellness. > > > > Buist, ND HC > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Owner:

> > Buist, ND HC > > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna

> > Iler, Linn > > > > All off topic posts should go to the

> > IodineOT group > > IodineOT/ >

> > >

> > > > > > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > >

> > iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS

> > %2

> > > > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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, you wrote:ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly, whenever I hear someone saying they learned "x and such" from the Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what we know works. Here is how the adrenal group has helped me: 1. They looked at my saliva results and recommended more Isocort, as well as suggesting I take it mimicking the natural circadian rhythm (more in the morning, less at night).2. They recommended a full iron panel and gave concrete suggestions for optimal iron saturation level3. They tipped me off that pregnenalone doesn't necessarily convert things the same in each person, which explains why it didn't do anything noticeable for me (despite my levels testing low), despite it working like gangbusters for other people.4. They told me to test my aldosterone levels (still researching that)5. They have answers for things that I haven't heard elsewhere. 6. They recommended getting my RT3 and antibodies tested (my doc hadn't done that)The approach you used, with extra salt, iodine, and vitamin supplements, didn't work for me. Adrenal glandulars (at least the two I took) didn't work for me. I am seeing both an MD who practices "functional medicine" and is relatively on-top of real thyroid issues, etc. AND I'm doing phone consults with an ND. Both of them have not adequately addressed my adrenals; my ND's suggestion, when I mentioned catastrophic weight gain, much of it water weight, after starting Isocort, was to decrease the salt I was taking. Looking back, I think the problem wasn't the Isocort, but probably that my thyroid had gone low. The ND never asked about my thyroid. He never told me to follow the circadian rhythm. I joined the adrenal group out of desperation, and have been mostly satisfied so far, even though the atmosphere there is pretty tense and they're very medicalized. They appear to really know what they're talking about, with the obvious exception of iodine. That's why I had wanted to know what specific things to look out for, because, on the surface, they seem to know a LOT. -AngieOn Feb 26, 2012, at 3:54 PM, Baker wrote: Well, no, if you stopped iodine for 3 days and had no improvement I would hesitate to call the symptoms detox, in that case. The detox should stop when the iodine dose is lowered or stopped. So I don't know what to suggest. If something is dragging a person down, like in your case the coffee enemas seem to, it's not the time to increase the frequency. I'm not an ND and the questions you have are way too complex to try to address in this venue, at least for me. ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly, whenever I hear someone saying they learned "x and such" from the Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what we know works. I was successful in treating my adrenal exhaustion with the following: I was on NTH (NatureTHroid), and LDN when I started the iodine protocol. For adrenals, I added more unrefined salt (at least 1 Tablespoon a day), 1200IU of Vit E (mixed tocopherols), extra Vit C, and pregnenolone (about 50mg day). That's what did it for me. Eventually I raised the NTH a grain, to 3 grains. I was at about 50mg of iodine per day, plus all the companions. Steph recommends that people test before taking pregnenolone. I did not, but because it is a precursor to hormones, not a hormone, I felt actually safer than mucking around with hormones because my body could make whichever hormone it needed from it. BUT, and this is a big BUT, it turned out my body is still able to make the required hormones needed. If someone took pregnenolone but their body couldn't make a required hormone, was impaired in some way, then the pregnen. would cause an imbalance. So I agree that testing and supervision is safest and best. I was able to find a combination of things that worked for me and I got hugely better. If people are unable to find the right combination on their own, then they need to find a practitioner (I prefer NDs) who can help them find their way. -- moderator On 26 Feb 2012 at 16:39, health43mj wrote: > > Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel any > better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it is. > Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while taking the > TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the coffee enemas. > Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with my weak > adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning on a day off > from work but would like to increase. > > I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test. Should I > take the iodoral on the day of the > > What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are very > adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it will lower > cortisol. > > MJ > > > > > > I did not know until yesterday that > > the NTH Adrenal > group had a website with their information. I started > > to scan the > website last night and stumbled on this page: > > > > http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > > Of > > > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not recommend > > > supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very hard on weak adrenals. > > > Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once your > thyroid > > replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. > > > > Here is > > some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals > > > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following > > > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine is > in > > the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the > various > > parts of the body: > > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > > > > The owner of the > NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid > > replacement is optimal, > iodine should not be needed. That is assuming > > that only the > thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma > > teaching. > IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that > > concentrates > iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur? - > > Ducts) and is > elevated when nursing an infant so that they iodine is > > in the > breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child > > suffers > mentally and developmentally. > > Next - they advise not to > > take > a Multi-Vitamin: > > Multi-Vitamins - We do not recommend multi > > > vitamins as it is simply not wise to take things we do not need. The > > > amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to > correct > > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for > anyone to take. > > It is much better to only take what we know we > need and take that in a > > correct amount tailored to our individual > bodies. > > Really? No > > multivitamins? Since when are vitamins > unwise to take? It is the > > foundation of any ill person - which is > what an adrenal fatigued > > person is. Most are toxic and > nutritionally deficient. So since the > > amount in most > multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that > > is the > rational for not taking them? How then do you get your levels > > up > - because I can tell you that the adrenal group does not promote a > > > nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner eats on a regular basis > > > and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a box and a > > > microwave tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show > > > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you > > > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues and it > > > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get > religious > > here but when I was healing I used scripture and this > one came to mind > > A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed > spirit dries up the > > bones. Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising? Bad > advice! You cannot sit like > > a bump on a log and not move. Here > is a great article on how it all > > must be balanced and the right > movements must be done at the right > > time. Yoga - is fabulous for > the body to help return to health. > > > http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp > > > Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing toxins > > > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the sunshine > can > > be healing too. I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is > what I > > did. > > I could go on but I think you get my point. It > is troubling > > to me to see this information knowing what training I > have received > > along with the wonderful mentoring I have had from > good holistic > > doctors. > > Each person must decide what they do > and whom they will > > trust with their health. It is part of the > journey to wellness. > > > > Buist, ND HC > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Owner: > Buist, ND HC > > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna > Iler, Linn > > > > All off topic posts should go to the > IodineOT group > > IodineOT/ > > > > > > > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > > > iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS%2 > > > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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That's fine, Angie. But we get so many people here who are so deeply

