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Re: Importation / Self-Treatment Restrictions

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From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of ekp290340

Sent: 03 January 2012 14:20

thyroid treatment

Subject: Importation / Self-Treatment


As we gain some ground, the opposition, with

the cooperation of government, makes it more and more difficult to avoid their

depravity, the systematic, mass malpractice foisted upon those with continuing

symptoms of hypothyroidism. This problem has been escalating for decades from

the first notice that T4 was not universally good, circa 1947, from the

demonstration of mimics of hypothyroidism in 1960, and the discovery of the

relevant physiology, circa 1970. It does not matter that studies have produced

evidence of counterexamples because medicine, the faux science, does not

acknowledge counterexamples. Instead, it follows their beliefs, right or wrong.

What should happen should make the importation without a prescription moot. You

should be able to get proper care in country. You should get the information

necessary for valid, informed consent. You should have had diagnostics that

meet protocol. You should be able to get a prescription that addresses your


However, medicine is self-regulated. And medicine finds that its egos are far

more important that patient suffering - even massive suffering. It is well past

the time to assert our autonomy. It is well past time to act in our

self-defense. Certainly, as governments have already proven, they are not going

to intercede on behalf of their citizens against this systematic malpractice.

In fact, they are working to make the situation worse.

It is time to take this issue to the courts.

Over the past eight years, I have studied the underlying medicine and their

arguments for keeping you sick. I have studied American law for much of the

last six years. Every time that I delve into a new facet of this case, I see

additional depravity.

As Ben lin said, if we don't hang together, we will hang separately. We

have been hanging separately. It is time to hang together.

Those who have managed to be virtually resurrected by some form of T3, need to

be counted in the registry of counterexamples. You need to be an example to

medicine of what can be given proper care.

You can also bet that medicine is not going to fix its faults. It is up to us

to force medicine to do that. Medicine's bad logic, imprecise language, over

stated studies, and poor judgment must come to an end. Will you help?

Lets make this New Year the year of proper medical care,


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We would all rather get our treatment on the NHS, if only we patients were the

priority, instead of the bottom line of big pharma being what we are all paying

in to support. Shame on all those involved in the currupt health service and on

the politicians who stand by and do nothing.

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What big pharma? In the US, I can believe, but just who in the UK?

There are laws against corruption. There are laws against abuse. However, you

get as much justice as you are willing to pay for. So far, I have not seen any

rush (or action) to take this issue to court.

For example, if each member paid a hundred pounds, TPA would have a quarter

million pounds to get an injunction against the proscription of T3.

A lawyer once asked me if my wife was OK? Yes. Well, he continued, then forget

it. I have not forgotten it because as the last decade as shown there is no

security in her prescription, although we have overcome prescription issues

three times by changing physicians. And then there are all of the people who

are suffering needlessly because medicine has bastardized science and because

government does not give a damn.

So I am still looking for a law firm to take on the case in the US for the

millions here suffering for no valid reason.

It is time to declare war for good health.

Have a great day,



> We would all rather get our treatment on the NHS, if only we patients were the

priority, instead of the bottom line of big pharma being what we are all paying

in to support. Shame on all those involved in the corrupt health service and on

the politicians who stand by and do nothing.


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Added to all this is the complete exoneration of Dr Gordon

Skinner by the General Medical Council. The Determination by the GMC Panel was

that his fitness to practise is no longer impaired by reason of his misconduct

or deficient professional performance and

that conditions placed on his practise are revoked forthwith and

that he is now free to practise without restriction within the United Kingdom.

This, I thought, was to be a great step forward in helping all those with

symptoms of hypothyroidism to now being given a proper diagnosis and for all

those who remained ill on levothyroxine-only therapy would now have greater

access to either synthetic T3 in combination with T4, or natural desiccated

porcine thyroid extract.

However, I am now hearing that " the endocrinologists are

very unhappy about this GMC decision " and that " …they are not

going to let this rest " . By 'Endocrinologists' I am assuming that they are

meaning those 'active' members of the British Thyroid Association, and/or the

Royal College of Physicians et al. who we know are responsible for all the

misleading and sometimes downright incorrect statements about the diagnosis and

treatment of this condition, statements, we now know, most doctors believe are

now mandatory. Rarely are the statements they made backed up with scientific research

or studies, which make their statements their 'opinion' only. We also know that

Big Pharma is behind this. They are there to make money, and making a patient

well will not help them do this.

