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Re: Bromism: Symptoms and Strategies against Bromide Detox while using Lugols Iodine

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It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)  must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

I have been cogitating over this issue this past week because the more I read, the more I see that the companion nutrients are non-optional. But yet I see many people that don't understand that the body needs certain nutrients to be working in tandem to maintain optimal health. Taking supplements in isolation can sometimes add more issues instead of solving the ones we already have.

So please, please, please do your research and understand how everything needs to work together. in Alaska 

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" the organs that must rid the body of bromide are the

kidney and the liver'

Do you have a reference for bromide detoxification via the liver? What would the

liver pathway be?

My understanding was that bromide is eliminated primarily via urine (kidney) and

secondarily via skin.


> As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or

> excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing

> lugol's iodine.

> First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood.

> Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies against the

> effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html

> This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox

> bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and

> alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.

> There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all

> usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause

> some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:

> * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> * Brain fog

> * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as

> " swollen glottis " )

> * Hair loss

> * Kidney pain

> * Breast tenderness

> The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem to be

> the favourites.

> It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)

> <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be taken

> with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

> Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide

> Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body

> needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into

> the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine

> from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and

> what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block

> these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking

> iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the

> bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high

> concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are the

> kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much

> stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The

> important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's iodine

> causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the

> blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide fast

> enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body whereas

> iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.

> Best regards,

> Bill :)


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Hi shimonwimon,Thanks for your questions. You are right that most of bromine excretion is through the kidneys. But regarding a complete and efficient detox of bromide from the body, here is an excerpt which describes some advice from Dr Brownstein:Bromine levels should be below 12 mg/ 24hr clearance test. To properly chelate bromide from the system, natural support for the organs of elimination, glutathione pathways, and immune support are needed. Kidney support, Liver support, Selenium, Magnesium, Iodine, and Vitamin C to name a few. Also, the addition of unrefined salt like celtic sea salt is needed for bromide excretion, Epsom salt baths (2 cups in bath) and immune boosting techniques like chiropractic adjustments to support healthy body function.Source: http://smithchiro.net/articles/Bromide%20Toxicity.pdfLiver support is needed because bromide, as well as being absorbed by the thyroid and ordinary body cells, can also be stored by fat cells in the body. And fat (which contains the bromide) is not excreted by the kidneys -- fat is excreted and removed from the blood by the liver. This is why I generally always advise a liver and kidney detox for hypothyroid problems. The reason for bromine excretion through the skin arises because the kidneys and liver become way too stressed and eventually incapable of sufficiently get rid of the toxins -- bromide -- which has been leeched out of body cells into the blood. This is a dangerous situation for the body, so its last line of defense is to use the skin as an excretory organ as a last resort -- which causes acne-like eruptions and rashes on the skin surface. But these symptoms should all go away once the bromide has been successfully removed from the body. Another forgotten casualty are the intestines. If the bromide as well as heavy metals are excreted into the intestines as bile from the liver, then there is a distinct danger that these toxins may actually be re-absorbed later into the body again by the colon. In the case of heavy metals, this can be avoided by taking chlorella, spirulina or sodium alginate which bind to heavy metals as a large molecule that cannot be re-absorbed into the body via the colon. But in the case of bromide in fats, re-absorption back into the body through the intestines is difficult to stop unless laxatives are used. This is why it can take so long to actually remove all the bromide from the body and get over bromism symptoms The above PDF extract, article and advice is completely based upon Dr Brownstein's book: "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It",

Best regards,Bill :)> >> > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or> > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing> > lugol's iodine.> > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the> > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood.> > Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies against the> > effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:> > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html> > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox> > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and> > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.> > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all> > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause> > some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:> > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)> > * Brain fog> > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.> > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)> > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth> > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as> > "swollen glottis")> > * Hair loss> > * Kidney pain> > * Breast tenderness> > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem to be> > the favourites.> > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)> > <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be taken> > with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.> > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide> > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body> > needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into> > the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine> > from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and> > what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block> > these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking> > iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the> > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high> > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are the> > kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much> > stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The> > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's iodine> > causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the> > blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide fast> > enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body whereas> > iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.> > Best regards,> > Bill :)> >>

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According to Hakala's test sheets anything over 5 mgs / L is now considered toxic.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Bromism: Symptoms and Strategies against Bromide Detox while using Lugols Iodine

Hi shimonwimon,

Thanks for your questions. You are right that most of bromine excretion is through the kidneys. But regarding a complete and efficient detox of bromide from the body, here is an excerpt which describes some advice from Dr Brownstein:

Bromine levels should be below 12 mg/ 24hr clearance test. To properly chelate bromide from the system, natural support for the organs of elimination, glutathione pathways, and immune support are needed. Kidney support, Liver support, Selenium, Magnesium, Iodine, and Vitamin C to name a few. Also, the addition of unrefined salt like celtic sea salt is needed for bromide excretion, Epsom salt baths (2 cups in bath) and immune boosting techniques like chiropractic adjustments to support healthy body function.

Source: http://smithchiro.net/articles/Bromide%20Toxicity.pdf

Liver support is needed because bromide, as well as being absorbed by the thyroid and ordinary body cells, can also be stored by fat cells in the body. And fat (which contains the bromide) is not excreted by the kidneys -- fat is excreted and removed from the blood by the liver. This is why I generally always advise a liver and kidney detox for hypothyroid problems.

The reason for bromine excretion through the skin arises because the kidneys and liver become way too stressed and eventually incapable of sufficiently get rid of the toxins -- bromide -- which has been leeched out of body cells into the blood. This is a dangerous situation for the body, so its last line of defense is to use the skin as an excretory organ as a last resort -- which causes acne-like eruptions and rashes on the skin surface. But these symptoms should all go away once the bromide has been successfully removed from the body.