confused as a result of the exposure to that list that I've had to form that

opinion. If you've been able to sort it out, that's great, and more power to




On 26 Feb 2012 at 17:39, Totten wrote:




> , you wrote:


> ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the

> Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and

> probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly

> contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts

> the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose

> from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly,

> whenever I hear someone saying they learned " x and such " from the

> Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of

> what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not

> prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to

> be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what

> we know works.





> Here is how the adrenal group has helped me:

> 1. They looked at my saliva results and recommended more Isocort, as

> well as suggesting I take it mimicking the natural circadian rhythm

> (more in the morning, less at night). 2. They recommended a full iron

> panel and gave concrete suggestions for optimal iron saturation level

> 3. They tipped me off that pregnenalone doesn't necessarily convert

> things the same in each person, which explains why it didn't do

> anything noticeable for me (despite my levels testing low), despite it

> working like gangbusters for other people. 4. They told me to test my

> aldosterone levels (still researching that) 5. They have answers for

> things that I haven't heard elsewhere. 6. They recommended getting my

> RT3 and antibodies tested (my doc hadn't done that)


> The approach you used, with extra salt, iodine, and vitamin

> supplements, didn't work for me. Adrenal glandulars (at least the two

> I took) didn't work for me. I am seeing both an MD who practices

> " functional medicine " and is relatively on-top of real thyroid issues,

> etc. AND I'm doing phone consults with an ND. Both of them have not

> adequately addressed my adrenals; my ND's suggestion, when I mentioned

> catastrophic weight gain, much of it water weight, after starting

> Isocort, was to decrease the salt I was taking. Looking back, I think

> the problem wasn't the Isocort, but probably that my thyroid had gone

> low. The ND never asked about my thyroid. He never told me to follow

> the circadian rhythm.


> I joined the adrenal group out of desperation, and have been mostly

> satisfied so far, even though the atmosphere there is pretty tense and

> they're very medicalized. They appear to really know what they're

> talking about, with the obvious exception of iodine. That's why I had

> wanted to know what specific things to look out for, because, on the

> surface, they seem to know a LOT. -Angie


> On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:54 PM, Baker wrote:



> Well, no, if you stopped iodine for 3 days and had no improvement I

> would hesitate to call the symptoms detox, in that case. The detox

> should stop when the iodine dose is lowered or stopped. So I don't

> know what to suggest.


> If something is dragging a person down, like in your case the coffee

> enemas seem to, it's not the time to increase the frequency.


> I'm not an ND and the questions you have are way too complex to try to

> address in this venue, at least for me.


> ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the

> Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and

> probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly

> contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts

> the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose

> from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly,

> whenever I hear someone saying they learned " x and such " from the

> Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of

> what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not

> prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to

> be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what

> we know works.


> I was successful in treating my adrenal exhaustion with the following:


> I was on NTH (NatureTHroid), and LDN when I started the iodine

> protocol. For adrenals, I added more unrefined salt (at least 1

> Tablespoon a day), 1200IU of Vit E (mixed tocopherols), extra Vit C,

> and pregnenolone (about 50mg day). That's what did it for me.

> Eventually I raised the NTH a grain, to 3 grains. I was at about 50mg

> of iodine per day, plus all the companions.


> Steph recommends that people test before taking pregnenolone. I did

> not, but because it is a precursor to hormones, not a hormone, I felt

> actually safer than mucking around with hormones because my body could

> make whichever hormone it needed from it. BUT, and this is a big BUT,

> it turned out my body is still able to make the required hormones

> needed. If someone took pregnenolone but their body couldn't make a

> required hormone, was impaired in some way, then the pregnen. would

> cause an imbalance. So I agree that testing and supervision is safest

> and best.


