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weight gain

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so, i'm having trouble getting my head around this weight gain issue. i am

feeling better on the iodine, but i have definitely gained weight and it will

not budge. it's getting worse. if i understand the theory, it is because my

detox pathways cannot handle all of the toxins that are being expunged, and they

are being stored in extra fat. is that right? well, weren't the toxins in my

tissues to begin with? if my body could not handle the detox load, why didn't

they just go back to the tissues they were formerly in? why the extra weight

gain? does this ever reverse or is this the price one must pay to do the iodine

protocol? i have been very hypothyroid, but never gained weight like this.

thanks, barry

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actually, now that i think of it, my free t3 and free t4 numbers have never been

this low in my life. i have constant aches and pains in my legs that i never had

before. maybe this weight gain is due to me being more hypothyroid than i have

ever been before. maybe i am too quick to blame it on the iodine. i will have my

new lab results tomorrow. i will know more then. barry


> so, i'm having trouble getting my head around this weight gain issue. i am

feeling better on the iodine, but i have definitely gained weight and it will

not budge. it's getting worse. if i understand the theory, it is because my

detox pathways cannot handle all of the toxins that are being expunged, and they

are being stored in extra fat. is that right? well, weren't the toxins in my

tissues to begin with? if my body could not handle the detox load, why didn't

they just go back to the tissues they were formerly in? why the extra weight

gain? does this ever reverse or is this the price one must pay to do the iodine

protocol? i have been very hypothyroid, but never gained weight like this.

thanks, barry


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Hi Barry,I'm having the same issue !! I've been on the iodine protocol for nearly a year-5% lugols 9 drops and all the companion nutrients. I've gained 38 lbs since I started the protocol even though I exercise, take dance lessons and am very careful about what I eat. I stopped gaining weight about 3 months ago, but I cannot lose a single pound no matter what I do. Salt loading makes no difference at all.My thyroid tesing a year ago indicated hyperthyroid even though most of my symptoms were hypo. All my thyroid numbers are now in normal range so I don't know why the weight gain or what else to do about it ??iodine From: viajero8@...Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 21:20:45 +0000Subject: weight gain

so, i'm having trouble getting my head around this weight gain issue. i am feeling better on the iodine, but i have definitely gained weight and it will not budge. it's getting worse. if i understand the theory, it is because my detox pathways cannot handle all of the toxins that are being expunged, and they are being stored in extra fat. is that right? well, weren't the toxins in my tissues to begin with? if my body could not handle the detox load, why didn't they just go back to the tissues they were formerly in? why the extra weight gain? does this ever reverse or is this the price one must pay to do the iodine protocol? i have been very hypothyroid, but never gained weight like this. thanks, barry

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Hi, Barry,

I gained close to 20 pounds in a few months (all in upper body/stomach) [side

note: I'm a personal trainer and exercise with clients/classes for at least 2

hours a day]. I tried to get answers or find anyone who successfully lost the

weight gain caused by iodine, but I couldn't get any definitive answers that I

was happy with.

I also agree with you; if I had these " toxins " before, then why didn't I have

this swelling and weight gain prior? So, with all due respect and contrary to

what's in the Guide, I did a lot of research and finally found what I think made

me swell up and only gain weight in my upper body: excess estrogen. As I

increased the dosage of iodine, I didn't increase the companion nutrients enough

to keep up with the overdrive that I set my body into. I think I added too much

fuel to the fire, but didn't add any kindling to keep it going. Essentially my

TSH was constant, and when the body is exposed to too much TSH, excess estrogen

is the result (source: RayPeat.com).

So, two months have passed and I've been able to lose almost 7 pounds of that

20, and I'm actually losing the weight in my upper body. I've changed my diet to

almost all easily digestible foods with low water content and added some form of

sugar every couple of hours. I've decreased my protein intake significantly

(until my digestion can improve) and increased my fiber significantly. I also

eat a higher fat dinner than breakfast and lunch combined, but not a large

portion. This has helped with sleep. I know it seems odd, but I also don't eat

any fruit and only cooked vegetables with dinner (again, until my digestion


My typical day is steel cut oatmeal with a tablespoon of heavy cream and at

least a tablespoon of real maple syrup, with 2 strips of bacon. A pumpkin high

fiber muffin after working out (usually around 10:30) with hot water with a lot

of lemon juice and raw honey. Lunch is just a bowl of white rice with a little

butter, followed by another muffin and coffee. Snack is a dried date or two.

Dinner is soup or a small plate (like a dessert plate) of whatever is around,

making sure to have a protein that is the size of my palm. I usually have a cup

of hot water w/ lemon and raw honey and a cookie around 8 pm.

In terms of exercise, I enjoy circuit/interval workouts, and that's what I teach

and do with my clients. One hour split btwn challenging weights and cardio that

will bring your heart rate to 70-85% of maximum.

I think what's really worked for me is taking a lot of vitamin C. I started to

use it to clear the excess estrogen and I find I feel the best on close to 8,000

grams a day (I try to take 1,000 g per hour during the day; I've never had

diarrhea from it). I also take a lot of selenium (more than is recommended)

three times a day. Apple cider vinegar tablets are really helping with the

stomach swelling. I still take lugol's 2% occasionally orally, but I find

painting it is better for me (again, until my digestion improves). My daily

temperatures have gone significantly up.

Hope this helps! I felt the same way. I know how utterly depressing it is!

Again, this is only what worked for me (after MUCH trial and error), so I'm by

no means saying this will work for anyone else besides me. Just providing some


Take care,


> >

> > so, i'm having trouble getting my head around this weight gain issue. i am

feeling better on the iodine, but i have definitely gained weight and it will

not budge. it's getting worse. if i understand the theory, it is because my

detox pathways cannot handle all of the toxins that are being expunged, and they

are being stored in extra fat. is that right? well, weren't the toxins in my

tissues to begin with? if my body could not handle the detox load, why didn't

they just go back to the tissues they were formerly in? why the extra weight

gain? does this ever reverse or is this the price one must pay to do the iodine

protocol? i have been very hypothyroid, but never gained weight like this.

thanks, barry

> >


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My take on this issue is because once mobilized, if not eliminated, the body

then has to store them again, in fat. That's why it's so important to aid the

body with detoxing.




> so, i'm having trouble getting my head around this weight gain issue. i am

feeling better on the iodine, but i have definitely gained weight and it will

not budge. it's getting worse. if i understand the theory, it is because my

detox pathways cannot handle all of the toxins that are being expunged, and they

are being stored in extra fat. is that right? well, weren't the toxins in my

tissues to begin with? if my body could not handle the detox load, why didn't

they just go back to the tissues they were formerly in? why the extra weight

gain? does this ever reverse or is this the price one must pay to do the iodine

protocol? i have been very hypothyroid, but never gained weight like this.

thanks, barry


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