Another forgotten casualty are the intestines. If the bromide as well as heavy metals are excreted into the intestines as bile from the liver, then there is a distinct danger that these toxins may actually be re-absorbed later into the body again by the colon. In the case of heavy metals, this can be avoided by taking chlorella, spirulina or sodium alginate which bind to heavy metals as a large molecule that cannot be re-absorbed into the body via the colon. But in the case of bromide in fats, re-absorption back into the body through the intestines is difficult to stop unless laxatives are used. This is why it can take so long to actually remove all the bromide from the body and get over bromism symptoms

The above PDF extract, article and advice is completely based upon Dr Brownstein's book: "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It",

Best regards,

Bill :)

> >> > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or> > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing> > lugol's iodine.> > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the> > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood.> > Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies against the> > effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:> > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html> > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox> > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and> > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.> > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all> > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause> > some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:> > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)> > * Brain fog> > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.> > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)> > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth> > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as> > "swollen glottis")> > * Hair loss> > * Kidney pain> > * Breast tenderness> > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem to be> > the favourites.> > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)> > <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be taken> > with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.> > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide> > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body> > needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into> > the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine> > from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and> > what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block> > these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking> > iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the> > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high> > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are the> > kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much> > stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The> > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's iodine> > causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the> > blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide fast> > enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body whereas> > iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.> > Best regards,> > Bill :)> >>

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Thanks for your thoughts on this. I still wonder how important liver-mediated

bromine detox really is, and what the pathway would be. After all, Dr. Abraham's

fundamental method is to use *urine* levels of both iodine and bromide,

following provocation with iodine, to measure how much of each the body is

eliminating. If elimination via feces (liver) were a big factor, wouldn't those

urinary loading tests be invalid?

My interest in this comes from having an extraordinary bromide toxicity (over 81

mg/24 hours on an FFP Labs loading test most recently). Dr. Flechas recommended

1 tsp/day Celtic salt plus 50 mg Iodoral per day to address this. If liver detox

is really important, other steps might be warranted. I would like to see some

evidence of that before acting on that idea, however. I wonder if such evidence

exists. So far, I haven't seen it. Do bromine or bromide really exit via feces?

If so, that should be easily measurable, I would think.

> > >

> > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or

> > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> supplementing

> > > lugol's iodine.

> > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> blood.

> > > Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies against

> the

> > > effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> > >

> http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html

> > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> detox

> > > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful

> and

> > > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.

> > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all

> > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can

> cause

> > > some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed

> here:

> > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > > * Brain fog

> > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as

> > > " swollen glottis " )

> > > * Hair loss

> > > * Kidney pain

> > > * Breast tenderness

> > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem

> to be

> > > the favourites.

> > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this

> link)

> > > <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be

> taken

> > > with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

> > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide

> > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body

> > > needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine

> into

> > > the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the

> iodine

> > > from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important

> and

> > > what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and

> block

> > > these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking

> > > iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine,

> the

> > > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high

> > > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are

> the

> > > kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too

> much

> > > stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The

> > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's

> iodine

> > > causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the

> > > blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide

> fast

> > > enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body

> whereas

> > > iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.

> > > Best regards,

> > > Bill :)

> > >

> >


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On the breastcancerchoices.org website, it has in parenthesis after " breast tenderness " , " transient symptom expected to resolve " . I'm confused about this parenthetical note, because I thought all bromide detox symptoms should be transient and expected to resolve, as the bromide load goes down. What am I missing?

ShaunaOn Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:55 PM, slowsmile <bt130550@...> wrote:


As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing lugol's iodine.First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood. Additonally, this website defines clear and easy  strategies against the effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.htmlThis link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable. 

There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:

* Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)* Brain fog* Acne-like skin problems or rashes.* Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

* Brassy metallic taste in mouth* Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old  medical literature as " swollen glottis " )* Hair loss 

* Kidney pain* Breast tendernessThe symptom list is way more extensive than above,  but these seem to be the favourites.It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)  must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body whereas iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.

Best regards,Bill :)

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Maybe it means that the symptom can be related to other issues than bromide detoxing.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Bromism: Symptoms and Strategies against Bromide Detox while using Lugols Iodine

On the breastcancerchoices.org website, it has in parenthesis after "breast tenderness", "transient symptom expected to resolve". I'm confused about this parenthetical note, because I thought all bromide detox symptoms should be transient and expected to resolve, as the bromide load goes down. What am I missing?


On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:55 PM, slowsmile <bt130550@...> wrote:

As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing lugol's iodine.

First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood. Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies against the effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:


This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.

There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:

* Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

* Brain fog

* Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

* Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

* Brassy metallic taste in mouth

* Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as "swollen glottis")

* Hair loss

* Kidney pain

* Breast tenderness

The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem to be the favourites.

It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link) must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body whereas iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.

Best regards,

Bill :)

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Hi shimonwimon,My heartfelt sympathies to you for having to suffer such a high level of bromide in the blood which must have been awful. I am, however, quite surprised that Dr Flechas recommended only Iodine and Salt Loading with the bromide problems you had and did not also recommend the other companion nutrients spoken about so much on this site and also quoted on other websites such as here: List of Companion Nutrients

Please note the "as recommend by" list of doctors at the very top of this website page(who all work for the Iodine Project). The purpose of taking these companion nutrients is to remove other factors which might inhibit absorption of iodine into the body and thereby to speed up the healing process for iodine insufficiency and also to help increase the absorption of iodine and removal of bromide and other toxins to and from the body respectively. From these companion nutrients, and as an example of their benefits, here is a research paper by Guy Abraham pertaining to the benefits on iodine absorption and transportation pathways -- particularly pertaining to bromide problems -- where higher dose vitamin C is particularly useful:Evidence that the administration of Vitamin C improves a defective cellular transport mechanism for iodine: A case report. It is quite clear from this research paper by Dr Abraham that if only salt loading is taking for bromide problems then, although bromide excretion is accelerated, significant detox symptoms can still occur, whereas if Vitamin C is added and taken as well, there are no detox side-effects. Here is an extract from the research paper:Elevated bromide levels were observed in urine and serum samples, twenty times the levels reported in the literature in normal subjects. Mild bromism may have been the cause of the oxidative damage to the iodine transport system and the side effects to orthoiodosupplementation. Chloride[from salt] competes with bromide at the renal level and increases the renal clearance of bromide. Sodium chloride at 10 gm/day for one week resulted in marked increase in urine bromide levels, and a sharp drop in serum bromide. While on the chloride load, urinary frequency improves for the first time in 5 years, but fatigue worsened and she experienced facial and body acne. No significant change in symptomatology was observed while on Vitamin C.