> I was able to find a combination of things that worked for me and I

> got hugely better. If people are unable to find the right combination

> on their own, then they need to find a practitioner (I prefer NDs) who

> can help them find their way.


> --

> moderator


> On 26 Feb 2012 at 16:39, health43mj wrote:


> >

> > Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel

> > any better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it is.

> > Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while taking

> > the TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the coffee

> > enemas. Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with my weak

> > adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning on a day

> > off from work but would like to increase.

> >

> > I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test. Should

> > I take the iodoral on the day of the

> >

> > What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are very

> > adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it will

> > lower cortisol.

> >

> > MJ

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > MJ-- The reason you feel worse after the coffee enema is because

> > cleansing > requires energy and if your energy stores are unreliable

> > it will take a toll. If > you're feeling really bad after increasing

> > your dose of iodine, you need to reduce > the dose of iodine to a

> > dose that doesn't produce that strong of bromide detox > symptoms.

> > Please drop back your iodine dose. > > As far as your hormone

> > supplementation and hormone



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I understand that, and I'm confused too, but I do think they offer value and wanted to state that. For many of us, adrenals are not an afterthought, something you address if the thyroid isn't taking care of things. Adrenals are the MAIN EVENT. The thing I appreciate about that list is that they get that. What this ongoing discussion is making me think, though, is that I'm going to have to cross-check everything, which I'm not looking forward to. -AngieOn Feb 26, 2012, at 5:43 PM, Baker wrote: That's fine, Angie. But we get so many people here who are so deeply confused as a result of the exposure to that list that I've had to form that opinion. If you've been able to sort it out, that's great, and more power to you. -- moderator On 26 Feb 2012 at 17:39, Totten wrote: > > > > , you wrote: > > ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the > Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and > probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly > contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts > the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose > from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly, > whenever I hear someone saying they learned "x and such" from the > Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of > what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not > prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to > be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what > we know works. > > > > > Here is how the adrenal group has helped me: > 1. They looked at my saliva results and recommended more Isocort, as > well as suggesting I take it mimicking the natural circadian rhythm > (more in the morning, less at night). 2. They recommended a full iron > panel and gave concrete suggestions for optimal iron saturation level > 3. They tipped me off that pregnenalone doesn't necessarily convert > things the same in each person, which explains why it didn't do > anything noticeable for me (despite my levels testing low), despite it > working like gangbusters for other people. 4. They told me to test my > aldosterone levels (still researching that) 5. They have answers for > things that I haven't heard elsewhere. 6. They recommended getting my > RT3 and antibodies tested (my doc hadn't done that) > > The approach you used, with extra salt, iodine, and vitamin > supplements, didn't work for me. Adrenal glandulars (at least the two > I took) didn't work for me. I am seeing both an MD who practices > "functional medicine" and is relatively on-top of real thyroid issues, > etc. AND I'm doing phone consults with an ND. Both of them have not > adequately addressed my adrenals; my ND's suggestion, when I mentioned > catastrophic weight gain, much of it water weight, after starting > Isocort, was to decrease the salt I was taking. Looking back, I think > the problem wasn't the Isocort, but probably that my thyroid had gone > low. The ND never asked about my thyroid. He never told me to follow > the circadian rhythm. > > I joined the adrenal group out of desperation, and have been mostly > satisfied so far, even though the atmosphere there is pretty tense and > they're very medicalized. They appear to really know what they're > talking about, with the obvious exception of iodine. That's why I had > wanted to know what specific things to look out for, because, on the > surface, they seem to know a LOT. -Angie > > On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:54 PM, Baker wrote: > > > Well, no, if you stopped iodine for 3 days and had no improvement I > would hesitate to call the symptoms detox, in that case. The detox > should stop when the iodine dose is lowered or stopped. So I don't > know what to suggest. > > If something is dragging a person down, like in your case the coffee > enemas seem to, it's not the time to increase the frequency. > > I'm not an ND and the questions you have are way too complex to try to > address in this venue, at least for me. > > ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the > Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and > probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly > contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly contradicts > the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to pick and choose > from the information that group provides is a huge task. ly, > whenever I hear someone saying they learned "x and such" from the > Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what the validity of > what you're being told really is, and in what context? I'm not > prepared to learn every detail of what that group teaches in order to > be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to do is help teach what > we know works. > > I was successful in treating my adrenal exhaustion with the following: > > I was on NTH (NatureTHroid), and LDN when I started the iodine > protocol. For adrenals, I added more unrefined salt (at least 1 > Tablespoon a day), 1200IU of Vit E (mixed tocopherols), extra Vit C, > and pregnenolone (about 50mg day). That's what did it for me. > Eventually I raised the NTH a grain, to 3 grains. I was at about 50mg > of iodine per day, plus all the companions. > > Steph recommends that people test before taking pregnenolone. I did > not, but because it is a precursor to hormones, not a hormone, I felt > actually safer than mucking around with hormones because my body could > make whichever hormone it needed from it. BUT, and this is a big BUT, > it turned out my body is still able to make the required hormones > needed. If someone took pregnenolone but their body couldn't make a > required hormone, was impaired in some way, then the pregnen. would > cause an imbalance. So I agree that testing and supervision is safest > and best. > > I was able to find a combination of things that worked for me and I > got hugely better. If people are unable to find the right combination > on their own, then they need to find a practitioner (I prefer NDs) who > can help them find their way. > > -- > moderator > > On 26 Feb 2012 at 16:39, health43mj wrote: > > > > > Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel > > any better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it is. > > Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while taking > > the TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the coffee > > enemas. Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with my weak > > adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning on a day > > off from work but would like to increase. > > > > I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test. Should > > I take the iodoral on the day of the > > > > What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are very > > adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it will > > lower cortisol. > > > > MJ > > > > > > > > > > > > MJ-- The reason you feel worse after the coffee enema is because > > cleansing > requires energy and if your energy stores are unreliable > > it will take a toll. If > you're feeling really bad after increasing > > your dose of iodine, you need to reduce > the dose of iodine to a > > dose that doesn't produce that strong of bromide detox > symptoms. > > Please drop back your iodine dose. > > As far as your hormone > > supplementation and hormone > > -Angie"Most political quotes at the bottoms of emails are of questionable authenticity" - Abraham Lincoln