Treat a patient with all the symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism

with different prescriptions for all the individual symptoms and that's fine

for them. Treat a patient already given a diagnosis of hypothyroidism with

levothyroxine-only, and you can also give them many more prescriptions for the

different symptoms they continue to complain about, including antidepressants

etc. They are in business for life. Give the patient a proper diagnosis in the

first place and give them a choice of thyroid hormones, the patients get well,

get back into employment with no need of further prescriptions. This is not

cynicism, it is FACT.

What I personally would like to do is to use the TPA web site to

not only inform readers about how this disease should be properly diagnosed and

treated, but to openly accuse the above organisations of causing harm to those

being left to suffer and to keep on asking them relevant questions and demand

answers. The more it grows, the more people will become interested in reading

the TRUE FACTS about how we have complained to every department in our

Government, sent rebuttals to the BTA's statements about thyroid extract and T3

v T4-only asking them to back up their statements with the science (which they

have never done), sent rebuttals to the RCP's latest statement on the

diagnosing and management of primary hypothyroidism asking numerous questions,

and again, asking for the research, which they refuse to do, in fact, the last

President of the RCP actually stated that " I will not be entering into

further discussion regarding this matter " . How appalling is that?

We need to stop being nice, and start to tell the facts as they

really are openly, so EVERYBODY becomes aware of what is really happening (or

not) and showing these organisations up for what they really are. Arrogant,

ignorant, uncaring (apart from their pockets being nicely lined via Big Pharma)

with absolutely no intention of listening to the true facts. How much more evidence

do we have to produce to make somebody in our Government sit up and listen?

If ONLY all the other owners of thyroid web sites/forums would

do the same, we might, at last, start to move forward, but as long as they are

willing to sit back and say nothing, because they don't want to ruffle

feathers, nothing will ever get done. Such organisation claim to care about

patients getting a correct diagnosis and proper treatment - is this fact? I

personally think not.

I have been told by one such close organisation that I must not

" upset the endocrinologists " and that I " must get them on my

side " . Hmmm!


Over the past eight years, I have studied the underlying medicine and their

arguments for keeping you sick. I have studied American law for much of the

last six years. Every time that I delve into a new facet of this case, I see

additional depravity.

As Ben lin said, if we don't hang together, we will hang separately. We

have been hanging separately. It is time to hang together.

Those who have managed to be virtually resurrected by some form of T3, need to

be counted in the registry of counterexamples. You need to be an example to

medicine of what can be given proper care.

You can also bet that medicine is not going to fix its faults. It is up to us

to force medicine to do that. Medicine's bad logic, imprecise language, over

stated studies, and poor judgment must come to an end. Will you help?

Lets make this New Year the year of proper medical care,


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How many pigs thyroids does it take to make meds then? Does anyone know....

Is the thyroid gland just dried and ground up? How hard can it be? I've

got room in my garden for a pig, and we like bacon too! Would one pig sort me

out for a year?



> As we gain some ground, the opposition, with the cooperation of government,

makes it more and more difficult to avoid their depravity, the systematic, mass

malpractice foisted upon those with continuing symptoms of hypothyroidism.

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£100 , thats a fortune to me!! I could no more raise that amount of money

than take a chocolate rocket to the sun and back!!

> For example, if each member paid a hundred pounds, TPA would have a quarter

million pounds to get an injunction against the proscription of T3.


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Problem is getting the proof regarding corruption - and

getting those in power to listen to us.

There is no rush (or action) to take this issue to court yet,

but yes, it would be wonderful if we ever got this to Court but we need to have

answers as to how we are going to raise the hundreds of thousands of pounds to

take this to court. None of us are willing to put up our houses as collateral,

however much we feel the need to take this matter to the law courts. Waiting

for such funding would most definitely be more than my lifetime, or yours - so

what do we do about that? Money is the number one priority. If ever I won the

Lottery, you could have the lot. This would make my dream come true.

Even though we have sufficient evidence to feel confident that

we would win our case and get the justice we so deserve - what happens if we go

through all that and we don't win? Big Pharma more or less win hands down

all the time. At the moment, we cannot even get a top Medical Journalist to

publish our story. I have been working with one since Dr Skinner was exonerated

by the GMC. He was both very excited about this case, and confident it would draw

in millions of readers, but when I asked him the other day why the story had

not yet been published, he told me that he was having great difficulty in

getting the story placed anywhere. This is because all the media are sponsored

by Big Pharma and if stories are published going against them, their

sponsorship would be withdrawn, and no newspaper or TV programme is going to go

along with that.

I throw up my arms in despair, but will not give up. We need to

be realistic as to what we can, and cannot do. You have done too much work, and

been turned down too many times by different attorneys to let them win, so we

know this is going to be a very steep wall to climb. But, climb it we will.