Regarding taking liver support supplements as well, many other companion protocols for other specific problems have commonly been used. Examples are:* The Berkson Liver Protocol for Hepatitis.* Dr Abram Hoffer's various B3(niacin) protocols used to cure schizophrenia, heart disease, fibromyalgia and cancer. * The Max Gersons Cancer Therapy.Please note the similarity to the campanion nutrients used for iodine in all the above protocols, which were all generally used to mainly protect the liver and kidneys(ie to protect the body's nutrient absorption, transportation and excretion pathways) and thereby ensure the purity of the the blood. The benefits to the body in doing this should be fairly obvious. It is also fairly well known that heavy metals can have wide adverse effect on the thyroid. Heavy metals absorption can corrupt the feedback loops necessary for the thyroid and other hormonal glands to operate properly. Also well know through research is that the brain, the pituitary and pineal glands are keen absorbers of heavy metals which can cause major problems in all hormone regulation. Heavy metals are neutralized and excreted mainly by the liver, so common sense would therefore seem to dictate that a liver support protocol would also benefit people with thyroid problems. An easy way to detox heavy metals is to eat a handful of cilantro in salads three times a week and drink green tea daily. Or you can take chlorella or sodium alginate daily as a useful detox protocol. In my own successful anti-candida protocol(I also was hypothyroid), I also used drops of 10% sodium thiosulfate on a daily basis, which also removes chlorine, arsenic and cyanide as well as heavy metals from the body. So doing this effectively gives useful and significant liver support which must necessarily be of great benefit to the body when you are ill. Best regards,Bill :) > > > >> > > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or> > > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by> > supplementing> > > > lugol's iodine.> > > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the> > > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the> > blood.> > > > Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies against> > the> > > > effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:> > > >> > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html> > > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you> > detox> > > > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful> > and> > > > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.> > > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all> > > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can> > cause> > > > some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed> > here:> > > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)> > > > * Brain fog> > > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.> > > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)> > > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth> > > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as> > > > "swollen glottis")> > > > * Hair loss> > > > * Kidney pain> > > > * Breast tenderness> > > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem> > to be> > > > the favourites.> > > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this> > link)> > > > <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be> > taken> > > > with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.> > > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide> > > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body> > > > needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine> > into> > > > the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the> > iodine> > > > from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important> > and> > > > what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and> > block> > > > these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking> > > > iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine,> > the> > > > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high> > > > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide are> > the> > > > kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too> > much> > > > stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The> > > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's> > iodine> > > > causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in the> > > > blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide> > fast> > > > enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body> > whereas> > > > iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.> > > > Best regards,> > > > Bill :)> > > >> > >> >>

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Hi Shauna,The term "transient symptom expected to resolve" only describes breast pain -- only one symptom -- that can occur due to bromism. In other words this bromism symptom pain comes and goes and isn't necesarily permanent. So the term used here -- transient -- only applies to the symptom breast pain and should not be mistaken as a description for all bromism symptoms.And if you supplement lugols iodine and take all the companion nutrients as advised then, in time, all your symptoms should eventually resolve and disappear as you say -- including breast pain.From the Breast Cancer Choices website, here is an extract which hopefully clarifies this view:"For women with painful breasts accompanying fibrocystic disease, iodine improved symptoms in more than 50% of the women who took 6.0 mg. of iodine for 6 months (8), and brown sea alga improved pain and nodularity in 94% of the women (9). From the editors' observations of the Iodine Investigation Project participants, depending on the kind of iodine agent used, painful breast symptoms have resolved in from 24 hours to two months." Source: http://breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.htmlBest regards,Bill :)

> > > **> >> >> > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or excess> > bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing lugol's> > iodine.> >> > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the extensive> > mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood. Additonally,> > this website defines clear and easy strategies against the effects of> > bromide excess arising in the blood:> >> > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html> >> > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox> > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and> > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.> >> > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all usually> > blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause some awful> > symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:> >> > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)> >> > * Brain fog> >> > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.> >> > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)> >> > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth> >> > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as> > "swollen glottis")> >> > * Hair loss> >> > * Kidney pain> >> > * Breast tenderness> >> > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem to be> > the favourites.> >> > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)<http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html>> > must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency> > problems.> >> > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide> > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body needs> > iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into the blood> > from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine from the> > blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and what excess> > bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS> > absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But,> > over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and> > goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the organs that> > must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the liver. If these organs> > cannot cope and are under too much stress then other detox symptoms(as> > defined above) will arise. The important thing to remember here is that it> > is not the lugol's iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is> > excessive bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot> > remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin> > for the body whereas iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.> >> > Best regards,> >> > Bill :)> >> >> >>

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Shauna, you are correct.

The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " when written next to the

breast pain symptom is a reinforcement that bromism symptoms are all

transient, as they indeed are. The symptom, breast pain, is specifically noted

to be transient breast pain, as opposed to breast pain that comes in, sits down,

and doesn't stop hurting. That would be breast pain that would be a symptom of

something else, something that would probably need medical attention.

Remember, that particular list of bromide symptoms (we have a different one in

the Guide to Supplementing) came from a website dedicated to breast cancer

choices for treatment, so a symptom involving breast pain would require

specifying very clearly that they meant transient pain, not permanent or



Bromism, which refers to the effects of free bromides circulating in the

bloodstream, is a toxic condition, which the body works very hard to clear.


those bromides are circulating in the blood, they are causing symptoms (from

the list), but as soon as the body succeeds in escorting the bromides out of the

body, the symptoms stop. Thus, all bromism symptoms are transient.

In the language we use on the iodine list, bromide detoxification symptoms are

bromism-- that is, bromides have been dislodged from the cell receptors they

were sitting on, and thus have become free circulating in the blood, whereas

previously they were stuck onto the cell receptors. " Free-circulating

bromides "

means the same thing as " bromism " .