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I had a pretty good D.O. for about 6 years who helped me to get rid of candida,

multiple parasites, hashi's, and mercury toxicity. I even got rid of allergies

back then. I took supplements, herbs, and did acupuncture for years. Cashed in

some investments to do it and decreased my hours at work to rest adrenals. My

whole existence was about my health and I spent so much money on supplements,

acupuncture, organic high quality food... but I never really got my energy back

enough to work full time or exercise again (except light yoga and walking). I

could never tolerate any NTH either. Unfortunately this D.O. never really

checked my iron. Finally I asked him because I " felt anemic " . That's when I

found out my ferritin was 9. I think being anemic for so many years was making

my adrenals and thyroid worse.

It has been over 8 years since I was first diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and my

whole existence is still about my health and trying to feel normal. I also

found the adrenals group out of desperation. I've already tried just about

everything except iodine, so I'm hoping this will make a difference in hoepw I

feel. I'm just shocked that i still need to detox this much. I wish I could

figure out what's going on.


> > > I did not know until yesterday that

> > > > > the NTH Adrenal group had a website with their information. I

> > > started > > to scan the website last night and stumbled on this

> > > page: > > >

> > > http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > >

> > > Of

> > > > > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not recommend > >

> > > supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very hard on weak

> > > adrenals.

> > > > > Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones and once your

> > > thyroid > > replacement is optimal, iodine should not be needed. > >

> > > > Here is > > some of our research on Iodine and Adrenals > >

> > > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following

> > > >

> > > > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues as iodine

> > > > is

> > > in > > the body - everywhere. Here are some research links to the

> > > various > > parts of the body: >

> > > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > > > > The owner of the

> > > NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid > > replacement is

> > > optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming > > that

> > > only the thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma > >

> > > teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that > >

> > > concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur? - > >

> > > Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they iodine is

> > > > > in the breast milk for the child - if iodine deficient the child

> > > > > suffers mentally and developmentally. > > Next - they advise

> > > not to > > take a Multi-Vitamin: > > Multi-Vitamins - We do not

> > > recommend multi > > vitamins as it is simply not wise to take things

> > > we do not need. The >

> > > > amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to

> > > correct > > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for

> > > anyone to take. > > It is much better to only take what we know we

> > > need and take that in a > > correct amount tailored to our

> > > individual bodies. > > Really? No > > multivitamins? Since when

> > > are vitamins unwise to take? It is the > > foundation of any ill

> > > person - which is what an adrenal fatigued > > person is. Most are

> > > toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the > > amount in most

> > > multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that > > is the

> > > rational for not taking them? How then do you get your levels > >

> > > up - because I can tell you that the adrenal group does not promote

> > > a > > nutrient dense diet. I know what the owner eats on a regular

> > > basis >

> > > > and there is nothing whole about it - it comes from a box and a >

> > > > >

> > > microwave tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show

> > > >

> > > > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you

> > > > > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues and

> > > > it

> > > > > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy yourself. Not to get

> > > religious > > here but when I was healing I used scripture and this

> > > one came to mind > > A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a

> > > crushed spirit dries up the > > bones. Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising?

> > > Bad advice! You cannot sit like > > a bump on a log and not move.

