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Prove it with actual clinical studies. Words are cheap with no proof.


tom dalton <tdalto-@...> wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=3300

> The Enhanced Life Extension

> Protein supplement contains

> whey protein isolate plus added

> lactoferrin. The whey protein

> isolate is made using a process

> known as Cross Flow Microfiltration, which produces an

> isolate that is 90% protein, 99% of it in the bioavailable

> undenatured form, and retains all important subfractions in

> their natural ratios. This whey protein isolate contains

> high amounts of calcium, low amounts of sodium and

> added Bioferrin which is a 95% pure bioactive form of

> lactoferrin. The Enhanced Life Extension Protein has up to

> 300% more lactoferrin than other whey protein

> supplements on the market.

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And most of this was taken from Dr. Bounous and colleages research. So

I guess it would make Immunocal the whey protein of choice as well as

the one proven.


tom dalton <tdalto-@...> wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=3301

> Whey protein concentrate dramatically raises glutathione levels.

> Glutathione protects immune cells and detoxifies

> harmful

> compounds in the body. Glutathione is intimately

> tied to immunity.

> Reduced glutathione levels have been associated

> with AIDS and

> other viral diseases, and raising glutathione

> levels appears to be one

> way of modulating immunity.


> In a study, glutathione in animals was raised to

> higher-than-normal

> levels by whey protein better than by other

> proteins, including soy .

> A study involving HIV-positive men fed whey


> concentrate

> found dramatic increases in glutathione levels,

> with most men

> reaching their ideal body weight. Whey protein

> improves immune

> function and fights infections. Immune response

> also was

> dramatically enhanced in animals fed whey protein

> concentrate

> when exposed to such immune challenges as

> salmonella,

> streptococcus pneumonia, and cancer-causing

> chemicals. Again, this

> effect on immunity was not seen with other

> proteins.


> Studies have examined the impact of whey protein

> concentrate on

> preventing or treating cancer. When different

> groups of rats were

> given a powerful carcinogen, those fed whey


> concentrate

> showed fewer tumors and a reduced pooled area of

> tumors (tumor

> mass index). The researchers found that whey

> protein offered

> " considerable protection to the host " over that


> other proteins. It

> should be noted that not all whey protein

> concentrates are created

> equal. Processing whey protein to remove the

> lactose and fats

> without eliminating its biological activity

> requires special care by the

> manufacturer. The process must use low


> and low acid

> conditions so as not to " denature " the protein.

> Maintaining the

> natural state of the protein is essential to its

> biological activity.

> Immune-suppressed patients should consider taking

> 30 grams per

> day of specially designed whey protein


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  • 2 weeks later...


Hello, I am so sorry that this night mare keeps coming back at you. I

think you know that cancer is your cells gone bad, the best way to

prevent and help yourself is through the glutathione system. This is a

system built into all your cells, its job is to be the antioxidant and

detoxifier for your cells. I will gladly send you research material and

you can look into this further if you want.hamonicd@...;

The best defence against cance is your cells defence. What I want to

share is natural and has its own patent for this product and what it

does for those having cancer or those wanting to prevent cancer.


perlc-@... wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=3607

> Hi - This is my fourth recurrence of cancer. I have had surgery and


> radiations. Never had chemo. The doctor is now talking about giving


> chemo but I don't like the thought of poisining my entire body to

get rid of

> a few cancer cells.


> From what I've been reading it seems there are certain foods that

are good

> for the body and you should not ever again get cancer if you follow


> proper diet.

> Does anyone know who I might contact. I live in Arizona. I don't

know where

> to start.

> Carole

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Hello. Carole, if I were you, I would start by going to the HOME pages of

this site and read all the different options listed there for doing the

Liver/Gallbladder cleanses and ommissions of those causitive agents (clean

up is very important prior to rebuilding). Also go to

<http://home.sol.no/dusan/toxins.html> as referenced by Melinda at this

site. Check with local Health Food Stores & to join Organic Food Co Ops in

your area. Blessings to You,Liz(PS I don't know how to highlight Dusan's

site so you can open it).

