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Re: Re: Thanks for advice: Iodine and sea salt.

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Hi ,

perhaps consider using chia seeds. They provide plant based omega 3. They also provide lots of protein which makes them appealing to athletes.

Re: Thanks for advice: Iodine and sea salt.

I am doing the other supplements, I got the selenium and magnesium at the same time as the sea salt and have been using 2000 of Vit C, Vit B complex (highest dosage I could find as my B12 was very low), Zinc, Vit D 5000, iron and a multi vit. My hubby looks at me as if I am a junkie. What he doesn't realise is that his morning milkshake, lovingly prepared by my own fair hands, has about half the dosage crushed into it as he hates taking tablets. I am also sneakily adding the sea salt to his food as he won't tolerate the thought of sea salt either. The only one I can't get him to take is Omega 3 capsules as they form a film on the milk shakes and is detectable.I read the protocol, and as it was late evening I did what I thought would be a half way point between the different protocols. It didn't stop me being up half the night pee'ing like a tap. Morning doses only from now on.Again, my thanks to you all.>> Hi ,> Just for the record, you are taking Mg.'s, not mcg's. In 2% Lugols, each drop is 2.5 mg. Are you taking the other companion nutrients, besides the unrefined sea salt? These are very important when taking iodine. > That's good you are feeling better after doing the Salt Loading. I hope you have read the Guide to Supplementing Iodine in our Files, where you will read the difference between the Salt Loading Protocol which is done a few times until bromide detox symptoms subside, and using salt daily, in water and in food.> Best,> -Kathleen> moderator

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Hi ,

tell me about it!

My own health has suffered because there is a very long list of things my husband will not eat or drink because they are healthy - but he takes his medications religiously.

That said, I have managed to sneak some good stuff into foods. I used Himalayan salt in the steak and tomato casserole and he thought the great flavour was all courtesy of our home grown tomatoes.

If you soak the chia seeds with some water beforehand you might be able to hide them, too.

Re: Thanks for advice: Iodine and sea salt.

Get my husband to eat 'health food'????? He would think I am trying to poison him. Thanks for the suggestion though. I will find a way.>> Hi ,> > perhaps consider using chia seeds. They provide plant based omega 3. They also provide lots of protein which makes them appealing to athletes.> > >

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On 26 Feb 2012 at 1:42, chicks_have_flown wrote:

> Get my husband to eat 'health food'????? He would think I am trying

> to poison him. Thanks for the suggestion though. I will find a way.




> > >

> Hi , > > perhaps consider using chia seeds. They provide plant

> based omega 3. They also provide lots of protein which makes them

> appealing to athletes. > > >





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