> > > Here is a great article on how it all > > must be balanced and the

> > > right movements must be done at the right > > time. Yoga - is

> > > fabulous for the body to help return to health. > >

> > > http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp > >

> > > Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing

> > > toxins

> > > > > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk in the

> > > > > sunshine

> > > can > > be healing too. I have been in adrenal fatigue and this is

> > > what I > > did. > > I could go on but I think you get my point. It

> > > is troubling > > to me to see this information knowing what training

> > > I have received > > along with the wonderful mentoring I have had

> > > from good holistic > > doctors. > > Each person must decide what

> > > they do and whom they will > > trust with their health. It is part

> > > of the journey to wellness. > > > > Buist, ND HC > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Owner:

> > > Buist, ND HC > > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen Blake, Donna

> > > Iler, Linn > > > > All off topic posts should go to the

> > > IodineOT group > > IodineOT/ >

> > > >

> > > > > > > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > >

> > > iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS

> > > %2

> > > > > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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Angie, Yes, I would strongly recommend cross-checking everything. It's

disappointing and yet, reality.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 17:49, Totten wrote:




> I understand that, and I'm confused too, but I do think they offer

> value and wanted to state that. For many of us, adrenals are not an

> afterthought, something you address if the thyroid isn't taking care

> of things. Adrenals are the MAIN EVENT. The thing I appreciate about

> that list is that they get that. What this ongoing discussion is

> making me think, though, is that I'm going to have to cross-check

> everything, which I'm not looking forward to. -Angie


> On Feb 26, 2012, at 5:43 PM, Baker wrote:



> That's fine, Angie. But we get so many people here who are so deeply

> confused as a result of the exposure to that list that I've had to

> form that opinion. If you've been able to sort it out, that's great,

> and more power to you.


> --

> moderator


> On 26 Feb 2012 at 17:39, Totten wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > , you wrote:

> >

> > ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the

> > Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and

> > probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly

> > contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly

> > contradicts the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to

> > pick and choose from the information that group provides is a huge

> > task. ly, whenever I hear someone saying they learned " x and

> > such " from the Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what

> > the validity of what you're being told really is, and in what

> > context? I'm not prepared to learn every detail of what that group

> > teaches in order to be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to

> > do is help teach what we know works.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Here is how the adrenal group has helped me:

> > 1. They looked at my saliva results and recommended more Isocort, as

> > well as suggesting I take it mimicking the natural circadian rhythm

> > (more in the morning, less at night). 2. They recommended a full

> > iron panel and gave concrete suggestions for optimal iron saturation

> > level 3. They tipped me off that pregnenalone doesn't necessarily

> > convert things the same in each person, which explains why it didn't

> > do anything noticeable for me (despite my levels testing low),

> > despite it working like gangbusters for other people. 4. They told

> > me to test my aldosterone levels (still researching that) 5. They

> > have answers for things that I haven't heard elsewhere. 6. They

> > recommended getting my RT3 and antibodies tested (my doc hadn't done

> > that)

> >

> > The approach you used, with extra salt, iodine, and vitamin

> > supplements, didn't work for me. Adrenal glandulars (at least the

> > two I took) didn't work for me. I am seeing both an MD who practices

> > " functional medicine " and is relatively on-top of real thyroid

> > issues, etc. AND I'm doing phone consults with an ND. Both of them

> > have not adequately addressed my adrenals; my ND's suggestion, when

> > I mentioned catastrophic weight gain, much of it water weight, after

> > starting Isocort, was to decrease the salt I was taking. Looking

> > back, I think the problem wasn't the Isocort, but probably that my

> > thyroid had gone low. The ND never asked about my thyroid. He never

> > told me to follow the circadian rhythm.

> >

> > I joined the adrenal group out of desperation, and have been mostly

> > satisfied so far, even though the atmosphere there is pretty tense

> > and they're very medicalized. They appear to really know what

> > they're talking about, with the obvious exception of iodine. That's

> > why I had wanted to know what specific things to look out for,

> > because, on the surface, they seem to know a LOT. -Angie

> >

> > On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:54 PM, Baker wrote:

> >

> >

> > Well, no, if you stopped iodine for 3 days and had no improvement I

> > would hesitate to call the symptoms detox, in that case. The detox

> > should stop when the iodine dose is lowered or stopped. So I don't

> > know what to suggest.

> >

> > If something is dragging a person down, like in your case the coffee

> > enemas seem to, it's not the time to increase the frequency.

> >

> > I'm not an ND and the questions you have are way too complex to try

> > to address in this venue, at least for me.

> >

> > ly I think people who are trying to get help from both the

> > Adrenals group and this group are going to massively confused and

> > probably not be successful because the Adrenals group directly

> > contradicts health facts we know to be true, and directly

> > contradicts the iodine protocol that we teach here. So trying to

> > pick and choose from the information that group provides is a huge

> > task. ly, whenever I hear someone saying they learned " x and

> > such " from the Adrenals group all I can think is that who knows what

> > the validity of what you're being told really is, and in what

> > context? I'm not prepared to learn every detail of what that group

> > teaches in order to be able to refute it here. All I am prepared to

> > do is help teach what we know works.

> >

> > I was successful in treating my adrenal exhaustion with the

> > following:

> >

> > I was on NTH (NatureTHroid), and LDN when I started the iodine

> > protocol. For adrenals, I added more unrefined salt (at least 1

> > Tablespoon a day), 1200IU of Vit E (mixed tocopherols), extra Vit C,

> > and pregnenolone (about 50mg day). That's what did it for me.