At 01:07 PM 11/10/1999 EST, you wrote:

>Hi - This is my fourth recurrence of cancer. I have had surgery and various

>radiations. Never had chemo. The doctor is now talking about giving me

>chemo but I don't like the thought of poisining my entire body to get rid


>a few cancer cells.


>From what I've been reading it seems there are certain foods that are good

>for the body and you should not ever again get cancer if you follow the

>proper diet.

>Does anyone know who I might contact. I live in Arizona. I don't know


>to start.

> Carole



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I think you have misunderstood, Lloyd I know doesn't think Life

Extension protein far supperior to Immunocal. Lloyd has mentioned in

the past it is Immunocal he has chosen to take. Tom Dalton is the one

who feels this way. Lloyd was just I believe trying to stop the

bickering that appears to go on about the two. I take Immunocal as I

know a few others that do to, such as Betty and Tony. I chose it

because of the fact that this is the product that all the research has

been done on, this is the product put out by Dr. Bounous who discovered

that Immuocal has the building blocks for glutathione. This is the

product that has seven patents, two for cancer, one for AIDS, and the

rest on supplying glutathione precursors raising immune response. It is

covered in the USA by medicare and medicade. It will be in the 2000

Pyscicians Desk Reference with 4000 other drugs, unlike its competitors

who may or may not be in the smaller volume that has alternative

medicene. And yet it is not a drug.

Don't get me wrong I found myself arguing the point as well, I just

refuse to participate anymore. It isn't helping people, if anything it

aggravates folks. And so to all out there,you know by my posts how I

feel, and I appologize for bickering rather then just giving you the

facts and letting you decide.This is a wonderful place to share info.

And allot of good folks are here for you to meet.


pburk372-@... wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=3838

> Dear Lloyd: Please explain your comments about Life Extension

protein being

> far supperior to Immunocal. On what do you base this theory?

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I'm a bit suspicious about a natural product (Immunocol) that is so

readily accepted by the medical profession, when they have rejected

numerous products which have helped to cure cancers, but which they

aggressively kept the public from knowing, even to the point of murdering

their own.

If Dr. Horowitz is right--that the medical profession is controlled by

word order forces seeking " population control " (also called " eugenics " or

racial supremacy practiced by Hitler) and have used medicine to carry out

these objectives, then I would hesitate to buy a product which would only

empower them.

Just who owns Immunocol? Who has the patent for it? Are they part of the

pharmaceutical powers?

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Debbie Hamonic wrote:

> Hi I think you have misunderstood, Lloyd I know doesn't think Life

> Extension protein far supperior to Immunocal. Lloyd has mentioned in

> the past it is Immunocal he has chosen to take. Tom Dalton is the one

> who feels this way. Lloyd was just I believe trying to stop the

> bickering that appears to go on about the two. I take Immunocal as I

> know a few others that do to, such as Betty and Tony. I chose it

> because of the fact that this is the product that all the research has

> been done on, this is the product put out by Dr. Bounous who discovered

> that Immuocal has the building blocks for glutathione. This is the

> product that has seven patents, two for cancer, one for AIDS, and the

> rest on supplying glutathione precursors raising immune response. It is

> covered in the USA by medicare and medicade. It will be in the 2000

> Pyscicians Desk Reference with 4000 other drugs, unlike its competitors

> who may or may not be in the smaller volume that has alternative

> medicene. And yet it is not a drug.


> Don't get me wrong I found myself arguing the point as well, I just

> refuse to participate anymore. It isn't helping people, if anything it

> aggravates folks. And so to all out there,you know by my posts how I

> feel, and I appologize for bickering rather then just giving you the

> facts and letting you decide.This is a wonderful place to share info.

> And allot of good folks are here for you to meet.

