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> Hello.

> I was diagnosed with Hashimotos about 15-20 years ago. I'm taking 150mcg

Thyroxine every second day and 200 the alternate days to get about 175 average.

My last GP (had him for 30 years) liked my results to be slightly higher on

replacement and did my T4 and T3 regularly and they were always good. He also

used the symptoms to regulate dosage rather than blood tests. He told me that

because I have an auto-immune

> condition that I could get symptoms from that even when my throid tests look


> I developed an adrenal problem which caused no end of trouble and was taking

Florinef for that. It seemed to right itself and I had to stop the Florinef.

Now I have Barretts Oesophagus and take Somac and inflammatory poly arthritis

and need Prednisone every so often. I was taking Plaguenil for it but found it

didn't do much.


> I have since moved to another town and had to change doctors. It's 300kms to

my old guy. This one says to take the Thyroxine and i don't need tests. He

doesn't believe in adrenal issues unless it's s, so I'm not getting much


> I have high ferritin (over 600) but the doc says it's fine and just from

inflammation. I don't have haemachromatosis. Does anyone know if high

ferritin is safe? If it's anything to do with thyroids? Or adrenals? I feel

like I need a new approach as I'm really going under fast. I can hardly walk

some days and cannot use my fingers much.

> Sorry this is so long.


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I was diagnosed with Hashimotos about 15-20 years ago. I'm taking 150mcgThyroxine every second day and 200 the alternate days to get about 175 average. My last GP (had him for 30 years) liked my results to be slightly higher on replacement and did my T4 and T3 regularly and they were always good. He also used the symptoms to regulate dosage rather than blood tests. He told me that because I have an auto-immune condition that I could get symptoms from that even when my throid tests look good.I developed an adrenal problem which caused no end of trouble and was takingFlorinef for that. It seemed to right itself and I had to stop the Florinef. Now I have Barretts Oesophagus and take Somac and inflammatory poly arthritisand need Prednisone every so often. I was taking Plaguenil for it but found it didn't do much.I have since moved to another town and had to change doctors. It's 300kms to my old guy. This one says to take the Thyroxine and i don't need tests. He doesn't believe in adrenal issues unless it's s, so I'm not getting much help.

I have high ferritin (over 600) but the doc says it's fine and just from inflammation. I don't have haemachromatosis. Does anyone know if high ferritin is safe? If it's anything to do with thyroids? Or adrenals? I feel like I need a new approach as I'm really going under fast. I can hardly walksome days and cannot use my fingers much.

Hello Harry (is this your name?),

All I can say is – any chance of braving the 300 km to see your old doc again? By the sounds of it he knew what he was doing and your new guy doesn't seem to have much idea.

Do you know what the adrenal condition was called that caused you to take Florinef? Florinef is usually prescribed when you either have seriously low Aldosterone production or primary 's... and to the best of my knowledge either condition is auto-immune and will not just "right itself".

I would not describe high Ferritin levels as safe or unsafe.... high ferritin – unless you suffer from haematochromatosis - means that there is a high level of inflammation in your body, but it won't tell you where or what this inflammation might be – Poly-Arthritis could, for instance, be the culprit for that.

You saying you suffer from Poly-Arthritis and Barretts Oesophagus makes me wonder ... High levels of stomach acid and low levels of stomach acid will present with exactly the same symptoms. People with Hashimoto's often suffer from Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), which is often confused with (and treated for) high stomach acid – thereby making the problem worse. Low stomach acid will not kill off many yeasts, bugs and parasites, which will pass unhindered through into the intestines, causing havoc there which in time can lead to problems like Arthritis. Since you had been on steroids (Florinef) for some time, which lowers the immunity and creates an environment where yeast, bugs and parasites can flourish, I wonder if this might have happened with you. To my mind it would be advisable to make 100% sure that what you are suffering from and treating for is indeed Barretts Oesophagus and not the opposite (Hypochlorhydria).

Suffering from one auto-immune condition (Hashimoto's) predisposes us to the possibility for developing another... in your case this might be the Poly-Arthritis. Do you know if your kind of arthritis is rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis? I am not being funny, but I suffer from Osteoarthritis of the fingers and hip myself and what helps me greatly to reduce the pain is a high gauss magnetic bracelet. Some years back I was barely able to hold, let alone use, knife and fork. The magnets helped a great deal (they have no healing power, but they seem to dull the pain), although I was also getting on top of my yeast overgrowth and more recently addressed my Hypochlorhydria – both of which halved my (high) ferritin level within a year and reduced the chronic inflammation in my body. In addition I am taking SAMe – 800 mg/day – and Glucosamine. SAMe in particular is helping to keep the arthritis in check. If you happen to live in the UK you won't be able to buy it here (EU regulations). I get mine from the US. It takes a while to get into the system, but to my mind it is brilliant stuff....it has the added advantage that it keeps the liver nice and clean and detoxed....please read

http://www.biopsychiatry.com/sameart.htmlI I hope this helps a little,

with best wishes,

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> magnets helped a great deal (they have no healing power, but they seem

> to dull the pain), although I was also getting on top of my yeast

> overgrowth and more recently addressed my Hypochlorhydria – both of

> which halved my (high) ferritin level within a year and reduced the

> chronic inflammation in my body. In addition I am taking SAMe – 800

> mg/day – and Glucosamine. SAMe in particular is helping to keep the

> arthritis in check. If you happen to live in the UK you won't be

> able to buy it here (EU regulations). I get mine from the US. It takes a

> while to get into the system, but to my mind it is brilliant stuff....it

> has the added advantage that it keeps the liver nice and clean and

> detoxed....please read


> http://www.biopsychiatry.com/sameart.htmlI

> <http://www.biopsychiatry.com/sameart.htmlI> I hope this helps a

> little,

Thank you .

Tha Barretts has been proven by yearly gastroscopies. It is quite severe but

not cancerous (that's what they are trying to avoid).

I was taking Florinef for Orthostatic Hypotension. It worked brilliantly and did

result in a good outcome. It is treated here (Australia) with Florinef

sometimes for life or at least until symptoms reduce. While i was on it my other

symptoms reduced as well.

I have some oesteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis and possible sero-negative


It's funny you mention the low stomach acid and my current GP (the one I'm not

fussed on) did say low acid can cause reflux as well as high acid and a

chiropracter I went to said i had low stomach acid. He waved his hands over my

fully clothed body and told me that and that i didn't have cancer (reassuring as

I didn't think I did either...lol). I make it sound as though I don't have nay

faith in alternative medicine....I do actually, it's just very hard to sort the

good ones from the quacks. According to my gastroenterologist I need to take the

Somac for life for the reflux, but if it's caused by low acid, I'm not sure. I

do know i don't want the Barretts turning to cancer and when i take the

prednisone the reflux is made worse.

I honestly feel my endocrine system is shot and would love to try to sort it in

the hope the " other' bits will then improve.

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Hello I'm sorry to read of your ongoing health issues. It's your Ferritin levels that has caught my attention. Ferritin level of 600 is somewhat concerning. If an iron disorder has been ruled out through the proper testing procedures then re-checking your Ferritin levels every three months would not go amiss. Please find below a link to the Iron Disorder Institute which has an excellent data base. http://www.irondisorders.org/iron-overload Good LuckJaki

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