Sufficient iodine in the bloodstream dislodges bromides from the cell receptors,

which is what we're after, but we don't want to stimulate too strong of a


such that we create unbearable or difficult symptoms, when we have the choice.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 4:52, slowsmile wrote:




> Hi Shauna,


> The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " only describes breast

> pain -- only one symptom -- that can occur due to bromism. In other

> words this bromism symptom pain comes and goes and isn't necesarily

> permanent. So the term used here -- transient -- only applies to the

> symptom breast pain and should not be mistaken as a description for

> all bromism symptoms.


> And if you supplement lugols iodine and take all the companion

> nutrients as advised then, in time, all your symptoms should

> eventually resolve and disappear as you say -- including breast pain.


> From the Breast Cancer Choices website, here is an extract which

> hopefully clarifies this view:


> " For women with painful breasts accompanying fibrocystic disease,

> iodine improved symptoms in more than 50% of the women who took 6.0

> mg. of iodine for 6 months (8), and brown sea alga improved pain and

> nodularity in 94% of the women (9). From the editors' observations of

> the Iodine Investigation Project participants, depending on the kind

> of iodine agent used, painful breast symptoms have resolved in from 24

> hours to two months. " Source:http://breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.html



> Best regards,


> Bill :)





> >

> > > **

> > >

> > >

> > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or

> > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> > > supplementing lugol's iodine.

> > >

> > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> > > blood. Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies

> > > against the effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> > >

> > > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.h

> > > tml

> > >

> > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> > > detox bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several

> > > successful and alternative detox strategies if these symptoms

> > > become unbearable.

> > >

> > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all

> > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can

> > > cause some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are

> > > listed here:

> > >

> > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > >

> > > * Brain fog

> > >

> > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > >

> > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > >

> > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > >

> > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as

> > > " swollen glottis " )

> > >

> > > * Hair loss

> > >

> > > * Kidney pain

> > >

> > > * Breast tenderness

> > >

> > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem

> > > to be the favourites.

> > >

> > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this

> > >

> link)<http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html>

> > > must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine

> > > insufficiency problems.

> > >

> > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide

> > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the

> > > body needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the

> > > iodine into the blood from the intestines and also help to finally

> > > absorb the iodine from the blood into the cells. These NIS

> > > networks are very important and what excess bromide in the diet

> > > does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS absorption

> > > gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But, over

> > > time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and

> > > goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the

> > > organs that must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the

> > > liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much stress

> > > then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The

> > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's

> > > iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive

> > > bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot

> > > remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a

> > > well-known toxin for the body whereas iodine, in the form of

> > > lugols, is beneficial.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Bill :)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >




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That's very helpful information, Bill. Dr Flechas does not follow the iodine

protocol we advocate, so unfortunately if his patients don't take our advice


will be less pleased about their results. I am fond of saying that if folks are


willing to take the full list of companion nutrients that they shouldn't take


And I believe this to the point where I don't recommend it to my friends and

family when they refuse to take the whole protocol. It's that simple and




On 26 Feb 2012 at 1:48, slowsmile wrote:




> Hi shimonwimon,


> My heartfelt sympathies to you for having to suffer such a high level

> of bromide in the blood which must have been awful. I am, however,

> quite surprised that Dr Flechas recommended only Iodine and Salt

> Loading with the bromide problems you had and did not also recommend

> the other companion nutrients spoken about so much on this site and

> also quoted on other websites such as here:



> List of Companion Nutrients


> Please note the " as recommend by " list of doctors at the very top of

> this website page(who all work for the Iodine Project). The purpose of

> taking these companion nutrients is to remove other factors which

> might inhibit absorption of iodine into the body and thereby to speed

> up the healing process for iodine insufficiency and also to help

> increase the absorption of iodine and removal of bromide and other

> toxins to and from the body respectively. From these companion

> nutrients, and as an example of their benefits, here is a research

> paper by Guy Abraham pertaining to the benefits on iodine absorption

> and transportation pathways -- particularly pertaining to bromide

> problems -- where higher dose vitamin C is particularly useful:


> Evidence that the administration of Vitamin C improves a defective

> cellular transport mechanism for iodine: A case report.


> It is quite clear from this research paper by Dr Abraham that if only

> salt loading is taking for bromide problems then, although bromide

> excretion is accelerated, significant detox symptoms can still occur,

> whereas if Vitamin C is added and taken as well, there are no detox

> side-effects. Here is an extract from the research paper:


> Elevated bromide levels were observed in urine and serum samples,

> twenty times the levels reported in the literature in normal subjects.

> Mild bromism may have been the cause of the oxidative damage to the

> iodine transport system and the side effects to

> orthoiodosupplementation. Chloride[from salt] competes with bromide at

> the renal level and increases the renal clearance of bromide. Sodium

> chloride at 10 gm/day for one week resulted in marked increase in

> urine bromide levels, and a sharp drop in serum bromide. While on the

> chloride load, urinary frequency improves for the first time in 5

> years, but fatigue worsened and she experienced facial and body acne.

> No significant change in symptomatology was observed while on Vitamin

> C.


> Regarding taking liver support supplements as well, many other

> companion protocols for other specific problems have commonly been

> used. Examples are:


> * The Berkson Liver Protocol for Hepatitis.


> * Dr Abram Hoffer's various B3(niacin) protocols used to cure

> schizophrenia, heart disease, fibromyalgia and cancer.


> * The Max Gersons Cancer Therapy.


> Please note the similarity to the campanion nutrients used for iodine

> in all the above protocols, which were all generally used to mainly

> protect the liver and kidneys(ie to protect the body's nutrient

> absorption, transportation and excretion pathways) and thereby ensure

> the purity of the the blood. The benefits to the body in doing this

> should be fairly obvious.