> Debbie


> pburk372-@... wrote:

> original article:cures for cancer/?start=3838

> > Dear Lloyd: Please explain your comments about Life Extension

> protein being

> > far supperior to Immunocal. On what do you base this theory?



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This is from Dr.Bounous book wrote with Dr. Allan Somersall Breakthough

In Cell Defence.


Despite the medical breakthrough Immonocal represented, goverment

regulations in North America required it to be labeled as food. It

could be sold over the counter without any necessary prescription or

even directly by person to person, without license or restriction. It

was safe and virtually harmless, as much as any other food or food

product. Its benefits, therefore, should be far more accessible and

automatically cost the consumer far less than a typical pharmaceutical

product, even if a drug could be devised that would offer the same

proven and potential human health enhancements.

Startling and effective though Immuocal might be, major

pharmaceutical companies weren't interested in a product which had such

familiar origins and which offered them such low profits. How could

they make it something more than what it truly was? After all, it was

still a milk derivative. A unique product, yes, but from a ubiquitous

source. And unlike most drugs, it did cost relatively little to make

the initial reserch find. But then, it cost lots to make the final

commercial product, on an on-going basis. Most drugs in contrast,

usually have high expenditures in research and development but

comparatively less in final preparation or manufacturing. Immunocal

lacked mystery and therefore could not bear exorbitant mark-up, over

and above the cost of goods. So North America drug companies elected to

pass on it.

That fact certainly did not shock Dr. Bounous. After all, how many

years had he tried in vain to convince his medical colleagues to try

proven 'elemental diet' nutrition first, in certain hospitalized

patients? Yet the professional gatekeepers preferred the stronger,

xostlier intavenous measures, with their usual side effects, even when

the simpler means of enteral nutrition had proven to be effective.

For the first, in 1967, Bounous had demonstrated that common

nutrients may protect or heal the intestinal mucosa by virtue of the

particular form and mode in which they are delivered to the intestinal

lumen and their availability to the mucosal cells. The definition of

these elemental diets as 'medical food' was justified by the fact that

enteroprotection is associated with, but independent of, systemic


In the two decades, following 1967, Bounous emphasized the concept

that enteral nutrition shoud be, whenever possible , the ideal

treatment for severly injured patients.

Nutrition first, where appropriate: drugs second. That might seem the

sensible, logical and conservative approach, but things do not yet work

that way. In the United States, in fact, pharmaceutial companies in

1995 led all other industries in profitability. So called 'alternative

approaches to health,' very often are far less risky and usually much

less costly than prescription drugs, but they are often adoped only

when the public cries out or when all else fails.

Dr. Bounous owns Immunocal and his name is on the Patents, this is

after all his discovery. He retired from McGill and now is at the head

of the company when it comes to the medical. He has brought great

people on board with him. Dieter Beers helped to instrument and put

the money up when this product first came available, he was

instrumental in getting the patensts secured. Molson is from the

Molson family and has an extensive business back ground. Chuck

family came to Canada to help found Kraft Foods. These are all business

men who were able to help Dr. Bounous get this product out to the

public. Dr. Kongshaven is very much involved with the company, she was

instrumental in the findings and research almost at the beginning.

These are the people who are taking charge to make sure that the

research continues and the business runs smoothly. There aim is to keep

it clean, by doing the reserch necessary and proveing themselves over

and over again.

I have read Dr. Horowitz's work as well , and I agree with him on so

much. Actually I am yet to find something he says I don't agree with.

But I know for myself that everytime I have ever had the slightest

doubt the company does something to prove to me over and over again

that this is for real and it isn't a goverment consiracy. To go from

being sick all my life to enjoying abosolute good health for over two

years now, there plan seems to be to keep us sick, Immunocal hasn't

made me sick, it has only given my body the chance to be well. By the

way have you read Hooper THE RIVER A JOURNEY TO THE SOURCE. He

has even more proof that goes back even further then Dr. Horowitz's

research. I am just waiting for the book now. He talks about how and

when the AIDS virus was first made, going back to the 50's. And for me

I don't vaccinate anyone not even my dogs, thanks to reading Dr.