This is why I suggest we start to do this publicly through the web site.

Luv - Sheila

What big pharma? In the US, I can believe, but just who in the UK?

There are laws against corruption. There are laws against abuse. However, you

get as much justice as you are willing to pay for. So far, I have not seen any

rush (or action) to take this issue to court.

For example, if each member paid a hundred pounds, TPA would have a quarter

million pounds to get an injunction against the proscription of T3.

A lawyer once asked me if my wife was OK? Yes. Well, he continued, then forget

it. I have not forgotten it because as the last decade as shown there is no

security in her prescription, although we have overcome prescription issues

three times by changing physicians. And then there are all of the people who

are suffering needlessly because medicine has bastardized science and because

government does not give a damn.

So I am still looking for a law firm to take on the case in the US for the

millions here suffering for no valid reason.

It is time to declare war for good health.

Have a great day,


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I also opened an Internet forum months ago for all those

interested in campaigning for a March/Sit-in or some other such activity and

threw this open to all our members, asking those interested to join. Guess how

many members joined, no more and no less than 8 - yes EIGHT. The group is still

there, but no activity takes place.

Luv - Sheila

£100 , thats a fortune to me!! I could no

more raise that amount of money than take a chocolate rocket to the sun and


> For example, if each member paid a hundred pounds, TPA would have a

quarter million pounds to get an injunction against the proscription of T3.



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Dear Sheila

It's when the board of GSK includes one of the recently spotlighted News

International brigade that one worries.

Include that few hypothyroid patients will be able to give informed consent to

any treatment or to its side-effects.

To exclude proper diagnosis and treatment in such circumstances makes one wonder

that they haven't been collectively charged with a crime 'conspiracy ....'

best wishes


loosely stated.....


> Added to all this is the complete exoneration of Dr Gordon Skinner by

> the General Medical Council. The Determination by the GMC Panel was that his

> fitness to practise is no longer impaired by reason of his misconduct

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Dear Sheila and All,

I asked my mother-in-law how she felt before she got her T3, which was just

before she could have readily died in a myxedema coma. She said that she did

not care for anything. Death was welcome. She gave up.

I can also imagine that giving up is easier to do today when the government

offers cradle to grave healthcare. However, in this case, that healthcare

entails a lot of suffering. So what will it be? Hang separately and suffer

indefinitely? Hang separately and have insecurity in you T3 induced health for

the rest of your lives? Or sacrifice and hang together?

So far it appears that hanging separately and suffering combined with a hopeful

work around the powers trying to keep you miserable are the choices being made.

I have put the bulk of the last eight years plus a lot of money into putting an

end to this travesty and depravity. I have reached a point where I can not go

forth alone. TPA can not truly provide good health alone. We need to

recognized the impending doom, draw up our resolve, and get with it.

If 90% of the folks can not come up with a hundred pounds, then the other 10%

has to come up with a thousand. And if 90% of them refuse, then the remaining

1% has to come up with ten thousand. And basically nothing will get done.....

Have a great day,

> > For example, if each member paid a hundred pounds, TPA would have a

> quarter million pounds to get an injunction against the proscription of T3.

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My Father and Brother used to keep pigs, but neither of us new about the thyroid

link in our family, and my poor Mother would have benefited. The head was

usually given away, but if the thyroid was in the pigs neck then we must eaten

it. Would it give the same effect by eating a pigs neck.

The UK have also bred pigs especially for use in transplants, so could they

spare us the thyroid gland for our treatment. These pigs are supposed to be

ready in two years, and instead of drugs the drug companies will be breeding

these pigs, so will they make money out of natural thyroid. there are also

restrictions regarding the keeping of pigs today. My Father used to even kill

his own and cut it up with a plastic sheet on the kitchen table, but none of

this is allowed now.



> How many pigs thyroids does it take to make meds then? Does anyone know....

Is the thyroid gland just dried and ground up? How hard can it be? I've

got room in my garden for a pig, and we like bacon too! Would one pig sort me

out for a year?


> x

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I very much wanted to go on this DEMO, but where is this group located and who

is in charge, maybe I can get them cracking, and what about the rest of you who

are fit to go for this DEMO in support of our medications.

There are going to be many more who are going to be denied treatment as diabetes

is rising and they too are bound to have Hypothyroidism.

Sheila has helped us so why do we not all get together and Demonstrate to help




> I also opened an Internet forum months ago for all those interested in

> campaigning for a March/Sit-in or some other such activity and threw this

> open to all our members, asking those interested to join. Guess how many

> members joined, no more and no less than 8 - yes EIGHT. The group is still

> there, but no activity takes place.