> It is also fairly well known that heavy metals can have wide adverse

> effect on the thyroid. Heavy metals absorption can corrupt the

> feedback loops necessary for the thyroid and other hormonal glands to

> operate properly. Also well know through research is that the brain,

> the pituitary and pineal glands are keen absorbers of heavy metals

> which can cause major problems in all hormone regulation. Heavy metals

> are neutralized and excreted mainly by the liver, so common sense

> would therefore seem to dictate that a liver support protocol would

> also benefit people with thyroid problems. An easy way to detox heavy

> metals is to eat a handful of cilantro in salads three times a week

> and drink green tea daily. Or you can take chlorella or sodium

> alginate daily as a useful detox protocol. In my own successful

> anti-candida protocol(I also was hypothyroid), I also used drops of

> 10% sodium thiosulfate on a daily basis, which also removes chlorine,

> arsenic and cyanide as well as heavy metals from the body. So doing

> this effectively gives useful and significant liver support which must

> necessarily be of great benefit to the body when you are ill.



> Best regards,


> Bill :)



> > > > > > > > >

> As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or > >

> > > excess bromide arising in the blood from det



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Bill, you mentioned taking chlorella or sodium alginate for heavy metals detox.

will spirulina work as well? thanks, barry

> > > > >

> > > > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism --

> or

> > > > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> > > supplementing

> > > > > lugol's iodine.

> > > > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> > > blood.

> > > > > Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies

> against

> > > the

> > > > > effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> > > > >

> > >

> http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html

> > > > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> > > detox

> > > > > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several

> successful

> > > and

> > > > > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become

> unbearable.

> > > > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are

> all

> > > > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can

> > > cause

> > > > > some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are

> listed

> > > here:

> > > > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > > > > * Brain fog

> > > > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > > > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > > > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > > > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature

> as

> > > > > " swollen glottis " )

> > > > > * Hair loss

> > > > > * Kidney pain

> > > > > * Breast tenderness

> > > > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these

> seem

> > > to be

> > > > > the favourites.

> > > > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in

> this

> > > link)

> > > > > <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be

> > > taken

> > > > > with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

> > > > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the

> Sodium-Iodide

> > > > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the

> body

> > > > > needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine

> > > into

> > > > > the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb

> the

> > > iodine

> > > > > from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very

> important

> > > and

> > > > > what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and

> > > block

> > > > > these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus

> blocking

> > > > > iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols

> iodine,

> > > the

> > > > > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high

> > > > > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide

> are

> > > the

> > > > > kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under

> too

> > > much

> > > > > stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise.

> The

> > > > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's

> > > iodine

> > > > > causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in

> the

> > > > > blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide

> > > fast

> > > > > enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body

> > > whereas

> > > > > iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.

> > > > > Best regards,

> > > > > Bill :)

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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" I am, however, quite surprised that Dr Flechas recommended only Iodine and Salt

Loading with the bromide problems you had and did not also recommend the other

companion nutrients spoken about so much on this site "

Dr. Flechas was informed by my doc that I've been on the full iodine protocol

from the beginning, including all the " companion nutrients. " He was simply

recommending extra unrefined salt to help with the extraordinary bromide levels

revealed by the FFP loading test.

A bit more history may be informative. My initial bromide levels were very high

(53). They came down a lot (though still in the highly toxic range at 37) after

three months of 50 mg Iodoral and 1 tsp Celtic salt. My need for thyroid hormone

meds was dropping dramatically (something none of my docs had ever seen), and I

was feeling much better. Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

At some point along the way after that, I started slacking off on the Celtic

salt. I probably got a bit complacent, and it's not the most pleasant thing to

do. My bad. Looking back now, this period coincided with a slow *increase* in my

thyroid supplement needs (though still way below my pre-iodine doses), acne,

lower leg hair loss, constipation, fatigue, etc. I didn't put 2 and 2 together

until the most recent loading test, about ten months after the previous one,

showed the highest bromide toxicity yet (83).

We are hoping that consistent daily 1 tsp Celtic salt (plus lots on food) plus

50 mg Iodoral plus the " companion nutrients " will bring progress on the next

loading test. The acne is resolving. Jury is still out on the lower leg hair

loss (a sign commonly attributed to adrenal fatigue, but extensive blood and

saliva testing does not suggest this, nor do my signs, e.g., no orthostatic


After numerous tests, both conventional and unconventional, nothing suggests

liver problems. Quite the contrary, e.g., my serum albumin is optimal. I have

successfully detoxed heavy metals and environmental pollutants, verified by

urine tests.

That's why I'm a bit reluctant to take high dose supplements or other supposed

liver support without some evidence that it's needed to aid the bromine detox.

(I did take such things to aid the environmental pollutant detox until tests

showed it was accomplished.) My doc and I both believe all supplements and other

interventions have the potential to harm as well as help, and our knowledge of

such matters is still pretty primitive given the immense complexity of human

biology, including huge variation between persons. So we prefer to intervene

only when we have reasonable evidence benefits will outweigh harms. (I take the

same approach toward conventional medical tests and treatments, most of which I

refuse due to lack of evidence benefit will outweigh harm, e.g., colonoscopies,

PSA tests, vaccine boosters, statin drugs...) Dr. Flechas didn't suggest the

need to support a liver-mediated bromine detox path, only more salt to push

bromide out in the urine.

This was the context for my questions about evidence speaking to the importance

of a liver detox pathway for bromine or bromide.

Thanks for your concern and your thoughts!

> > > > >

> > > > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism --

> or

> > > > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> > > supplementing

> > > > > lugol's iodine.

> > > > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> > > blood.

> > > > > Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies

> against

> > > the

> > > > > effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> > > > >

> > >

> http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html

> > > > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> > > detox

> > > > > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several

> successful

> > > and

> > > > > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become

> unbearable.

> > > > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are

> all

> > > > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can

> > > cause

> > > > > some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are

> listed

> > > here:

> > > > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > > > > * Brain fog

> > > > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > > > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > > > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > > > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature

> as

> > > > > " swollen glottis " )

> > > > > * Hair loss

> > > > > * Kidney pain

> > > > > * Breast tenderness

> > > > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these

> seem

> > > to be

> > > > > the favourites.

> > > > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in

> this

> > > link)

> > > > > <http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html> must always be

> > > taken

> > > > > with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency problems.

> > > > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the

> Sodium-Iodide

> > > > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the

> body

> > > > > needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine

> > > into

> > > > > the blood from the intestines and also help to finally absorb

> the

> > > iodine

> > > > > from the blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very

> important

> > > and

> > > > > what excess bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and

> > > block

> > > > > these iodine NIS absorption gradients in the body -- thus

> blocking

> > > > > iodine aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols

> iodine,

> > > the

> > > > > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high

> > > > > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide

> are

> > > the

> > > > > kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under

> too

> > > much

> > > > > stress then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise.

> The

> > > > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's

> > > iodine

> > > > > causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive bromide in

> the

> > > > > blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot remove the bromide

> > > fast

> > > > > enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin for the body

> > > whereas

> > > > > iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.

> > > > > Best regards,

> > > > > Bill :)

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thank you, , that makes a lot of sense. I had pre-menstrual breast tenderness as a teenager, which went away when I stopped eating dairy products. Summer of 2010 I got very sick with what we think is most likely Lyme disease, and I still have not recovered. Ever since then, I have a localized pain in one breast, which worsens during the second half of my menstrual cycle. So there is a cyclical/hormonal component to it, but I don't know whether it's anything concerning - I can't feel a lump, nor could the OBGYN I saw about it. It was worse during the last cycle, since I started Lugol's, so I'm assuming it is a bromide detox reaction. I'll just keep plugging away with the protocol and hope for improvement in the coming months.

ShaunaOn Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 4:11 AM, Baker <vbaker@...> wrote:


Shauna, you are correct.

The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " when written next to the

breast pain symptom is a reinforcement that bromism symptoms are all

transient, as they indeed are. The symptom, breast pain, is specifically noted

to be transient breast pain, as opposed to breast pain that comes in, sits down,

and doesn't stop hurting. That would be breast pain that would be a symptom of

something else, something that would probably need medical attention.

Remember, that particular list of bromide symptoms (we have a different one in

the Guide to Supplementing) came from a website dedicated to breast cancer

choices for treatment, so a symptom involving breast pain would require

specifying very clearly that they meant transient pain, not permanent or resident


Bromism, which refers to the effects of free bromides circulating in the

bloodstream, is a toxic condition, which the body works very hard to clear. While

those bromides are circulating in the blood, they are causing symptoms (from

the list), but as soon as the body succeeds in escorting the bromides out of the

body, the symptoms stop. Thus, all bromism symptoms are transient.

In the language we use on the iodine list, bromide detoxification symptoms are

bromism-- that is, bromides have been dislodged from the cell receptors they

were sitting on, and thus have become free circulating in the blood, whereas

previously they were stuck onto the cell receptors. " Free-circulating bromides "

means the same thing as " bromism " .

Sufficient iodine in the bloodstream dislodges bromides from the cell receptors,

which is what we're after, but we don't want to stimulate too strong of a reaction

such that we create unbearable or difficult symptoms, when we have the choice.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 4:52, slowsmile wrote:




> Hi Shauna,


> The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " only describes breast

> pain -- only one symptom -- that can occur due to bromism. In other

> words this bromism symptom pain comes and goes and isn't necesarily

> permanent. So the term used here -- transient -- only applies to the

> symptom breast pain and should not be mistaken as a description for

> all bromism symptoms.


> And if you supplement lugols iodine and take all the companion

> nutrients as advised then, in time, all your symptoms should

> eventually resolve and disappear as you say -- including breast pain.


> From the Breast Cancer Choices website, here is an extract which

> hopefully clarifies this view:


> " For women with painful breasts accompanying fibrocystic disease,

> iodine improved symptoms in more than 50% of the women who took 6.0

> mg. of iodine for 6 months (8), and brown sea alga improved pain and

> nodularity in 94% of the women (9). From the editors' observations of

> the Iodine Investigation Project participants, depending on the kind

> of iodine agent used, painful breast symptoms have resolved in from 24

> hours to two months. " Source:http://breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.html



> Best regards,


> Bill :)





> >

> > > **

> > >

> > >

> > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or

> > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> > > supplementing lugol's iodine.

> > >

> > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> > > blood. Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies

> > > against the effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> > >

> > > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.h

> > > tml

> > >

> > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> > > detox bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several

> > > successful and alternative detox strategies if these symptoms

> > > become unbearable.

> > >

> > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all

> > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can

> > > cause some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are

> > > listed here:

> > >

> > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > >

> > > * Brain fog

> > >

> > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > >

> > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > >

> > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > >

> > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as

> > > " swollen glottis " )

> > >

> > > * Hair loss

> > >

> > > * Kidney pain

> > >

> > > * Breast tenderness

> > >

> > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem

> > > to be the favourites.

> > >

> > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this

> > >

> link)<http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html>

> > > must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine

> > > insufficiency problems.

> > >

> > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide

> > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the

> > > body needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the

> > > iodine into the blood from the intestines and also help to finally

> > > absorb the iodine from the blood into the cells. These NIS

> > > networks are very important and what excess bromide in the diet

> > > does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS absorption

> > > gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But, over

> > > time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and

> > > goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the

> > > organs that must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the

> > > liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much stress

> > > then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The

> > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's

> > > iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive

> > > bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot

> > > remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a

> > > well-known toxin for the body whereas iodine, in the form of

> > > lugols, is beneficial.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Bill :)

> > >

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Bill, thanks for this explanation. ShaunaOn Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 11:52 PM, slowsmile <bt130550@...> wrote:


Hi Shauna,The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " only describes breast pain -- only one symptom -- that can occur due to bromism. In other words this bromism symptom pain comes and goes and isn't necesarily permanent. So the term used here -- transient -- only applies to the symptom breast pain and should not be mistaken as a description for all bromism symptoms.

And if you supplement lugols iodine and take all the companion nutrients as advised then, in time, all your symptoms should eventually resolve and disappear as you say -- including breast pain.

From the Breast Cancer Choices website, here is an extract which hopefully clarifies this view: " For women with painful breasts accompanying fibrocystic disease, iodine improved symptoms in more than 50% of the women who took 6.0 mg. of iodine for 6 months (8), and brown sea alga improved pain and  nodularity in 94% of the women (9).  From the editors' observations of the Iodine Investigation Project participants, depending on the kind of iodine agent used, painful breast symptoms have resolved in from 24 hours to two months. "  Source: http://breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.html

Best regards,Bill :)  

> > > **> >> >> > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or excess

> > bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by supplementing lugol's> > iodine.> >> > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the extensive> > mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the blood. Additonally,

> > this website defines clear and easy strategies against the effects of> > bromide excess arising in the blood:> >> > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.html

> >> > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you detox> > bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several successful and> > alternative detox strategies if these symptoms become unbearable.