> > Eventually I raised the NTH a grain, to 3 grains. I was at about

> > 50mg of iodine per day, plus all the companions.

> >

> > Steph recommends that people test before taking pregnenolone. I did

> > not, but because it is a precursor to hormones, not a hormone, I

> > felt actually safer than mucking around with hormones because my

> > body could make whichever hormone it needed from it. BUT, and this

> > is a big BUT, it turned out my body is still able to make the

> > required hormones needed. If someone took pregnenolone but their

> > body couldn't make a required hormone, was impaired in some way,

> > then the pregnen. would cause an imbalance. So I agree that testing

> > and supervision is safest and best.

> >

> > I was able to find a combination of things that worked for me and I

> > got hugely better. If people are unable to find the right

> > combination on their own, then they need to find a practitioner (I

> > prefer NDs) who can help them find their way.

> >

> > --

> > moderator

> >

> > On 26 Feb 2012 at 16:39, health43mj wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel

> > > any better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it

> > > is. Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while

> > > taking the TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the

> > > coffee enemas. Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with

> > > my weak adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning

> > > on a day off from work but would like to increase.

> > >

> > > I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test.

> > > Should I take the iodoral on the day of the

> > >

> > > What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are

> > > very adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it

> > > will lower cortisol.

> > >

> > > MJ

> > &



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I pray that you will figure out what's going on, MJ. It sounds to me like you


really use a one-on-one consult with an iodine/adrenal/anemia-literate


I know I'm fortunate and I count my blessings.



On 27 Feb 2012 at 0:08, health43mj wrote:


> I had a pretty good D.O. for about 6 years who helped me to get rid of

> candida, multiple parasites, hashi's, and mercury toxicity. I even

> got rid of allergies back then. I took supplements, herbs, and did

> acupuncture for years. Cashed in some investments to do it and

> decreased my hours at work to rest adrenals. My whole existence was

> about my health and I spent so much money on supplements, acupuncture,

> organic high quality food... but I never really got my energy back

> enough to work full time or exercise again (except light yoga and

> walking). I could never tolerate any NTH either. Unfortunately this

> D.O. never really checked my iron. Finally I asked him because I

> " felt anemic " . That's when I found out my ferritin was 9. I think

> being anemic for so many years was making my adrenals and thyroid

> worse.


> It has been over 8 years since I was first diagnosed with adrenal

> fatigue and my whole existence is still about my health and trying to

> feel normal. I also found the adrenals group out of desperation.

> I've already tried just about everything except iodine, so I'm hoping

> this will make a difference in hoepw I feel. I'm just shocked that i

> still need to detox this much. I wish I could figure out what's going

> on.


> MJ


> > > > I did not know until yesterday that > >

> > > > the NTH Adrenal group had a website with their information. I >

> > > started > > to scan the website last night and stumbled on this >

> > > page: > > > > > >

> http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > > >

> > > Of > > > > > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not

> recommend > > > > > supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very

> hard on weak > > > adrenals. > > > > > Iodine is the main component of

> thyroid hormones and once your > > > thyroid > > replacement is

> optimal, iodine should not be needed. > > > > > > Here is > > some of

> our research on Iodine and Adrenals > > > > >

> http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following >

> > > > > > > > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues

> as iodine > > > > is > > > in > > the body - everywhere. Here are

> some research links to the > > > various > > parts of the body: > > >

> > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > > > > The owner of the

> > > > NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid > > replacement is >

> > > optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming > > that >

> > > only the thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma >

> > > > > teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that >

> > > > > concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur?

> - > > > > > Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they

> iodine is > > > > > in the breast milk for the child - if iodine

> deficient the child > > > > > suffers mentally and developmentally. >

> > Next - they advise > > > not to > > take a Multi-Vitamin: > >

> Multi-Vitamins - We do not > > > recommend multi > > vitamins as it is

> simply not wise to take things > > > we do not need. The > > > > >

> amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to > > >

> correct > > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for > > >

> anyone to take. > > It is much better to only take what we know we > >

> > need and take that in a > > correct amount tailored to our > > >

> individual bodies. > > Really? No > > multivitamins? Since when > >

> > are vitamins unwise to take? It is the > > foundation of any ill >

> > > person - which is what an adrenal fatigued > > person is. Most

> are > > > toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the > > amount

> in most > > > multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that >

> > is the > > > rational for not taking them? How then do you get your

> levels > > > > > up - because I can tell you that the adrenal group

> does not promote > > > a > > nutrient dense diet. I know what the

> owner eats on a regular > > > basis > > > > > and there is nothing

> whole about it - it comes from a box and a > > > > > > > > > microwave

> tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show > > > > > >

> > > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you

> > > > > > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues

> and > > > > it > > > > > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy

> yourself. Not to get > > > religious > > here but when I was healing

> I used scripture and this > > > one came to mind > > A cheerful heart

> is good medicine, but a > > > crushed spirit dries up the > > bones.

> Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising? > > > Bad advice! You cannot sit like

> > > a bump on a log and not move. > > > Here is a great article on how

> it all > > must be balanced and the > > > right movements must be done

> at the right > > time. Yoga - is > > > fabulous for the body to help

> return to health. > > > > >

> http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp > > > >

> > Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing > >

> > toxins > > > > > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk

> in the > > > > > sunshine > > > can > > be healing too. I have been

> in adrenal fatigue and this is > > > what I > > did. > > I could go

> on but I think you get my point. It > > > is troubling > > to me to

> see this information knowing what training > > > I have received > >

> along with the wonderful mentoring I have had > > > from good holistic

> > > doctors. > > Each person must decide what > > > they do and whom

> they will > > trust with their health. It is part > > > of the

> journey to wellness. > > > > Buist, ND HC > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Owner:

> > > > Buist, ND HC > > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen

> Blake, Donna > > > Iler, Linn > > > > All off topic posts

> should go to the > > > IodineOT group > >

> IodineOT/ > > > > > > > > > > > >

> The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > > > > >

> iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS >

> > > %2 > > > > > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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I think part of the problem with the Adrenal Group is that they/the moderators

Heavily sensor information. I left the group because I suspected they were not

posting my comments and asked about it. I received an email verifying that THEY

knew best and if they did not agree with an opinion they would not allow it to

be posted. I immediately left that group. Apparently it is run by a dictator!

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Thanks . I stopped the iodine for 3 days and did not feel

> > > > any better thats why I was not sure it was detox, but I guess it

> > > > is. Maybe I should just go back to 3 mg and stay at that while

> > > > taking the TLC? 2 scoops a day right? That makes sense about the

> > > > coffee enemas. Do you think it is safe do do them once a week with

> > > > my weak adrenals? I was doing it every other week in the morning

> > > > on a day off from work but would like to increase.

> > > >

> > > > I do think it might be time for another saliva hormone test.

> > > > Should I take the iodoral on the day of the

> > > >

> > > > What do you think about taking DHEA with low cortisol? They are

> > > > very adamant about not taking it. The adrenals group because it

> > > > will lower cortisol.

> > > >

> > > > MJ

> > > &

> >

> >


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Thanks . I think I may try a NAET practitioner next before I get

everything retested again.


> > > I did not know until yesterday that > >

> > > > > the NTH Adrenal group had a website with their information. I >

> > > > started > > to scan the website last night and stumbled on this >

> > > > page: > > > > > >

> > http://www.adrenalsweb.org/other-factors-in-adrenal-fatigue.php > > >

> > > > Of > > > > > course I looked at Iodine: > > Iodine - We do not

> > recommend > > > > > supplementing with Iodine. Iodine detox is very

> > hard on weak > > > adrenals. > > > > > Iodine is the main component of

> > thyroid hormones and once your > > > thyroid > > replacement is

> > optimal, iodine should not be needed. > > > > > > Here is > > some of

> > our research on Iodine and Adrenals > > > > >

> > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/adrenals/adrenals.htm > Following >

> > > > > > > > > their advice would open you up for all kinds of issues

> > as iodine > > > > is > > > in > > the body - everywhere. Here are

> > some research links to the > > > various > > parts of the body: > > >

> > > http://www.iodine4health.com/body/body.htm > > > > The owner of the

> > > > > NTH Adrenal group states that once thyroid > > replacement is >

> > > > optimal, iodine should not be needed. That is assuming > > that >

> > > > only the thyroid needs iodine. This is Allopathic / big pharma >

> > > > > > teaching. IT IS WRONG!! The breast tissue has Pendrin that >

> > > > > > concentrates iodine in the ducts (where do many cancers occur?

> > - > > > > > Ducts) and is elevated when nursing an infant so that they

> > iodine is > > > > > in the breast milk for the child - if iodine

> > deficient the child > > > > > suffers mentally and developmentally. >

> > > Next - they advise > > > not to > > take a Multi-Vitamin: > >

> > Multi-Vitamins - We do not > > > recommend multi > > vitamins as it is

> > simply not wise to take things > > > we do not need. The > > > > >

> > amount of any vitamin in a multi is not going to be enough to > > >

> > correct > > a deficiency anyway as they must be a safe level for > > >

> > anyone to take. > > It is much better to only take what we know we > >

> > > need and take that in a > > correct amount tailored to our > > >

> > individual bodies. > > Really? No > > multivitamins? Since when > >

> > > are vitamins unwise to take? It is the > > foundation of any ill >

> > > > person - which is what an adrenal fatigued > > person is. Most

> > are > > > toxic and nutritionally deficient. So since the > > amount

> > in most > > > multivitamins isn't enough to correct deficiency that >

> > > is the > > > rational for not taking them? How then do you get your

> > levels > > > > > up - because I can tell you that the adrenal group

> > does not promote > > > a > > nutrient dense diet. I know what the

> > owner eats on a regular > > > basis > > > > > and there is nothing

> > whole about it - it comes from a box and a > > > > > > > > > microwave

> > tray. Enough said..... > > No socializing? Studies show > > > > > >

> > > > that your mental attitude is half the battle to healing. When you

> > > > > > > isolate yourself you have time to concentrate on your issues

> > and > > > > it > > > > > makes things worse. Get out and enjoy

> > yourself. Not to get > > > religious > > here but when I was healing

> > I used scripture and this > > > one came to mind > > A cheerful heart

> > is good medicine, but a > > > crushed spirit dries up the > > bones.