Horowitz's book.Emerging Viruses.

Hope this helped.



joyce inouye <jinouy0-@...> wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=3841


> I'm a bit suspicious about a natural product (Immunocol) that is so

> readily accepted by the medical profession, when they have rejected

> numerous products which have helped to cure cancers, but which they

> aggressively kept the public from knowing, even to the point of


> their own.


> If Dr. Horowitz is right--that the medical profession is controlled by

> word order forces seeking " population control " (also called

" eugenics " or

> racial supremacy practiced by Hitler) and have used medicine to carry


> these objectives, then I would hesitate to buy a product which would


> empower them.


> Just who owns Immunocol? Who has the patent for it? Are they part

of the

> pharmaceutical powers?



> On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Debbie Hamonic wrote:


> > Hi I think you have misunderstood, Lloyd I know doesn't think Life

> > Extension protein far supperior to Immunocal. Lloyd has mentioned in

> > the past it is Immunocal he has chosen to take. Tom Dalton is the


> > who feels this way. Lloyd was just I believe trying to stop the

> > bickering that appears to go on about the two. I take Immunocal as I

> > know a few others that do to, such as Betty and Tony. I chose it

> > because of the fact that this is the product that all the research


> > been done on, this is the product put out by Dr. Bounous who


> > that Immuocal has the building blocks for glutathione. This is the

> > product that has seven patents, two for cancer, one for AIDS, and


> > rest on supplying glutathione precursors raising immune response.

It is

> > covered in the USA by medicare and medicade. It will be in the 2000

> > Pyscicians Desk Reference with 4000 other drugs, unlike its


> > who may or may not be in the smaller volume that has alternative

> > medicene. And yet it is not a drug.

> >

> > Don't get me wrong I found myself arguing the point as well, I just

> > refuse to participate anymore. It isn't helping people, if anything


> > aggravates folks. And so to all out there,you know by my posts how I

> > feel, and I appologize for bickering rather then just giving you the

> > facts and letting you decide.This is a wonderful place to share


> > And allot of good folks are here for you to meet.

> > Debbie

> >

> > pburk372-@... wrote:

> > original article:cures for cancer/?start=3838

> > > Dear Lloyd: Please explain your comments about Life Extension

> > protein being

> > > far supperior to Immunocal. On what do you base this theory?

> >

> >

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Sorry but I never said that I'm a Immunocal distributor.

But when I get time I'm going to tell my story , and you be the judge, tell

me what you think.

Love and happiness

LloydAt 08:41 PM 11/22/99 EST, you wrote:

>Dear Lloyd: Please explain your comments about Life Extension protein being

>far supperior to Immunocal. On what do you base this theory?



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Sorry I might have started that rumour. But I know you take it. Tony

told me I should ask you to tell your story, he told me it is a good

one. I for one would love to hear from you, and because there are

others with your type of cancer I know that they could use your

inspiration as well. I love how you to try and keep peace. Keep up the

good work. A lover not a fighter, aye Lloyd?

Thanks Debbie

lloyd w seawright <lloydse-@...> wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=3877

> Sorry but I never said that I'm a Immunocal distributor.

> But when I get time I'm going to tell my story , and you be the

judge, tell

> me what you think.


> Love and happiness


> LloydAt 08:41 PM 11/22/99 EST, you wrote:

> >Dear Lloyd: Please explain your comments about Life Extension

protein being

> >far supperior to Immunocal. On what do you base this theory?

> >

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Sorry nut that message I sent still does not look right. I am a Immunocal

distributor. I just happen to have pca that I'm getting rid of with

immunocal , prayers and anything else that looks good.


LloydAt 04:46 PM 11/23/99 -0800, you wrote:

>Sorry but I never said that I'm a Immunocal distributor.