> >> > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all usually> > blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can cause some awful> > symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are listed here:

> >> > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)> >> > * Brain fog> >> > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.> >> > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> >> > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth> >> > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as> > " swollen glottis " )> >> > * Hair loss

> >> > * Kidney pain> >> > * Breast tenderness> >> > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem to be> > the favourites.> >

> > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this link)<http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html>> > must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine insufficiency

> > problems.> >> > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide> > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the body needs> > iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the iodine into the blood

> > from the intestines and also help to finally absorb the iodine from the> > blood into the cells. These NIS networks are very important and what excess> > bromide in the diet does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS

> > absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But,> > over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and> > goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the organs that

> > must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the liver. If these organs> > cannot cope and are under too much stress then other detox symptoms(as> > defined above) will arise. The important thing to remember here is that it

> > is not the lugol's iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is> > excessive bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot> > remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a well-known toxin

> > for the body whereas iodine, in the form of lugols, is beneficial.> >> > Best regards,> >> > Bill :)> >> >

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I think definitely, you just need to keep doing the protocol and see how you


I came to the iodine protocol because a few years ago now, I had a couple of

years of unremitting stress and had a complete health crash. A regimen of

nutritional supplements that had been keeping the fibromyalgia manageable

suddenly stopped working entirely. I became desperate and started looking

outside the box I'd been working with. First found LDN, which I have tried


without, since then, and I still need it. Then Zahavi and other folks at the


list suggested the iodine protocol, and oh I'm so happy I did.

Anyway, part of the health crash was a return of fibrocystic breast disease,

which during my adult life has been considered a disease, then natural/normal,

then of concern because of increased br ca risk. So when it flared again it was

upsetting. When I started the iodine protocol I had hot, painful, swollen/hard

breasts. Within the first month there was massive change, and within 3 months

I was back to my normal and have remained normal.

The breasts use a lot of iodine. So whatever is ailing a breast, needs iodine.

So just keep taking it, let some time pass, and see how you are. If you haven't

had br thermography you will be well served to go ahead and get a baseline.

well wishes,



On 26 Feb 2012 at 20:40, Shauna Boren wrote:




> Thank you, , that makes a lot of sense. I had pre-menstrual

> breast tenderness as a teenager, which went away when I stopped eating

> dairy products. Summer of 2010 I got very sick with what we think is

> most likely Lyme disease, and I still have not recovered. Ever since

> then, I have a localized pain in one breast, which worsens during the

> second half of my menstrual cycle. So there is a cyclical/hormonal

> component to it, but I don't know whether it's anything concerning - I

> can't feel a lump, nor could the OBGYN I saw about it. It was worse

> during the last cycle, since I started Lugol's, so I'm assuming it is

> a bromide detox reaction. I'll just keep plugging away with the

> protocol and hope for improvement in the coming months.


> Shauna


> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 4:11 AM, Baker <vbaker@...>

> wrote:


> Shauna, you are correct.


> The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " when written next to

> the breast pain symptom is a reinforcement that bromism symptoms are

> all transient, as they indeed are. The symptom, breast pain, is

> specifically noted to be transient breast pain, as opposed to breast

> pain that comes in, sits down, and doesn't stop hurting. That would be

> breast pain that would be a symptom of something else, something that

> would probably need medical attention. Remember, that particular list

> of bromide symptoms (we have a different one in the Guide to

> Supplementing) came from a website dedicated to breast cancer choices

> for treatment, so a symptom involving breast pain would require

> specifying very clearly that they meant transient pain, not permanent

> or resident pain.


> Bromism, which refers to the effects of free bromides circulating in

> the bloodstream, is a toxic condition, which the body works very hard

> to clear. While those bromides are circulating in the blood, they are

> causing symptoms (from the list), but as soon as the body succeeds in

> escorting the bromides out of the body, the symptoms stop. Thus, all

> bromism symptoms are transient.


> In the language we use on the iodine list, bromide detoxification

> symptoms are bromism-- that is, bromides have been dislodged from the

> cell receptors they were sitting on, and thus have become free

> circulating in the blood, whereas previously they were stuck onto the

> cell receptors. " Free-circulating bromides " means the same thing as

> " bromism " .


> Sufficient iodine in the bloodstream dislodges bromides from the cell

> receptors, which is what we're after, but we don't want to stimulate

> too strong of a reaction such that we create unbearable or difficult

> symptoms, when we have the choice.


> --

> moderator



> On 26 Feb 2012 at 4:52, slowsmile wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Shauna,

> >

> > The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " only describes

> > breast pain -- only one symptom -- that can occur due to bromism. In

> > other words this bromism symptom pain comes and goes and isn't

> > necesarily permanent. So the term used here -- transient -- only

> > applies to the symptom breast pain and should not be mistaken as a

> > description for all bromism symptoms.

> >

> > And if you supplement lugols iodine and take all the companion

> > nutrients as advised then, in time, all your symptoms should

> > eventually resolve and disappear as you say -- including breast

> > pain.

> >

> > From the Breast Cancer Choices website, here is an extract which

> > hopefully clarifies this view:

> >

> > " For women with painful breasts accompanying fibrocystic disease,

> > iodine improved symptoms in more than 50% of the women who took 6.0

> > mg. of iodine for 6 months (8), and brown sea alga improved pain and

> > nodularity in 94% of the women (9). From the editors' observations

> > of the Iodine Investigation Project participants, depending on the

> > kind of iodine agent used, painful breast symptoms have resolved in

> > from 24 hours to two

> > months. " Source:http://breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.html

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Bill :)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > > **

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism --

> > > > or excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> > > > supplementing lugol's iodine.