> Luv - Sheila





> _____


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I have both diabetes and hypothyroidism.     Every time I complained to endo or GP about any symptom they always blamed it on the diabetes.    I agree a high blood sugar makes you fatigued and tired, and if I had too much carbs for lunch I would expect to fall asleep in the afternoon.

However I would test my  blood sugar and it would be perfect so when I kept falling asleep in the afternoon I knew it was not the diabetes, so had to be the thyroid.

I had tingling in hands and arms, which went away with T3.    But I was still told it was the diabetes.I know the difference, but would other diabetics who have not studied thyroid problems.    They see endo's and those endos tell them that it is the diabetes and how are they to know it isn't.  

Lilian  There are going to be many more who are going to be denied treatment as diabetes is rising and they too are bound to have Hypothyroidism.

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Many of those with Diabetes are overweight, so they are blaming being overweight

as the cause of diabetes. My Mother-in-law too was overweight before getting or

being diagnosed with diabetes. I am sure that she had Hypothyroidism before the


I feel sure that my younger brother suffered from Hypothyroidism that caused him

to take drugs. He has now,been diagnosed with diabetes and Hypothyroidism plus a

dodgy heart.

I showed my GP a photo of my Sister and ask him if she could have had

Hypothyroidism, and you can clearly see that she had by her neck, and my GP felt

that she had, but not until she had a stroke was she diagnosed with diabetes but

Hypothyroidism they probably never even checked, instead they gave her

Paracetamol that took her life.

How many women end up losing babies before being diagnosed.

How many families have fallen out, and how much has it cost the Government to

re-house couples whose marriages have broken down due to Hypothyroidism.



> *I have both diabetes and hypothyroidism. Every time I complained to

> endo or GP about any symptom they always blamed it on the diabetes. I

> agree a high blood sugar makes you fatigued and tired, and if I had too

> much carbs for lunch I would expect to fall asleep in the afternoon.*

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Hi Kathleen,

How many families have fallen out, and how much has it cost the Government to re-house couples whose marriages have broken down due to Hypothyroidism?

Should be on the website front page Questionaire

Bob>> Many of those with Diabetes are overweight, so they are blaming being overweight as the cause of diabetes. My Mother-in-law too was overweight before getting or being diagnosed with diabetes. I am sure that she had Hypothyroidism before the diabetes.

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I think it is time to now start gathering as many such questions

to add to those already on the Home Page of our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk and send these out to

every endocrinologist, asking them " Why are doctors refusing to question statements

made by the RCP, BTA et al. regarding the diagnosis and management of

hypothyroidism " and " Why are doctors not demanding to see the

scientific research/studies to show the RCP statements are correct " .


TPA's efforts, the following critical questions are being asked but remain



WHY do the GMC, the RCP, the

BTA et al. deliberately choose to ignore the scientific evidence that has

been available for over 40 years ?


WHY does the British Thyroid

Association refuse to reduce its top TSH limit - due to iodine deficiency in the UK, to bring us in line with



WHY are medical associations

ignoring the 13% failure rate of T4-only therapy for the past 50 years? Why

are patient's complaints dismissed?


WHY has there been no

correction to the RCP statement when there are patients who are counterexamples to the validity of T4-only



WHY is the confusion of two

definitions for ‘hypothyroidism allowed to continue?


WHY are guideline authorship

and concise

guidance to good practice protocols ignored?


WHY are individual symptoms

of hypothyroidism stated to be “non-specific” when Baisier found groups of these

symptoms may be quite specific?


WHAT further investigations for non-thyroidal causes are

recommended as relevant to the symptoms of hypothyroidism when pituitary and

thyroid GLAND function tests are biochemically normal – Levels of fT3,

rT3 and adrenal levels?


WHY are the studies by Das

(2007) and (2008), which found that patients could be successfully

treated with thyroid extract being ignored?

10. WHY is

medicine ignoring false

negative test results?

11. WHY do

doctors refuse to explain and/or justify their decisions, thereby withholding information necessary for valid consent to


12. WHY does the

NHS refuse to take steps to protect human rights when sufferers are put at risk

through a disregard of the demand that patients should be treated with

fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy?

13. WHY are laboratory

discrepancies in serum testing being ignored?

Hi Kathleen,

How many families have fallen out, and how

much has it cost the Government to re-house couples whose marriages have broken

down due to Hypothyroidism?

Should be on the website front page




> Many of those with Diabetes are overweight, so they are blaming being

overweight as the cause of diabetes. My Mother-in-law too was overweight before

getting or being diagnosed with diabetes. I am sure that she had Hypothyroidism

before the diabetes.