> > Prov 17:22 > > No Exercising? > > > Bad advice! You cannot sit like

> > > > a bump on a log and not move. > > > Here is a great article on how

> > it all > > must be balanced and the > > > right movements must be done

> > at the right > > time. Yoga - is > > > fabulous for the body to help

> > return to health. > > > > >

> > http://www.drlam.com/articles/Adrenal_Fatigue_and_Exercise.asp > > > >

> > > Movement is how we get the lymphatic system to compress forcing > >

> > > toxins > > > > > out of our body so that it can heal. A light walk

> > in the > > > > > sunshine > > > can > > be healing too. I have been

> > in adrenal fatigue and this is > > > what I > > did. > > I could go

> > on but I think you get my point. It > > > is troubling > > to me to

> > see this information knowing what training > > > I have received > >

> > along with the wonderful mentoring I have had > > > from good holistic

> > > > doctors. > > Each person must decide what > > > they do and whom

> > they will > > trust with their health. It is part > > > of the

> > journey to wellness. > > > > Buist, ND HC > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Owner:

> > > > > Buist, ND HC > > Moderators: Baker, Kathleen

> > Blake, Donna > > > Iler, Linn > > > > All off topic posts

> > should go to the > > > IodineOT group > >

> > IodineOT/ > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > The NEW MEMBER DOCUMENT (#1 on the list) > > > > >

> > iodine/files/01%20NEW%20MEMBERS >

> > > > %2 > > > > > 0-%20READ%20FIRST/

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I would totally disagree with the " main event " , you can't isolate something like

that. I was a member of the adrenal group for many years and am very familiar

with the info there. Already been down that road and all I can say is it would

be wise to keep an open mind.


> > > > >

> > > > > MJ-- The reason you feel worse after the coffee enema is because

> > > > cleansing > requires energy and if your energy stores are

> > unreliable

> > > > it will take a toll. If > you're feeling really bad after

> > increasing

> > > > your dose of iodine, you need to reduce > the dose of iodine to a

> > > > dose that doesn't produce that strong of bromide detox > symptoms.

> > > > Please drop back your iodine dose. > > As far as your hormone

> > > > supplementation and hormone

> > >

> > >

> >

> >


> -Angie


> " Most political quotes at the bottoms of emails are of questionable

> authenticity " - Abraham Lincoln


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Linn, I wasn't isolating it, I was saying that it's the heavy hitter for me, with the thyroid in a more backup position. Most thyroid groups place the thyroid front and center, with this idea that, if that doesn't work, then maybe look at your adrenals. That's backwards for me. I've been hard pressed to find anyone willing to give the adrenals the focus they need, which is why I appreciate that group. Doesn't mean I won't keep an open mind about what they say. -AngieOn Feb 28, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Linn wrote: I would totally disagree with the "main event", you can't isolate something like that. I was a member of the adrenal group for many years and am very familiar with the info there. Already been down that road and all I can say is it would be wise to keep an open mind. Linn > > > > > > > > > > MJ-- The reason you feel worse after the coffee enema is because > > > > cleansing > requires energy and if your energy stores are > > unreliable > > > > it will take a toll. If > you're feeling really bad after > > increasing > > > > your dose of iodine, you need to reduce > the dose of iodine to a > > > > dose that doesn't produce that strong of bromide detox > symptoms. > > > > Please drop back your iodine dose. > > As far as your hormone > > > > supplementation and hormone > > > > > > > > > > > > -Angie > > "Most political quotes at the bottoms of emails are of questionable > authenticity" - Abraham Lincoln > -Angie"The greatest threat to the Republic is that people rarely question the authenticity of political quotes at the bottoms of emails" - Jefferson

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I understand, hope you find the results you're looking for.



> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > MJ-- The reason you feel worse after the coffee enema is

> > because

> > > > > > cleansing > requires energy and if your energy stores are

> > > > unreliable

> > > > > > it will take a toll. If > you're feeling really bad after

> > > > increasing

> > > > > > your dose of iodine, you need to reduce > the dose of

> > iodine to a

> > > > > > dose that doesn't produce that strong of bromide detox >

> > symptoms.

> > > > > > Please drop back your iodine dose. > > As far as your hormone

> > > > > > supplementation and hormone

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > -Angie

> > >

> > > " Most political quotes at the bottoms of emails are of questionable

> > > authenticity " - Abraham Lincoln

> > >

> >

> >


> -Angie


> " The greatest threat to the Republic is that people rarely question

> the authenticity of political quotes at the bottoms of emails " -

> Jefferson


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