> > > >

> > > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> > > > blood. Additonally, this website defines clear and easy

> > > > strategies against the effects of bromide excess arising in the

> > > > blood:

> > > >

> > > > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies

> > > > .h tml

> > > >

> > > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> > > > detox bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several

> > > > successful and alternative detox strategies if these symptoms

> > > > become unbearable.

> > > >

> > > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are

> > > > all usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism

> > > > can cause some awful symptoms -- some of the most common

> > > > symptoms are listed here:

> > > >

> > > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > > >

> > > > * Brain fog

> > > >

> > > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > > >

> > > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > > >

> > > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > > >

> > > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature

> > > > as " swollen glottis " )

> > > >

> > > > * Hair loss

> > > >

> > > > * Kidney pain

> > > >

> > > > * Breast tenderness

> > > >

> > > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these

> > > > seem to be the favourites.

> > > >

> > > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in

> > > > this

> > > >

> > link)<http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html>

> > > > must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine

> > > > insufficiency problems.

> > > >

> > > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the

> > > > Sodium-Iodide Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every

> > > > cell in the body needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both

> > > > absorb the iodine into the blood from the intestines and also

> > > > help to finally absorb the iodine from the blood into the cells.

> > > > These NIS networks are very important and what excess bromide in

> > > > the diet does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS

> > > > absorption gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine

> > > > aborption. But, over time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the

> > > > bromide is removed and goes straight into the blood in high

> > > > concentrations. And the organs that must rid the body of bromide

> > > > are the kidney and the liver. If these organs cannot cope and

> > > > are under too much stress then other detox symptoms(as defined

> > > > above) will arise. The important thing to remember here is that

> > > > it is not the lugol's iodine causing these symptoms -- but the

> > > > reason is excessive bromide in the blood and poor kidney

> > > > excretion, which cannot remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide,

> > > > after all, is a well-known toxin for the body whereas iodine, in

> > > > the form of lugols, is beneficial.

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > >

> > > > Bill :)

> > > >











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I need to say that the first paragraph is not true. All bromism symptoms are

transient. My explanation covered the facts on that one.



On 26 Feb 2012 at 20:51, Shauna Boren wrote:




> Bill, thanks for this explanation.


> Shauna


> On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 11:52 PM, slowsmile <bt130550@...>

> wrote:


> Hi Shauna,


> The term " transient symptom expected to resolve " only describes breast

> pain -- only one symptom -- that can occur due to bromism. In other

> words this bromism symptom pain comes and goes and isn't necesarily

> permanent. So the term used here -- transient -- only applies to the

> symptom breast pain and should not be mistaken as a description for

> all bromism symptoms.


> And if you supplement lugols iodine and take all the companion

> nutrients as advised then, in time, all your symptoms should

> eventually resolve and disappear as you say -- including breast pain.


> From the Breast Cancer Choices website, here is an extract which

> hopefully clarifies this view:


> " For women with painful breasts accompanying fibrocystic disease,

> iodine improved symptoms in more than 50% of the women who took 6.0

> mg. of iodine for 6 months (8), and brown sea alga improved pain and

> nodularity in 94% of the women (9). From the editors' observations of

> the Iodine Investigation Project participants, depending on the kind

> of iodine agent used, painful breast symptoms have resolved in from 24

> hours to two months. " Source:http://breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.html



> Best regards,


> Bill :)





> >

> > > **


> > >

> > >

> > > As promised, here is a more extensive explanation of Bromism -- or

> > > excess bromide arising in the blood from detox caused by

> > > supplementing lugol's iodine.

> > >

> > > First, here is a wonderful website that explains very simply the

> > > extensive mental and physical symptoms of excess bromide in the

> > > blood. Additonally, this website defines clear and easy strategies

> > > against the effects of bromide excess arising in the blood:

> > >

> > > http://breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedetoxsymptomsandstrategies.h

> > > tml

> > >

> > > This link clearly defines the symptoms to might expect when you

> > > detox bromide from the body. It also clearly defines several

> > > successful and alternative detox strategies if these symptoms

> > > become unbearable.

> > >

> > > There appears to be much fear about Bromism symptoms which are all

> > > usually blamed quite unfairly on iodine. Certainly, Bromism can

> > > cause some awful symptoms -- some of the most common symptoms are

> > > listed here:

> > >

> > > * Depression (e.g., there is no reason to get out of bed)

> > >

> > > * Brain fog

> > >

> > > * Acne-like skin problems or rashes.

> > >

> > > * Leg and hip ache (feels like arthritis)

> > >

> > > * Brassy metallic taste in mouth

> > >

> > > * Odd swallowing sensation (reported in old medical literature as

> > > " swollen glottis " )

> > >

> > > * Hair loss

> > >

> > > * Kidney pain

> > >

> > > * Breast tenderness

> > >

> > > The symptom list is way more extensive than above, but these seem

> > > to be the favourites.

> > >

> > > It must also be noted that all companion nutrients(defined in this

> > >

> link)<http://breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol.html>

> > > must always be taken with LI for a swift recovery from iodine

> > > insufficiency problems.

> > >

> > > Excess bromide intake from diet interferes with the Sodium-Iodide

> > > Symporter(NIS) networks throughout the body. Every cell in the

> > > body needs iodine and the NIS networks help to both absorb the

> > > iodine into the blood from the intestines and also help to finally

> > > absorb the iodine from the blood into the cells. These NIS

> > > networks are very important and what excess bromide in the diet

> > > does is simply to interfere and block these iodine NIS absorption

> > > gradients in the body -- thus blocking iodine aborption. But, over

> > > time, when supplementing lugols iodine, the bromide is removed and

> > > goes straight into the blood in high concentrations. And the

> > > organs that must rid the body of bromide are the kidney and the

> > > liver. If these organs cannot cope and are under too much stress

> > > then other detox symptoms(as defined above) will arise. The

> > > important thing to remember here is that it is not the lugol's

> > > iodine causing these symptoms -- but the reason is excessive

> > > bromide in the blood and poor kidney excretion, which cannot

> > > remove the bromide fast enough. Bromide, after all, is a

> > > well-known toxin for the body whereas iodine, in the form of

> > > lugols, is beneficial.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Bill :)

> > >

> > >











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