>But when I get time I'm going to tell my story , and you be the judge, tell

>me what you think.


>Love and happiness


>LloydAt 08:41 PM 11/22/99 EST, you wrote:

>>Dear Lloyd: Please explain your comments about Life Extension protein


>>far supperior to Immunocal. On what do you base this theory?



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  • 1 year later...

Thanks Angelina,

That was a beautiful story that I intend to share.

It brought back memories.


Mom to Abby 2.4 yrs DS


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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 1/31/2001 1:07:40 AM Eastern Standard Time,

JB66111@... writes:

> You have all been so helpful, even with our misbehaving chair.

> is left-handed and I have known several other individuals with DS are also

> left-handed. Might be interesting to know if it is a higher percentage

> than

> in the general population. Sounds like I don't have much to occup my mind

> doesn't it? Oh, well, what about your kids? Jessie




I can totaly understand where u are comming from.. one of my twins(nds)is a

south paw and I cant help her out at all.. thank god my sis is also a Lefty



mommy to


5-10-00 ds

more than a step mom to

maygan and makallah 6

and mikey 3

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In a message dated 1/31/01 12:07:52 AM Central Standard Time, JB66111@...


<< I have known several other individuals with DS are also

left-handed. >>

Well, my Jimmy has to be left handed because he was born missing his right

hand :(


jimmy 13

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My 3 1/2 year old son is a lefty. Neither I or his dad are left handed so we

are not quite sure how to have him do things sometimes. We are waiting to

see if his little sister will be a righty or lefty!

Sounds like we have a lot of boys who are left handed here.


Dalton 3.5 (DS)

Klarise 4 mo (NDS)

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My 12 year old is a lefty. I had to get him ot when he

was younger to help him with those writing skills.

(ds) is a righty. Pam

--- myangel0528@... wrote:

> In a message dated 1/31/2001 1:07:40 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> JB66111@... writes:



> > You have all been so helpful, even with our

> misbehaving chair.

> > is left-handed and I have known several other

> individuals with DS are also

> > left-handed. Might be interesting to know if it

> is a higher percentage

> > than

> > in the general population. Sounds like I don't

> have much to occup my mind

> > doesn't it? Oh, well, what about your kids?

> Jessie

> >

> >


> Jessie

> I can totaly understand where u are comming from..

> one of my twins(nds)is a

> south paw and I cant help her out at all.. thank god

> my sis is also a Lefty

> hugs

> stacee

> mommy to

> Jaykob-Tyler

> 5-10-00 ds

> more than a step mom to

> maygan and makallah 6

> and mikey 3




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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My son, (19), is left handed. The only one in our family. Pat

At 01:05 AM 1/31/01 EST, JB66111@... wrote:

> You have all been so helpful, even with our misbehaving chair.

>is left-handed and I have known several other individuals with DS are also

>left-handed. Might be interesting to know if it is a higher percentage than

>in the general population. Sounds like I don't have much to occup my mind

>doesn't it? Oh, well, what about your kids? Jessie




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Lyndara is left handed but I think that has more to do with the injury to her

brain at 6 weeks of age. It was on the right side and she has always been

left dominate since that. Patty

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  • 3 months later...
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I actually think the server went down. I actually like mIRC better


Jill in MI

See my crochet pages at: http://www.geocities.com/jabberjavw/index.html

(no subject)

> we have had better luck with allhealth down chat by AOL we have never


> throught before to this Down chat we are staying with AllHealth


> for Down Syndrome and Kathy parents to Jeanna 3 and christopher

> 10.5 months nonDS




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Guest guest

I use the groups chat all the time with my other loops and it

works great.


> we have had better luck with allhealth down chat by AOL we have

never gotten

> throught before to this Down chat we are staying with

AllHealth chats

> for Down Syndrome and Kathy parents to Jeanna 3 and


> 10.5 months nonDS




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