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Re: Iodine and Thyroid Autoimmune Diseases

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I would question how they supplemented. Taking too little can increase antibodies because it will stoke the fires - so to speak- without giving the body enough to create the iodolipids that are the "brakes" on the oxidation process. So this is where fear actually causes damage. Did they take all of the supporting nutrients? If they don't then they could have issues from this as well.

Buist, ND HC

Iodine and Thyroid Autoimmune Diseases

Hi All,

I do need to obtain more information on how iodine and thyroid autoimmune disease interacts because others I have talked to have had their antibodies go sky high after taking iodine. They already had an thyroid autoimmune issue so I am not thinking of people who just have low or high thyroid with no antibodies.

Can someone please explain why this happens and if it resolves itself?

Thank you.

in Alaska

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, a follow up question on your comment--how much supplementation would be too little? I have heard that hypoT patients should be on 50mg minimum, would that be enough to create the "brakes" on oxidation, or is that something that is individualistic. Assuming Hashi's and of course that the companion nutrients are being taken at the correct levels.Kristi

On Feb 25, 2012, at 8:02 PM, Buist, ND HC wrote:

I would question how they supplemented. Taking too little can increase antibodies because it will stoke the fires - so to speak- without giving the body enough to create the iodolipids that are the "brakes" on the oxidation process. So this is where fear actually causes damage. Did they take all of the supporting nutrients? If they don't then they could have issues from this as well.

Buist, ND HC

Iodine and Thyroid Autoimmune Diseases

Hi All,

I do need to obtain more information on how iodine and thyroid autoimmune disease interacts because others I have talked to have had their antibodies go sky high after taking iodine. They already had an thyroid autoimmune issue so I am not thinking of people who just have low or high thyroid with no antibodies.

Can someone please explain why this happens and if it resolves itself?

Thank you.

in Alaska

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I've never found anyone that had a higher TPO than my daughter, her endo termed

it astronomical, (over 5000), resolved with iodine, diet, etc. I hear a lot of

people say their antibodies go sky but a lot of times they're really talking

about maybe a difference of a 100 points or less. Antibody levels can vary each

and every time you test and can be affected by many things, diet in particular.




> Hi All,


> I do need to obtain more information on how iodine and thyroid autoimmune

> disease interacts because others I have talked to have had their antibodies

> go sky high after taking iodine. They already had an thyroid autoimmune

> issue so I am not thinking of people who just have low or high thyroid with

> no antibodies.


> Can someone please explain why this happens and if it resolves itself?


> Thank you.


> in Alaska


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Thanks. The supplementation was my wonderment as well. On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Buist, ND HC <stephaniebnd@...> wrote:


I would question how they supplemented.  Taking too little can increase antibodies because it will stoke the fires - so to speak- without giving the body enough to create the iodolipids that are the " brakes " on the oxidation process.  So this is where fear actually causes damage.  Did they take all of the supporting nutrients?  If they don't then they could have issues from this as well. 


Buist, ND HC


Iodine and Thyroid Autoimmune Diseases


Hi All,

I do need to obtain more information on how iodine and thyroid autoimmune disease interacts because others I have talked to have had their antibodies go sky high after taking iodine. They already had an thyroid autoimmune issue so I am not thinking of people who just have low or high thyroid with no antibodies.

Can someone please explain why this happens and if it resolves itself?

Thank you.

in Alaska

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Yes, Linn. The term " sky high " is not specific enough.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 1:24, Linn wrote:

> I've never found anyone that had a higher TPO than my daughter, her

> endo termed it astronomical, (over 5000), resolved with iodine, diet,

> etc. I hear a lot of people say their antibodies go sky but a lot of

> times they're really talking about maybe a difference of a 100 points

> or less. Antibody levels can vary each and every time you test and

> can be affected by many things, diet in particular.


> Linn

> Moderator


> > > Hi All, > > I do need to obtain more information on how

> iodine and thyroid autoimmune > disease interacts because others I

> have talked to have had their antibodies > go sky high after taking

> iodine. They already had an thyroid autoimmune > issue so I am not

> thinking of people who just have low or high thyroid with > no

> antibodies. > > Can someone please explain why this happens and if it

> resolves itself? > > Thank you. > > in Alaska >





> ------------------------------------


> Owner: Buist, ND HC

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