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looking for goiter/hyper advice

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My HUsband was first diagnosed with having a goiter about 12 years ago, the

doctor he was working with in CA, didn't just look at numbers he looked at his

overall health and never recommended anything to him. We are now in VA and he

recently went to get checked. The current doc is recommending meds, surgery or

radioactive iodine. We are trying to avoid all these things and try to focus on


We have been on a WAP diet for years, recently trying GAPS.

He has been loosing weight, but other than that I don't believe he is

experiencing any other symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

This is all very new to us, since we have not had a doctor recommending meds,

we just kept on moving along.

Any and all info that can be suggested or shared would be greatly appreciated.

I've tried looking online and get very discouraged. Sometimes I worry that he

may have a symptom that we are just not aware of.

Thanks so much!


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Anyone with goiter needs iodine. Why don't you get Dr Brownstein's book,

Iodine, and read about it directly? It was wrong that he never received goiter

treatment, but since it wouldn't have been iodine, it might be just as well.

Have you read the document you received when you joined, The Guide to

Supplementing with Iodine ?


On 26 Feb 2012 at 19:39, happyathomewith_4 wrote:


> My HUsband was first diagnosed with having a goiter about 12 years

> ago, the doctor he was working with in CA, didn't just look at

> numbers he looked at his overall health and never recommended

> anything to him. We are now in VA and he recently went to get

> checked. The current doc is recommending meds, surgery or radioactive

> iodine. We are trying to avoid all these things and try to focus on

> foods.


> We have been on a WAP diet for years, recently trying GAPS.


> He has been loosing weight, but other than that I don't believe he is

> experiencing any other symptoms of hyperthyroidism.


> This is all very new to us, since we have not had a doctor

> recommending meds, we just kept on moving along.


> Any and all info that can be suggested or shared would be greatly

> appreciated. I've tried looking online and get very discouraged.

> Sometimes I worry that he may have a symptom that we are just not

> aware of.


> Thanks so much!

> Beckie






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Hi Beckie,Losing weight could easily just be a natural extension of the GAPS. Are his thyroid numbers high and that is why they are looking at possible RAI? Does he have thyroid antibodies?

I had RAI because of hyperthyroid and now (13 years later) I am learning that the RAI would only mask symptoms, not treat the underlying issue. I was very fortunate that my underlying issues did resolve on their own but I can't imagine that is  normal.

in AlaskaOn Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 10:39 AM, happyathomewith_4 <happyathomewith_4@...> wrote:


My HUsband was first diagnosed with having a goiter about 12 years ago, the doctor he was working with in CA, didn't just look at numbers he looked at his overall health and never recommended anything to him. We are now in VA and he recently went to get checked. The current doc is recommending meds, surgery or radioactive iodine. We are trying to avoid all these things and try to focus on foods.

We have been on a WAP diet for years, recently trying GAPS.

He has been loosing weight, but other than that I don't believe he is experiencing any other symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

This is all very new to us, since we have not had a doctor recommending meds, we just kept on moving along.

Any and all info that can be suggested or shared would be greatly appreciated. I've tried looking online and get very discouraged. Sometimes I worry that he may have a symptom that we are just not aware of.

Thanks so much!



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