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Dear ,

I'll gladly donate a 100 pounds, even though it's a chunk of money! It would be

worth it to take them all on!



> Dear Sheila and All,



> If 90% of the folks can not come up with a hundred pounds, then the other 10%

has to come up with a thousand. And if 90% of them refuse, then the remaining

1% has to come up with ten thousand. And basically nothing will get done.....


> Have a great day,



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I should imagine that many of the people on this group are still not feeling up

to doing much more than coping with cooking, shopping, laundry, etc.

Personally, if I became well enough I would have to get a job and that would

probably use up any energy I had.


> I also opened an Internet forum months ago for all those interested in

campaigning for a March/Sit-in or some other such activity and threw this open

to all our members, asking those interested to join. Guess how many members

joined, no more and no less than 8 - yes EIGHT. The group is still there, but no

activity takes place.

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if everybody subscribed to Dr Skinner's Thyroid Register we might make start to

make some headway into our long awaited need to get justice for all those left

suffering - see  http://www.worldthyroidregister.com/ . The

proceeds of this register would be used " …..to help to address

the parlous situation of patients who are hypothyroid and have yet not been

diagnosed and indeed patients who are being managed with an unacceptably low

level of thyroid replacement. The situation has significantly worsened in the

last one year pursuant to pronouncements in the UK from the Royal College of

Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners who inter alia have

suggested that patients should not be diagnosed with hypothyroidism if the TSH

is <10.0, and moreover that Armour Thyroid is a 'bad' preparation because

the proportions of T4/T3 ,may not reflect the human proportions while contemporaneously

suggesting prescription of T4 alone; this makes no sense at all.


has to date failed including petitions with large number of signatures from

hypothyroid patients and other concerned parties including solicitations to the

various Members of Parliament in the UK and a plethora of letters to the

General Medical Council who do not seem to wish to embrace this matter.


seems to us that the only way forward is to form a World Thyroid Register with

at least around 50,000 signatories who at a future date may be asked £20 or

perhaps $30 which will be used to mount an effective campaign to redress this

problem; for example appropriate complaint from a given patient on their own

health problems to (perhaps) the General Medical Council which will ensure

through constitutional requirement that the matter would be considered seriously.

It may also  be necessary if there is no final movement on this issue to

consider legal redress but we sincerely hope that this will not be necessary;

however, at the end of the day, we cannot allow thousands of patients to be

abandoned to poor quality existence because of inexplicable obduracy among the

medical profession and the medical establishment.


have therefore started a World Thyroid Register which will consist of a list of

completely confidential names. I cannot emphasise strongly enough that this

register will not do anything else, other than be a register until there is the

requirement for definitive action. I am particularly concerned that the leaders

of groups, for example, presently established thyroid help groups will be

concerned or think that we are trying to 'take over' their names. In fact, we

would not wish the names of the members of any given help group, but merely an

assurance which is not binding, that when, if required, the chairperson will

make appropriate contact with his/her group members. We will th7us have two

kinds of members, namely, those who have signed up to the World Thyroid Register

and members via affiliated groups from established organisations.


have to do something now.

Yours for aye

Dr. Gordon RB Skinner MD DSc FRCOG


From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of fortunata44

Sent: 05 January 2012 09:10

thyroid treatment

Subject: Re: Importation / Self-Treatment


Dear ,

I'll gladly donate a 100 pounds, even though it's a chunk of money! It would be

worth it to take them all on!



> Dear Sheila and All,



> If 90% of the folks can not come up with a hundred pounds, then the other

10% has to come up with a thousand. And if 90% of them refuse, then the

remaining 1% has to come up with ten thousand. And basically nothing will get



> Have a great day,




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I lost my marriage around 8 years ago due to my hypo. I feel very bitter about





> Hi Kathleen,


> How many families have fallen out, and how much has it cost the

> Government to re-house couples whose marriages have broken down due to

> Hypothyroidism?


> Should be on the website front page Questionaire


> Bob



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I separated in 2001 spending a rough time in a refuge and gave him chances, but

in the end had to go through with divorce in 2009 and drinking was involved.

My lungs are a lot better for divorcing him.

I cannot understand my daughters though, as the youngest one also has

Hypothyroidism and her chap went with another female. She is not doing herself

any good in treating me like she is, and of her own children, she is clearly

bringing them up to treat her in the same way.

Were there any children in your marriage.



> I lost my marriage around 8 years ago due to my hypo. I feel very bitter about


> Sue


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